CHART capstones are designed as in-depth workshops focused on applying the concepts learned in each competency track to the real life projects/problems/initiatives brought to the session by participants.

The CHART Instructional Design Capstone is open to participants who have completed all workshops in the Instructional Design competency track:Instructional Design Fundamentals (formerly Program Design), Effective Learning Design (formerly Technical Knowledge), and Training Evaluation (formerly Process Improvement).

The Instructional Design Capstone will focus on working through each participant’s training project. Participants will walk away with:

  • Practical application of concepts taught in the Instructional Design track workshops
  • Best practices for tackling their instructional design challenge or bringing their initiative to life
  • Expert mentor support (includes a 1-hour private coaching session during the 90 days following the capstone, plus email follow-up with a facilitator/coach)

Additional information:

  • Instructional Design capstone size will be capped at 6-8 participants to ensure adequate time for each participant’s project.Participation is limited on a first come, first served basis.
  • Peer sharing is a part of the capstone experience. All participants are expected to contribute to the discussions of other participants’ projects.
  • If your project is a course in progress or will be repurposed from existing training, please provide a sample of the project’s current state along with your application.

Interested participants must submit this completed application n order to take part in the capstone. The application is intended to help facilitators gauge whether a projectmeets criteria for the Instructional Design capstone, and should provide enough detail to help facilitators prepare to mentor you during the capstone workshop.

Examples of instructional design projectsinclude (but are not limited to):

  • Conducting a training needs analysis
  • Crafting strong learning objectives for a course using Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Incorporating adult learning principles into a course
  • Organizing/structuring content in a course
  • Selecting appropriate learning methods and media
  • Visual learning design for the page or screen
  • Conducting a training evaluation


Brief description of the project you plan to bring to the Instructional Design capstone session:
Who is the audience for this project (roles and anticipated size of audience)?
Why is this project important to your organization?
What challenges are you facing with the project currently?
What are some of the current trouble spots you would like help with?
What do you want to be able to do or hope to accomplish following this workshop?

CHART Capstone Application – ID Track1