Prof. Deborah Needleman Armintor / r / Office Hrs: By Appointment (LANG 409B)


ENGL 4440, Section 001 / FALL 2014 / tth 11:00-12:20 / lang 209

Course Description: We will explore some of the major works of John Milton within the context of English and European sonnet, epic, and drama traditions.

Required Text: John Milton, The Major Works (Oxford UP, 1991), ed. Orgel & Goldberg; Milton Reader

Course Requirements and Grading

Test 1 and Test 2 (25% each): Based on reading assignments and class discussion, each test will consist of 10 multiple choice questions and 5 quote i.d. Test 1 will cover material from weeks 1-6 . Test 2 will cover material from weeks 7-13.

Critical Essay 1 and 2 (25% each): In each of these 5-to-6-page formal critical essays, you will introduce, develop, and sustain an original argument about a single text or theme of Milton’s, drawing from any one or more of the Miltonic and (if you wish) pre-Miltonic texts or genres covered in either weeks 1-6 (Essay 1) or 7-13 (Essay 2). Be sure to go beyond the obvious (and beyond what we’ve already covered in class discussion) in choosing your argument, and to read closely and dig deeply in selecting and analyzing your examples. In each paragraph, be sure to quote directly and selectively from the text(s) you’re discussing, and to analyze those passages closely and creatively, with attention to detail and context. Papers must be 1.5- or double-spaced, with parenthetical citations (this is not a research paper so no bibliography is needed), in a reasonable font (11 or 12-point Times New Roman, for instance), and with 1 inch margins all around. Unexcused late papers will be docked half a grade for each class day late (and for each weekday late during finals week).

Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory and will be taken each class. Any student responsible for two or more unexcused absences will be dropped from the class. An absence counts as excused if you have notified me via email before your absence or shortly thereafter (before the next class meeting).

Plagiarism Policy: Any student who plagiarizes will receive an automatic “F” for the course.

Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act: Any student with a disability requiring assistance is encouraged to register with the Office of Disability Accommodation. Please provide me with a written request by the fourth class day so I will know how best to accommodate you.


Week 1:

T, 8/26: Intro to the Course

Th, 8/28: Lecture & Discussion: Milton and the Italian & English Sonnet

Week 2:

T 9/2: Reader: Dante, Selections from Vita Nuova; Petrarch, Sonnets 37 & 38; Wyatt, “Whoso List to Hunt”

Th 9/4: Reader: Spenser, Sonnet I from Amoretti


Week 3:

T 9/9: Reader: Shakespeare, Sonnet 146; Herbert, “Love III” (handout); Donne, Holy Sonnet 14 (handout)
Th 9/11: Milton, Sonnet 7, p. 34

Week 4:

T 9/16: Milton, Sonnet 13, p. 79

Th 9/18: Milton, Sonnet 16, p. 81

Week 5:

T, 9/23: Milton, Sonnet 9, p. 35

Th, 9/25: Lecture and Discussion: Paradise Lost; Milton, Introduction to Paradise Lost, p. 355

Week 6:

T 9/30: Reader: King James Bible, Genesis, 1:001:001-1:003:024; Milton, Paradise Lost, Books 1 & 2

Th 10/2: Milton, Paradise Lost, Book 3 & 4

Week 7:

T, 10/7: TEST 1 (IN CLASS)

Th, 10/9: In-Class Essay-Planning Workshop

Week 8:

T, 10/14: Reader: Dante, Cantos I-IV of Inferno

Th, 10/16: Reader: Dante, Cantos I-III of Paradiso

Week 9:

T, 10/21: Reader: Chaucer, Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

Th, 10/23: MANDATORY RARE BOOK ROOM VISIT: Meet in Rare Book Room of the Willis Library (at the back of the 4th floor); CRITICAL ESSAY 1 DUE (IN CLASS IN RARE BOOK ROOM)

Week 10:

T, 10/28: Milton, Paradise Lost, Books 5 & 6

Th, 10/30: Milton, Paradise Lost, Books 7-9

Week 11:

T, 11/4: Milton, Paradise Lost, Books 10-12

Th, 11/6: Milton, Paradise Regained, Books 1 & 2

Week 12:

T, 11/11: Milton, Paradise Regained, Books 3 & 4

Th, 11/13: Reader: Sophocles, Oedipus Rex

Week 13:

T, 11/18: Milton, Samson Agonistes

Th, 11/20: Milton, Samson Agonistes (continued)

Week 14: Thanksgiving Week

T, 11/25: In-Class Essay-Planning Workshop


Week 15:

T, 12/2: In-Class Discussion of Test 2, Evaluations

Th, 12/4: TEST 2 (IN CLASS)

CRITICAL ESSAY 2 DUE MONDAY, DECEMBER 8TH VIA EMAIL: Send to under the following subject heading: “ESSAY 2, ENGL 4440, YOUR LAST NAME HERE.” No papers accepted after Friday, December 12th.

(Note: No class during Pre-Finals week. No final exam.)