

Gender and Cash Based Programming in Africa:

Opportunities and Challenges

21st February 2018, Nairobi, Kenya

This important one-dayregional symposium will bring together technical advisors, researchers and practitioners from NGOs, Government, the UN and academia and others who are interested in gender and cash programming. It will explore the evidence and learning related to cash programming and gender impacts with examples from humanitarian contexts across the African continent.

Speakers will include researchers and practitioners with interesting and diverse experience. They will present on how they are using cash programming to promote behaviour change; consider if/how cash programme can address GBV; explore the relationship between cash programming and protection; and many other issues. The outline agenda and speaker details will be available on the CaLP website shortly.

The symposium will seek to identify evidence gaps and generate recommendations for action. In so doing, it will contribute to the debates needed to push forward commitments outlined in objectives 4 and 6 of CaLP’s Framework for Action ( and SDG 5 Gender Equality. Learning will be documented and shared widely.

Some of questions that will be explored include:

  • Cash based programming - a practical approach to addressing gender inequality?
  • Gender based violence – what are the considerations for cash based programming?
  • Cash based assistance and gender programming – potential for transformation?
  • Should cash based assistance be used to respond to GBV? And if so, how?
  • How can cash-based assistance impact gender relations? Positive and negative consequences?
  • Women’s empowerment – can cash programming make a difference? What methodologies have proven successful?
  • Cash based programming –potential to help change gender relations?
  • How can the cash sector engage more meaningfully with protection actors at all stages of the response?

The event is suitable for senior managers in the humanitarian sector; technical and policy advisors (gender, cash, policy, disaster management, sector specialists), donors; and researchers in relevant fields.

The event is organized by:

CaLP, Adeso, Norwegian Refugee Council, Oxfam, and the Women’s Refugee Commission with fundingfrom Global Affairs Canada and the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.

Interested in participating? Register early as we expect a high level of interest in this event. Register here!

Please note:places are limited. Registration does not guarantee a place at the conference. Confirmations will be sent out on a rolling basis from mid-January. The event organizers are unable to cover costs related to travel, accommodation, etc.

For questions, please contactor