Second Semester World Studies Final Study Guide- Buker

  1. China
  2. Physical Geography (Yellow River, Yangtze)
  3. Agriculture and arable land #s
  4. Early Dynasties and ideas
  5. Xia Dynasty
  6. Shang
  7. Oracle Bones
  8. Ancestor Worship
  9. Chinese characters/writing
  10. Chou (Zhou)
  11. Mandate of Heaven
  12. Warring States Period
  13. Confucianism
  14. Legalism
  15. Daoism
  16. Qin (Chin)
  17. Government
  18. Projects
  19. Shi Huangdi
  20. Technology levels
  21. Engineering
  22. Great Canal
  23. Levies and dams
  24. Terra Cotta Warriors
  25. Wall
  26. Government types/organization
  27. Social Classes
  28. Han Dynasty
  29. Great Wall expansion
  30. Social class and culture
  31. Economics
  32. Supply and Demand
  33. Scarcity
  34. Surplus
  35. Monopolies
  36. Sui Dynasty
  37. Tang and Song inventions
  38. Chinese Inventions
  39. The Mongols
  40. Tactics/strategy
  41. Barbaric? Civilized? Evidence for each?
  42. Technology
  43. Organization
  44. Culture
  45. Flexibility/adaptability
  46. Pincer/fake retreat
  47. Psychological warfare
  48. Pastoral Nomads
  49. Strengths/weaknesses
  50. Horses
  51. Weapons
  52. Yuan Dynasty (Kublai Khan)
  53. PaxMongolica
  54. Biological Warfare
  55. Ming Dynasty
  56. Navy
  57. Zheng He
  58. Destruction, reasons for
  59. Qing Dynasty
  60. Self-Sufficiency
  61. Foot binding
  62. The Century of Humiliation
  63. Spheres of Influence
  64. Opium Wars
  65. Taiping Rebellion
  66. Hong Xiaoquong
  67. Boxer Rebellion
  68. Spheres of Influence
  69. Civil War
  70. Nationalists (Kuomintang)
  71. Taiwan
  72. Communists
  73. Technology
  74. Culture
  75. China’s Problems
  76. Communist Revolution
  77. Nationalists
  78. Sun Yat Sen
  79. Chiang Kai-shek
  80. Communists
  81. World Wars
  82. Mao Zedong
  83. Lenin: Differences/similarities
  84. Maoism:
  85. The Long March
  86. Great Leap Forward
  87. Cultural Revolution
  88. India

Early Civilizations

  1. Harappa
  2. Level of technology
  3. Religion
  4. Agriculture
  5. Location
  6. Monsoon
  7. Aryans
  8. Agriculture
  9. Technology
  1. Chandragupta Maurya
  2. Kautilya (advisor)
  3. Success/tactics
  4. Religious life
  5. Ashoka the Great
  6. Early life
  7. Buddhist influence
  8. Edicts
  9. Pillars (and what he wrote on the pillars)
  10. The Mughals
  11. Origins
  12. Religion
  13. Golden Age
  14. Rulers
  15. Technology
  16. Cultural Blending/religious tolerance
  17. Taxation
  18. Meritocracy
  19. Decline (Aurangzeb, religious hostility/taxation)
  20. The British
  21. Technology
  22. Battle of Plassey
  23. Methods
  24. Goals
  25. Cash crops/raw materials/famines/taxes
  26. Salt Tax, cloth, economic restrictions
  27. Strengths and weaknesses
  28. Sepoys
  29. Sepoy Rebellion
  30. Amritsar
  31. Gandhi
  32. South Africa
  33. India
  34. Method
  35. Ideas
  36. South Asian Independence
  37. India/Pakistan
  38. Independence movements (Jinnah, Nehru, INC, Muslim League)
  39. Partition
  40. Kashmir and continuing tensions
  41. Nuclear Weapons
  42. Korean Peninsula
  43. Korean War
  44. UN Resolution
  45. Sanctions
  46. North Korea
  47. Leaders
  48. Economic system
  49. Government system
  50. Allies
  51. Cult of personality
  52. Methods of Control
  53. South Korea
  54. Economic System
  55. Government system
  56. Allies
  57. Civics
  58. The Enlightenment:
  59. Early Government
  60. Philosophers and Ideas
  61. Thomas Hobbes
  62. John Locke
  63. Baron de Montesquieu
  64. Voltaire
  65. Rousseau
  66. Cesare Beccaria
  67. Taxes
  68. Types and Purpose
  69. Colonial Government
  70. Causes/Sparks of the American Revolution
  71. Navigation Act
  72. French-Indian War
  73. Sugar Act
  74. Stamp Act
  75. Townshend Acts
  76. Boston Massacre
  77. Tea Act
  78. Boston Tea Party
  79. Intolerable Acts
  80. Lexington-Concord
  81. Declaration of Independence
  82. Continental Congress
  83. Thomas Jefferson
  84. Anti-Federalists
  85. James Madison
  86. Federalists
  87. Format, Purpose, Details
  88. Articles of Confederation
  89. Shays’ Rebellion
  90. The Constitution
  91. Compromises
  92. Great Compromise
  93. 3/5 Compromise
  94. Clauses of the Constitution
  95. Supremacy Clause
  96. Full Faith and Credit Clause
  97. Commerce Clause
  98. Necessary and Proper Clause
  99. Powers
  100. Expressed/Enumerated/Listed
  101. Reserved
  102. Concurrent
  103. Implied
  104. Inherent
  105. The Bill of Rights (1-10)
  106. 13th, 14th, 15th amendments
  107. 19th, 24th amendments
  108. Checks and Balances:
  109. Purpose
  110. Examples
  111. Your Government
  112. Senators
  113. Representative
  114. Mayor
  115. Governor
  116. President/VP/Sec of State
    School District and School
  117. Citizenship
  118. Definition
  119. Benefits
  120. Duties/Responsibilities
  121. Types
  122. Natural vs. Naturalized
  123. Dred Scott v. Sanford
  124. 13th-15th amendment
  125. Immigration and Gaining Citizenship
  126. Visa vs. Permanent resident
  127. Voting
  128. Direct and Indirect Disenfranchisement
  129. Examples
  130. History (Who could vote and when?)
  131. Civil Rights Movement
  132. Poll Taxes
  133. Literacy Tests
  134. Grandfather Clauses
  135. Civil Rights Act
  136. 24th Amendment
  137. Gerrymandering
  138. Political Parties
  139. Goals and Purpose
  140. Presidential Candidates
  141. Names and Parties
  142. General Stances
  143. Third Parties
  144. Interest Groups
  145. Definition
  146. Purpose/Role
  147. Examples
  148. Public Policy
  149. Definition
  150. Purpose