Grade 3 Curriculum Map
Unit 2 : The Wampanoag People
Month (s): /


Core Concept(s): / Social customs, practices, traditions and linguistic communities affect individual and group identities.
Human environmental interactions result in changes or adaptations in people’s way of life.
Key Question(s): / Who Were the Early People of Massachusetts? (Social Studies)
How Does the Geography of a Place Help Us Understand the History of the People Who Live There? (Social Studies)
How Are People and Nature Connected? (Reading Street Central Question)
Common Core Standards / Writing Standard 1:Grade 3 students write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. Students will use
linking words and phrases to connect opinion and reasons and provide a concluding statement or section
MA Content Standards: / Social Studies 3.3 and 3.12
  • Identify the Wampanoag and their leaders at the time the Pilgrims arrived, and describe their way of life.
  • Explain how objects or artifacts of everyday life in the past tell us how ordinary people lived and how everyday life has changed. Draw on the services of the local historical society and local museums as needed.*
ESL ( S.4.14) and ELA (3.8, 3.12, 3.17)
Plan delivery of an oral presentation, using pace, visual aids, and gestures.
Skills and Strategies: / Social Studies Alive!:
  • Discuss the Wampanoag and their leaders in the 1600s.
  • Describe the Wampanoag way of life in the 1600s.
  • Identify basic human needs.
  • Identify ways the Wampanoag have adapted to their physical environments and used natural resources to meet basic needs.
/ Literacy/ Reading Street Connections:
  • Identify specific examples of general categories. (reading)
  • Organize information in chart form. (writing)
  • Present short skits about the way of life of the Wampanoag. (speaking and listening)

Key Vocabulary / Content-Specific Vocabulary:
  • Patuxet
  • Sachem
  • wetu
  • diverse
  • culture
/ Content-Related Vocabulary:
  • traditional
  • canoe
  • natural resources
  • natural materials
  • artifact
/ Reading Street/ Literacy Connections:
  • civilization
  • nature

Assessments/ Products: / Imagine you travel back in time to visit the Wampanoag people, what is one object you would trade for and one object you would bring to trade with the Wampanoag. Read the text and look at the pictures in your Massachusetts text. In order to choose something the Wampanoags will be willing to accept in exchange for one of their artifacts, you need to think carefully about their way of life and how they use their physical environment to meet their basic needs. Provide reasons for why you would choose your artifacts for trade. (Optional: In pairs, perform short skits of trading with the Wampanoag)
Materials, Resources, and Primary Documents / Massachusetts (Scott Foresman)
Lesson 2: The Early People of Massachusetts / Supplementary Materials/Resources:
  • *Children’s Museum Kit: The Wampanoag People
  • Children’s Museum website: People of the First Light
  • Plimoth Plantation’s website: You Are the Historian: Investigating the First Thanksgiving online
  • Tapenum’s Day by: Kate Waters
/ Reading Street Connections:
Unit 3: People and Nature
- Week 2: How do people explain nature in order to understand it?