TIME & PLACE: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 22, 2014

111 N. Main Street, Village of Capac, Capac Branch

PRESENT:BOARD MEMBERS: Laurie Crisenbery, Arnold Larson, Arlene Marcetti, Harold Tiburzi and Kathleen Wheelihan. DIRECTOR: Allison Arnold.


ALSO PRESENT:Staff: Nancy Godinez, Dale Kittendorf, Melba Moss, Kimberley Radatz and Faith WormsbacherOTHER: Debbie Bourgois and David Whipple.

  1. CALL TO ORDER AND ATTENDANCE BY Chairperson Larson at 6:35p.m.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Chairperson Larson introduced David Whipple and acknowledged that Mr. Whipple is officially appointed but will not take place until the August meeting as he departs.




Moved by Member Tiburzi and supported by Member Marcetti to approve the agenda as received. Motion unanimously carried.

Department Lead report. CapacBranch Lead Nancy Godinez.

As always our primary goal is to make sure our customers know their importance to us and have access to the materials and information they need and desire, as well as making sure the library is a welcoming place for everyone who enters. That we are accomplishing this is evident in the many people who come in and express their appreciation for us. They love our “ILove My Library” shirts, and many patrons have asked where they can buy them. Today one said she wanted one that said “I love my Library Staff”. The Library is not just about connecting people with information; it’s about connecting with people. Capacians love their library. Our computers are nearly always full, and there was a day last week when ten (10) people were inline on the computer scheduler, waiting their turn. We have book clubs and knitting clubs that meet regularly, we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of children and teens coming in this summer, attendance in our children’s programs. We’re working as staff really well. And there is growing excitement and also some impatience about the expansion of the library into the space next door. Tour of expansion to be given after meeting. Chairperson Larson noted there is difference of night and day! Much more inviting. Chairperson Larson thanked Ms. Godinez.




Moved by Member Crisenberyand supported by Vice-Chairperson Wheelihan to approve the June 24, 2014 regular meeting minutes as received.Motion unanimously carried.


a) Ratification of Bills.

Moved by Member Tiburzi and supported by Vice-Chairperson Wheelihan to receive and filebills for June totaling $74,973.39as received. Motion unanimously carried.

b) Acceptance of Financial Reports.

Chairperson Larson asked if the $200,000.00 would be amended (year-end), Director Arnold would inquire with accounting. Chairperson Larson referring to the ivory summaries we anticipate revenue to be $122,000 less (penal fines). Director Arnold noted we notice a pickup in the second quarter and there are changes that are happening,penal fines are based on per capital by service population if our service population is dropping or declining a little bit that would also affect it and last year (2013 $750,000) might have been an anomaly. We are staying within our budget however we do have the appropriation transfer to occur and lease copiers to be included. We will still be less than what we originally budgeted. Director Arnold noted the library material budget looks low however we have the record of encumbered and we anticipate that we will expend all that we have now.

Moved by Vice-Chairperson Wheelihan and supported by Member Marcettito receive and file Financial reports forJune2014. Motion unanimously carried.


a) Director’s Report.

  • Chairperson Larson asked Director Arnold about the variance of the minimum wage increase. Director Arnold noted there might be a potential difference of 15 cents up to 75 cents because the pages start at different levels. There are three (3) steps (1 month, 6 month and 1 year increases). The maximum and the minimum were looked at for reporting purposes. Accounting Manager Karry Hepting still hasn’t received the official word regarding this change. The impact for the rest of this year is approximate $6,819.00.
  • Progress report was delivered. Chairperson Larson complimented the Marketing Department and staff. Good job!
  • Mid June there was a memorandum from the Michigan Supreme Court regarding imposed cost on criminal defendants and this was recently discussed at the Board of Commissioners meeting. Director Arnold was a little concerned that this might affect penal fines. Was told by Mr. Tim Cook this would not affect penal fines.
  • Received a response from Mr. Mumby on what services he could provide under $10,000.00. This information is needed for the study as well as to be shared with Commissioner’s, no action needed however we would like to invite Mr. Mumby to either the August or September meeting.
  • Coffee with the Director meetings has been going very well and would like to continue this type of meeting.
  • Float for the Rotary International Parade was fun, about 25 staff and family friends participated.

b) Department and or Committee.

Chairperson Larson noted we have so much important information downstairs at Main and it would be nice to expand this area.

c) Other.

Moved by Member Tiburziand supported by Vice-Chairperson Wheelihan to receive andfile communications as received. Motion unanimously carried.


a)Director annual evaluation.

Chairperson Larson, the board felt that Director Arnold did an excellent job this past year and also noted there are a couple areas that received suggestions that we would like more detail; survey of patrons (materials), staff interactions (access with material) as well as interaction with people. Also thought it was important to set priorities in bringing the policies and procedures up to date. And to continue her excellent job she is doing particularly in her outreach into the community in public awareness.

Moved by Member Marcetti and supported by Member Tiburzi to approve and recommend tocontinue another year of employment as of July 22nd. Motion unanimously carried.

b)Millage – update.

Director Arnold noted the yard signs are in and distribution will start, post cards (Friends to Friends cards) available Friday (staff - to be done on breaks, lunch or after hours). Also available bookmarks and fact sheets. Chairperson Larson noted in their packet is a resolution and should the vote fail the board can meet the following day at a Special meeting, Wednesday August 6that 9:00 a.m. and submit the resolution to the Commissioner’s. System’s meeting in August has been cancelled also noted the meeting room will be open late Tuesday night for vote results.


a) Audit report.

Chairperson Larson noted that in the audit there was nothing unusual or disturbing. Director Arnold noted she was pleased with the audit and complimented Kimberley Radatz on her detail. Also noted that she is very pleased with the comment that in 2013 we did have to use funds from our fund balance to balance the budget but not as much as we have anticipated due to good fiscal management. She appreciates this statement from the auditor! Chairperson Larson noted “you can’t deny the truth” also noted it’s good to have a clean audit report and reinforcement. Director Arnold noted if anyone would like to see the entire document please contact her.

b)Board Member Reports.

Member Tiburzi –Spoke with Ira Branch Lead Gary Kupper they have not yet started on the update of the branch and supposed to in the next few weeks.

Also shared Marine City Branch Lead Lois Kaufman received a call trying to return a letter to the family of Sgt. Britz that was found in Illinois. Sgt. Britz was awarded a Purple Heart and had died in the service of his Country on September 28, 1944. .

Algonac-Clay’s flower boxes are nice and the public really likes the front of the branch.

Vice-Chairperson Wheelihan – Complimented Branch Lead Nancy Godinez’s report and noted a tour will take place after the meeting.

Member Crisenbery – All three (3) branches are doing well. Marysville is getting their meeting room painted. St. Clair is going really well. G. Lynn Campbell’s meeting room is in place and art work will be hung.

Member Marcetti – Bologna festival is coming up this weekend and the branch will be participating (art show, cake walk and book sale).

Chairperson Larson – Burtchvilleusage goes up dramatically in the summer months and will be doing a drive-in movie night and things are going well at Main and look forward to the use of the ADA restroom.

Director Arnold noted that Blue Water Independent for Living did a 2nd walk through and they are completing their report of the assessment of the entire Main Library and have several thoughts and suggestions. They were very pleased to be invited to do this assessment for the MainLibrary. 4H Fair is this week, our 8th year (crafts, scavenger hunt, prizes, games and read a book).

Chairperson Larson noted the September meeting is our Annual meeting and at this time we elect Chair and the Vice-Chair and approval of the calendar as well as the By-Laws.

NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at 6:30 p.m., located at the Algonac- Clay Branch 2011 St. Clair River Drive, City of Algonac.

  1. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m. by Vice-Chairperson Wheelihan.

Respectfully Submitted:


Arnold H. Larson, ChairpersonAllison S. Arnold, Director/Secretary