Town of Carolina Beach

November 19, 2014

Arts & Activities MINUTES

Attending: Dee Jenzano, Elaine Stewart, Leann Pierce Town Liaison, Sharon Carlson

Steve Klem, Mayor Dan Wilcox

Absent Cathy Chester, Brenda Butler Town Liaison

Elaine called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM

Elaine said Cathy had another commitment and would not be able to attend. Also Sharon would try to make it, but she had a class tonight.

Dee said she was glad Leanne invited Dan, since she wants to find out about the trailer for Christmas by the Sea.

Christmas by the Sea Nov. 29, Dec. 6, 13, 20 6:30-8:30 PM

Steve Klem will find spot at the lake for trailer and he will get with operations to get the lighting.

Missed Pleasure Island Contest (no date yet)

Elaine will call Lynn to invite her to the Dec.17th meeting.

Tony will call Lynn to either get the photos or see if she is ready to go to the Marriott to speak with Amy about having the event there in late Feb. or early March. Dan said we could use his sound equipment.

Arts & Activities Face Book Page

Town's Website Calendar

Dee said she met with Brenda last week. Brenda will do the calendar on the Town's new site, and the Chamber will also do a calendar on their page. Dee will continue to send the weekly calendar updates until it is running smoothly.


Steve Klem. has been researching mascot ideas for the A & A. He came up with a pelican, fisherman, venus fly trap, octopus, and a tiki character. Most of the group did not feel the tiki did not represent Carolina Beach. This item will be further discussed at a later date.

Town Committee Meeting

Dan explained that the reason the CBDI, and the Chamber etc. are not Town Committees is they need to do business in a very timely manner, not leaving time to advertise for meetings. The A & A committee must follow Town rules, which does create an additional burden, however we are under the Town rules and must follow them.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:55PM

Next meeting