Latin Epigraphy Assignment 2 (Projects)

Short Research Projects (200 Possible points)

1. Geographical knowledge/research (outside reference necessary): 5 points each

Where did Columbus Serenianus come from (inscription 37)? Where is that located geographically?

Where did the Naristes live (inscription 45)?

2. Elements from the required selected texts (no outside work necessary, but it may be helpful) 5 points each

What does “col.” Stand for in inscription 58? Hint: note his nomen.


Translate the phrase “q. et Senecill.” in inscription 59?


3. Family reconstructions (Use the inscription only in your reconstruction; no outside research required). Various points for each based on difficulty.

Fill in the family tree based on the following inscription. Be sure to include anyone appearing in the filiations of the people involved. Note: “=” is “married”. 20 Points

AE 1985, 479 (S. Ponso Canavese, Italy)

P(ublius) Livius P(ubli) f(ilius) Macer / IIvir QDIV sibi et / Iuniae C(ai) f(iliae) Vetullae uxori / P(ublio) Livio Macro VIvir(o) avo / Pinariae Sex(ti) f(iliae) Quartae aviae / Liviae P(ubli) f(iliae) Pollae amitae / Vibiae T(iti) f(iliae) Pollae matri t(estamento) f(ieri) i(ussit)



______= ______


P. Livius Macer = ______

Give all forms in the nominative case.

Family reconstructions (continued)

Determine the relationships between the three people named in this inscription. Not all are certain, so give your reasons for determining each relationship. 20 points maximum

/ A fish vendor in the Horrea Galbana
Aurelia C(ai) l(iberta) Nais / piscatrix de horreis Galbae / C(aius) Aurelius C(ai) l(ibertus) Phileros / patronus / L(ucius) Valerius L(uci) l(ibertus) Secundus

Family reconstructions (continued)

Reconstruct this family’s history based on what you know about the names of imperial freedmen. 25 points maximum

AE 1910, 0071 (Rome?)

Ti(berio) Claudio Aug(usti) l(iberto) Euno / Neronis Aug(usti) cunario / Ti(berio) Iulio Aug(usti) l(iberto) Secundo / medico auriculario / Claudiae Aug(usti) l(ibertae) Cedn(a)e Mammae / Claudiae Hermione vernae suae / Ti(berius) Iulius Eunus Ti(berius) Claudius / Deuter fecerunt parentibus suis Ti(berio) Claudio Felici vernae suo / libertis libertabusque posteris suis(!)

4. Find an example of each of the following from either the EDH or Clauss online databases. Give the CIL/AE/ILS reference in each blank and include a print out of the inscription with your submitted assignment.

Illegitimate Child (5 points): ______

Person freed by a woman (5 points): ______

Freedman with more than one master/mistress (5 points): ______

Person other than an emperor whose grandfather or great-grandfather is named in his or her filiation (5 points): ______

A person with a Greek-sounding cognomen (5 points): ______

A person with a foreign (but not Greek) cognomen (5 points): ______

Freedman or slave of a public entity (other than the emperor) (5 points): ______

Find an example of a woman with a praenomen (20 points): ______

5. Names of the Aristocracy. Aristocratic names could be very complicated as individuals sought to bear the marks of as many of their prestigious ancestral families as possible. The following is a list of names belonging to an extended aristocratic family. Place the names in the correct places on the stemma on the next page. Watch for clues of name memory by later generations. Either put the name or letter representing the name on the stemma or put the blank stemma number next to the correct name below. No outside research allowed. 60 Points


Latin Epigraphy Assignment 2 (Projects)

A. _____ P. Atilius P. f. Rufus

B. _____ P. Atilius T. f. Rufus Afer

C. _____ T. Atilius P. f. Rufus Nero

D. _____ Manlia M. f. Galeria Plotina

E. _____ Manlia T. f. Galeria Plotina

F. _____ M. Manlius M. f. Verus

G. _____ Arria C. f. Tertulla

H. _____ Arria P. f. Lupula

I. _____ C. Arrius C. f. Nero

J. _____ Lucretia T. f. Tertulla

K. _____ L. Lucretius Cn. f. Fulvus

L. _____ T. Lucretius T. f. Fulvus Boionius Arrius Nero

M. _____ M. Lucretius T. f. Fulvus

N. _____ T. Lucretius L. f. Fulvus

O. _____ M. Lucretius Galerius T. f. Nero

P. _____ Boionia L. f. Tertulla

Q. _____ Iulia P. f. Tertulla

R. _____ P. Iulius P. f. Lupus

S. _____ Rupilia C. f. Plotina

T. _____ C. Rupilius M. f. Libo Frugi

U. _____ Salonia C. f. Matidia


Latin Epigraphy Assignment 2 (Projects)


1.______= 2.______3.______

4.______= 5.______= 6.______

Married Twice


9. ______

10.______= 11.______


13.______= 14.______(adoption)

15a.______(Birth Name)

16.______= 15b.______(Adopted Name)

One Person
