Example of written feedback on supervision sessions provided to counselors as part of Teleconferencing Supervision and Tape based supervision.


Hi NXS, So your last actor session was yesterday. Congratulations on finishing all the live supervision practice sessions and doing it on schedule! I thought this last one was great in that you got to work on client commitment language. You used reflections very well and gently pushed to understand how he could actually make this behavior change. Your MITI scores, as shown on the Excel graph, are very good. Congratulations!

Please refer to the Excel Graph:

% Open Questions means of all the questions you asked in the session, 57% of them were open questions (questions that cannot be answered by a limited set of responses; e.g. Yes or No; 3-4 Bags; 5 Hours). This means you asked more open questions than closed questions, which is very MI consistent. If you were to change anything in this area, just keep reducing your use of closed questions.

% Simple Reflections and % Complex Reflections mean that, of all the reflective statements you made during the session, 23% of them were simple and 77% of them were complex. It is preferable to have more complex reflections than simple reflections so you’re doing well in this area too. If you were to change anything in this area, just use more reflections instead of questions.

Next is "Reflection to Question Ratio". You had a ratio of 1.57 (or 15.7 on the chart). This means you gave more reflections than you asked questions. Congratulations! This is one of the hardest skills to attain. Your accurate reflections put the client at ease, increased empathy, and decreased resistance. Remember it is important to treat the client’s answers to your questions as important – really think about what the client said and explore it further. From one question we can often respond with several reflections. If you were to change anything in this area, try staying with one topic a little longer by giving another one or two reflections. In doing so you’ll find you get more information from the client than you thought possible.

MI Non-Adherent statements are those that do not validate, support self-efficacy or autonomy, etc. This is if you argued with the client, labeled them, gave them advice without their permission, etc. Your goal is to make 0 MI Non-Adherent statements. You made it! You did not exhibit any MI non-adherent statements during the session!

Congrats again! You employed a lot of the MI skills we’ve been practicing and I’m really glad you got a chance to work on pulling for commitment language. We’ll discuss this feedback on the phone next week (Tuesday 12noon). Please feel free to call or email me with any questions/comments before then (name and number provided).

Sample of Graphical Feedback