NSW SRB Land Rescue Accreditation Proposal for GLR, RCR & VR / Page 1 of 15


In January 2017, the final report into the review of land rescue arrangements in NSW was endorsed by the former Minister for Emergency Services. 26 findings were made which will significantly enhance rescue capability in NSW.

While the report found that response times under the 20/40/60 model were appropriate in metropolitan and regional areas, service delivery (for example response time) opportunities in remote parts of NSW were identified, namely:

1. Putty /St Albans

2. Ellerston/Nowendoc

3. Boggabilla/Boomi/Yetman

4. Bourke/Cobar/Nyngan

5. Cobar/Nyngan/Hillston/Condobolin

6. Broken Hill/Menindee/Balranald/Wentworth

7. Balranald/Hay/Deniliquin

8. Ivanhoe/Hay

9. Tibooburra/Wanaaring/Bourke

10. Wilcannia/Cobar

11. Tibooburra/Broken Hill.

Note: This list relates to the areas between the towns identified, not the towns themselves.

New accreditation standards

As part of the move to enhance NSW’s approach to rescue accreditation, the State Rescue Board (SRB) and the Minister for Emergency Services have endorsed moving to an accreditation system that recognises a unit’s capability, rather than its ranking in a dispatch protocol. A two tiered land rescue capability will be introduced:

General Land Rescue (GLR) capability

These units will be equipped with all necessary skills and competencies to meet the current SRB accreditation standards for a primary rescue unit:Road Crash Rescue, Industrial and Domestic Rescue, and Urban Search and Rescue Category 1 capability.

Road Crash Rescue (RCR) capability

These units will be equipped with all the necessary skills and competencies to meet SRB accreditation standards to carry out road crash rescues. RCR units will not need to be trained in Industrial and Domestic Rescue or Urban Search and Rescue unless a risk has been identified by the Local and Regional Rescue Committees and the appropriate change in accreditation process is followed.

The form is still suitable for new unit/capability applications as well as RCR applications.

Land rescue accreditation process

The land rescue accreditation process occurs in two stages:

Stage 1 – Pre-Accreditation

In the first instance the Unit is to liaise with an official delegate from their respective agency in order to acquire an endorsed letter of intent. The SRB Secretariat will not action any Land Rescue Accreditation Proposal without receiving an endorsed letter of intent from the respective agency.

The Land Rescue Accreditation Proposal for Pre-Accreditation must be consideredby the Local and Regional Rescue Committees. Theproposal must then be endorsed by the Board and approved by the Minister for Emergency Services. The SRB Secretariat will forward a letter advising the rescue organisation, the Regional Rescue Committee, the NSW Police Force Emergency Management Unit and Radio Operations Group of the Minister’s decision.

Pre-Accreditation status remains in force for 12 months. After that time, Pre-Accreditation will expire and a new application will need to be submitted. Pre-Accreditation entitles the Unit to:

  • acquire a suitable facility in accordance with the in-principle endorsed proposal
  • acquire a suitable vehicle/s in accordance with the in-principle endorsed proposal
  • commence the recruitment and training of personnel (rescue operators)
  • commence procuring equipment/ facilities in accordance with the relevant SRB equipment lists.

Pre-Accredited Units are not authorised to conduct or respond to rescue incidents.

Stage 2 – Full Accreditation

When the Unit is ready for operations, the Unit Commander or Manager is to submit aLand Rescue Accreditation Proposal form for full accreditation for consideration by the Local and Regional Rescue Committees.

Once the proposal has been endorsed by the Committees, the Regional Emergency Management Officer should coordinate an inspection of the Unit by a Regional Inspection Team. The Regional Inspection Team reports to the SRB Secretariat that the unit has satisfactorily met all necessary requirements for accreditation, including:

  • satisfactorily equipped facility/ies
  • evidence of qualified rescue operators (personnel) to staff the Unit and operate in the field
  • evidence of suitable rescue vehicle/s
  • evidence that equipment is sufficient and appropriate to the types of rescues for which the unit is to be accredited
  • confirmation that operating procedures are in place.

The Regional Inspection Team must submit a Capability Inspection Formto the SRB Secretariat indicating whether the proposal has, or has not, been implemented satisfactorily.

Ifthe Board approves full accreditation, the SRB Secretariat will submitthe necessary paperwork to the Minister for approval. The SRB Secretariat will then forward a letter advising the rescue organisation, the Regional Rescue Committee, the NSW Police Force Emergency Management Unit and NSW Police Force Radio Operations Group of the Minister’s decision.

Unit information

Unit details

Unit name:
Accreditations currently held by the Unit:
Unit postal address:
Unit location: (if different from above)
Name of Unit Commander:

Local and Regional areas

Local area[1]:

This application is for:

Pre-accreditation: / ☐ / General Land Rescue*: / ☐ /
Full accreditation: / ☐ / Road Crash Rescue*: / ☐ /
Does the application relate to one of the 11 identified areas for improved service delivery. / ☐ / Vertical Rescue: / ☐ /
☐ /

*IMPORTANT: Unless there is a clear rationale, applications for GLR or RCR accreditation should not be considered if there is an existing GLR or RCR unit, or a pendingapplication already submitted. Determination of appropriate capabilities rests with the Local Rescue Committee in the first instance

Part 1 – Land Rescue Accreditation Proposal(to be completed by rescue agency representative)

Proposal Justification/ Needs Analysis
  1. Is the location of the proposed unit serviced by an existing accredited rescue unit? If so which unit? Please include units accredited for GLR, RCR and VR
  1. Describe the reason why the proposal is being submitted:

If an existing accredited rescue unit has been identified above, provide a clear rationale as to why the additional capability is needed. If this application is RCRorVR, please also provide clear rationale as to why these capabilities are needed. Where appropriate, evidence or statistics should be included to support the application.

(If additional space required please attach pages as required.)

Area of Operations
  1. Using a map (reduced to A4 size) or an A4 sketch (drawn to scale) show:
  • proposed or current unit location
  • name, location and accreditation of the four nearest accredited rescue units
  • proposed (for new units) or current (for exiting units) area of operations.

Attachment 1: Map or sketchshowing the area of operations

  1. Is the unit location subject to isolation by natural occurrences, such as floods, fire,etc. If so, what is the nature of the occurrences, approximate frequency and date of last occurrence? Is the area totally isolated by road from outside assistance at these times? How will these occurrences affect the rescue capability of your Unit?
  1. Demonstrate how the Unit will maintain the requirements of the State Rescue Policy in relation to rescue training, 24 hour response capability, etc.
  1. Demonstrate how the Unit will maintain sufficient rescue operators to remain effective. For full accreditation applications - how many members are currently trained to SRB requirements? For Pre-Accreditation applications - how many members has the unit identified to undertake training?
  1. Demonstrate how the unit will be supported in relation to communications, response, equipment, vehicles and premises?
  1. Please provide a training and exercise plan for the next 12 months to demonstrate how the unit will continue to build its capability and participate in training and exercises.
Operational Information
  1. Hours of Operation

Detail the current (or proposed) days / hours of operation of the unit. Please use 24 hour times.

Hours of Operation / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Unit / Base Staffed
On Call
Not Operational
  1. Call-Out Arrangements

Detail the current or proposed Unit call-out arrangements:

  1. Mandatory Equipment Requirements

The Board assumes all proposals submitted are on the understanding that the Unit will have equipment that is sufficient, serviceable and appropriate for the types of rescues for which the unit is accredited.

However,Units are not expected to purchase the mandatory equipment prior to the Minister’s endorsement of the Pre-Accreditation proposal. Unit Commanders or Managers must be aware that full accreditation will only be granted subject to a Regional Inspection Team Capability Inspection Report confirming that the proposal has been implemented to the satisfaction of the Board, including the acquisition by the Unit of all the mandatory pieces of equipment.

  1. Rescue Vehicles

A rescue vehicle must be designed, adapted or equipped as appropriate for the types of rescues for which the unit is accredited. It must also be clearly marked with the word “RESCUE”, and/or fitted with warning devices such as flashing lights or a siren, or both. Please attach photographs of the vehicles being considered under this proposal.

Attachment 2: Photographs of the vehicles being considered under this proposal

  1. Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL)

Does the Unit have AVL capability? Yes ☐ No ☐

  1. Units Premises

The following information relates to the premises where the proposed rescue unit will be headquartered.

Is the proposed land for the Unit’s headquarters owned or leased? If leased, detail the lease arrangements.

Is the proposed building for the Unit’s headquarters owned or leased? If leased, detail the lease arrangements.

Detail the communications equipment that the Unit uses/proposes to use (including radio, telecommunications, internet access and capability)

It is mandatory for accredited facilities to be insured. Will the new facility be appropriately insured?

Detail any other relevant information.

Declaration to be completed by Unit Commander, Manager or Delegate
I / submit this proposal for consideration.
(Name of Unit Commander, Manger orDelegate in Block Letters)

I acknowledge that accreditation is dependent on:

  • the attached Land Rescue Accreditation Proposal being accepted by the State Rescue Board and Minister
  • the proposal accepted by the State Rescue Board being implemented to its satisfaction.

I understand that any expenditure of funds in advance of formal notification of approval of the proposal from the State Rescue Board does not obligate nor will it influence the decision of the State Rescue Board.

That the proposal is submitted in consultation with and consent of the organisation’s Chief Executive Officer or delegate.

Name of Unit Commander, Manager or delegate:

Attachment 3: A copy of the letter of consent from the organisation’s Chief Executive Officer or delegate must be attached to this proposal.

When complete, the Unit Commander is to forward the Original Copy of this report complete with attachments 1, 2 and 3 to the Local Rescue Committee for consideration.

Summary of attachments to be provided to the Local Rescue Committee:

  1. Map or sketch showing the area of operations
/ ☐
  1. Photographs of the vehicles being considered under this proposal
/ ☐
  1. Letter of consent from the agency’s Chief Executive Officer
/ ☐

Part 2 – Proposal Endorsement

Local Rescue Committee

The Land Rescue Accreditation Proposal was considered by theLocal Rescue Committee.

Name of Local Rescue Committee:
Date of meeting:
Agenda item:
Name of unit:

The Committee acknowledged that the location of the proposed unit is/is not currently serviced by an existing accredited rescue unit.

Did the Local Rescue Committee endorse the proposal? / Yes ☐ / No ☐
Name of Chair of Local Rescue Committee:

Attachment 4: A copy of the relevant Local Rescue Committee minutes is to be attached to this application.

After the report has been considered, the Chair of the Local Rescue Committee is to arrange for the Original Copy of this report to be forwarded to theRegional Rescue Committee for consideration, regardless of whether the proposal was endorsed by the Committee.
Regional Rescue Committee

The Land Rescue Accreditation Proposalwas considered by the Regional Rescue Committee.

Name of Regional Rescue Committee:
Date of meeting:
Agenda item:
Name of unit:

The Committee acknowledged that the location of the proposed unit is/is not currently serviced by an existing accredited rescue unit.

Did the Regional Rescue Committee endorse the proposal? / Yes ☐ / No ☐
Name of Chair of Regional Rescue Committee:

Attachment 5: A copy of the relevant Regional Rescue Committee minutes is to be attached to this application.

After the Land Rescue Accreditation Proposalhas been considered, the Chair of the Regional Rescue Committee is to arrange for thereport to be forwarded to the State Rescue Board, regardless of whether the proposal was endorsed by the Committee. An electronic copy should be emailed to.
Executive Officer
State Rescue Board
GPO Box 5434
Sydney NSW 2001
If you have any questions you can contact the SRB Secretariat via email .

List of attachments

Please ensure the following documents are attached to the report:

  1. Map or sketch showing the area of operations
/ ☐
  1. Photographs of the vehicles being considered under this proposal
/ ☐
  1. Letter of consent from the agency’s Chief Executive Officer
/ ☐
  1. Local Rescue Committee meeting minutes
/ ☐
  1. Regional Rescue Committee meeting minutes
/ ☐

Part 3 – Endorsement of the Proposal by the State Rescue Board (to be completed by the SRB Secretariat only)

The Land Rescue Accreditation Proposal was considered by theState Rescue Board.

Date of meeting:
Agenda item:
Name of unit:
Was the proposal endorsed by the State Rescue Board? / Yes ☐ / No ☐
Checklist / Date / Yes / No
Was a capability inspection conducted? (applications for full accreditation only) / ☐ / ☐ /
Did the unit meet the requirements?
(applications for full accreditation only) / ☐ / ☐ /
Was the accreditation approved by the Minister? / ☐ / ☐ /
Notifications regarding the Minister’s decision:
  • Rescue organisation
  • Regional Rescue Committee
/ ☐ / ☐ /
Was the SRB Rescue Accreditation Database updated? / ☐ / ☐ /
NSW SRB Land Rescue Accreditation Proposal for GLR, RCR & VR / Page 1 of 15

[1] Refers to Local Government Area, which should correspond to the relevant Local Rescue Committee.