Dear Parent/Carer6th June 2013

Residential Retreat at The Briars, Crich

I hope to take a group of Year 10 students to the Diocesan Youth Centre, Crich (‘The Briars’) and your child has expressed an interest in being part of the experience. In past years it has proved to have been a popular, positive and beneficial visit enabling young people to mature socially and spiritually. We willneed to leave school on Monday 18th November 2013 and return on Friday 22ndNovember 2013.

This is classed as an optional extra visit for which the Academy is allowed to make a charge. The cost of the visit is determined by dividing the total cost by the number of participating pupils, working out at £158.00 per pupil. If you are in receipt of income support or family credit you are entitled to claim a reduction in the cost stated above. However, as we are anAcademywe will have to find any further money required for this, I must make it clear that if a significant number of parents signal their intention to claim this then the activity will be cancelled. We cannot meet substantial costs from our own budgets. The Governors will decide what is meant by a significant number in this instance. If this applies to you, please put your request in writing to the governors and send in with proof of the support you receive, requests cannot be considered after the 5th July 2013. To secure a place on this trip a non-returnable deposit of £40.00 is needed by Friday 5th July 2013. Full payment will be due by 27th September 2013. If there is a high demand for places, names will be drawn out of a hat, making it a fair selection process.

Please make cheques payable to Christ the King Academy and write your child’s name and registration group on the reverse (correct cash would also be acceptable although cheques are greatly preferred) towards the cost of the trip. Students should then hand the completed reply slip, and payment into the school reception office (Students should note that envelopes will only be accepted before morning registration or at morning break).

Yours sincerely

Joe Hopkins

Lay Chaplain


REPLY SLIP TO / Reception Office / Name of Leader : / Joe Hopkins
Student’s Name: / Form:
18th Nov-22rd Nov 2013 / Lesson / RE
  • I consent to my son/daughter going to the above event/venue

Please write child’s name and form on the envelope and on the back of the cheque /
Please Tick
Reply Slip
/ 
ChequeMade payable toChrist the King Academy / £40.00 / 
Cash(although cheques greatly preferred) / £40.00 / 
Please note that envelopes will only be accepted at Reception Office: Before morning registration or at the beginning of morning break by: / 5/7/13

Signed: …………………………………….…………Parent/Guardian Date: ……………….......