Only ONE form per family is necessary.

Please enclose your membership dues (checks made payable to DTSPTA) and return it to your child’s teacher.

Membership dues are $10 per family.

Member(s) Name(s):


Phone: Email:

Please list your child(ren) and their teacher(s) for the 2017-2018 school year:

Name: Teacher:

Name: Teacher:

Name: Teacher:

Please list additional children and attach

Wewould like to beACTIVE members. This means we will include $10 for our membership and we are willing to volunteer for various DTS PTA activities. We have indicated our interests on the back of this form.

We would like to beNON-ACTIVE members. This means we will include $10 for our membership and understand that we are DTS PTA members, but will not be contacted to volunteer for DTS PTA activities.

______We would like to give an additional donation of $to the DTS PTA.

Membership dues and donations to the DTS PTA are tax deductible. The DTS PTA is eligible to receive matching gifts from corporations who match their employee’s donations. Please check with your employer for the correct forms to double your gift to the DTS PTA.

In an effort to cut down on expenses and reduce paper waste, the DTS PTA is attempting to use as much electronic correspondence as possible. I give the DTS PTA my permission to send newsletters and other important updates via email.


If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Stebbins @ .

Payments made by check to the Downtown School PTA that are not honored by the bank will incur a returned check fee of $25.00

The Downtown School PTA

2017-2018 Volunteer Interests

I am willing to assist with the Fall Book Fair (November 2017)

I am willing to assist with the Spring Book Fair (March/April 2018)

I am willing to donate baked (purchased or homemade) goods or snacks for Teacher and Staff Appreciation (Spring 2018)

I am willing to serve as a room parent to help coordinate parties, Teacher’s Lunch Out, and Teacher Appreciation

I am willing to help with spirit wear orders

I am willing to serve on the following committees (check committees you are interested in):


Book Fair

Teacher Appreciation

Community Advocacy

Audit Committee

Nominating Committee

Family Fun Night


I am willing to (list other ideas):

Other suggestions or comments: