Welcome to Brandon High Singers! We look forward to a wonderful year with many learning and performing opportunities. My goal: Each student will learn to be a more accomplished singer, learn to sing both harmony and melody, and learn to read music. This letter will provide important information about our program. Brandon Singers is a 1 unit credit class. It provides students with experiences in listening, learning, and performing music. There are approximately 50 students in Brandon Singers.

Performances – All students have the opportunity of performing at the Fall, Winter, and Spring programs. Most students will compete at District Choral Festival. Groups scoring Superior will compete at State Choral Festival. Students are expected to attend all performances. Music must be memorized - both words and notes. Performance events will be announced well in advance so that these activities will not conflict with jobs, family trips, etc. Since the experience of a performance cannot be recreated, student attendance is extremely important. Performance grades are given for all performances. After school rehearsals are necessary before performances, and grades are given for these rehearsals. In case of illness or dire emergency, please contact me (601) 825-2261 or e mail . Students must attend at least 2 periods that day in order to participate in an after-school activity (RCSD handbook).

Class rehearsal (A-2 and B-2) – The rehearsals leading up to a performance are very important. Students are expected to attend all class rehearsals the two weeks prior to a performance. Students missing a rehearsal during this time may not be allowed to perform with the group. If a student must miss during this time, he/she needs to contact me immediately about the circumstances. Make-up for any missed rehearsals will be assigned. Students who miss over 2 times per 9 weeks will have a deduction in their grade if they do not complete make-up work.

Choral music is governed by Mississippi High School Activities Association. MHSAA requires random student drug testing for all activities. There are also rules regarding minimum grade point averages and maximum age to compete at District and State Choral Festival.

Grades – Grades will be based on a point system including class participation, performances, and class tests. Extra merit points may be earned by participating in special events such as ensembles and auditions for honor choirs. Merit points will make students eligible for special awards at the end of the school year. All students will be learning to read music. Written tests will be given on this material. Students also compete in Sight Reading at District Choral Festival.

Class Participation - All students are expected to follow these rules:

Be in class and seated when the bell rings.

Follow directions.

Be ready to sing (correct posture and quiet).

No gum, soft drinks, or food in class. Water is allowed.

Be quiet unless you are singing.

Show respect for teacher, self, and others.

Keep choir folder neat and organized. Put away at end of class.

No cell phone use during class. Students breaking this rule will have the

cell phone taken up.

Other Choir Opportunities – There are opportunities to audition for state honor choirs (All State Honor Choir). A calendar with dates will be available in a few weeks.

Out-Of-State Choral Trips – We take an out-of-state choral trip each spring. Former groups have traveled to New York City, NY; Chicago, IL; St. Louis, MO; Orlando, FL; Williamsburg, VA; Gatlinburg, TN; and New Orleans, LA. We will discuss destinations and make a decision in the next few weeks. Information will be sent home at that time. Participation on these trips is open to students with an excellent discipline record at BHS and acceptable grades.

Fees and Expenses – Choir fee is $60.00. This includes a choir t-shirt, transportation to singing events in the metro area, music, accompanist fees, and 2 tickets to our Christmas Concert.

This fee is due by September 15. The fee must be paid to participate in performances. We will have several fund raisers during the year. Students who attend the fund raisers will earn money that can be used to pay fees and/or for the out-of-state trip.

Choir concert dress is approximately $75.00. Dresses are used multiple years , so this is a one-time expense. Dresses will be ordered on September 20. Students who pay after this date will owe an additional $10.00 and their dress may come in late. Men’s concert attire is black tuxedo pants, white tuxedo shirt, vest, and bow tie. Price is also $75.00. Concert attire is worn for several events during the year including the Christmas program, District and State Choral Festival in the Spring, Graduation, and Honors Day. It is important to order concert attire early enough for the shipment to arrive before the programs.

This document and the calendar will be posted on my Brandon High School webpage. The calendar will be available in 2-3 weeks.

Please sign the attached form indicating you have read this information. Thanks for your support!

Marilyn Julian

Director of Choral Activities

Brandon High School

Name of parents or guardian:



Email ______Phone ______

I send out frequent e-mails to communicate with parents about events. It is important that I have an accurate e-mail.

I have read the BRANDON SINGERS 2014-2015 document. I understand the responsibilities of this group.

Student’s signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______