Sunnybrook Youth Psychiatry Outpatient Referral Form

The Youth Division in the Department of Psychiatry at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre is committed to providing excellent clinical assessments and care for youth. In recent years the time from referral to assessment has grown substantially, at some points exceeding 5-6 months. Effective June 2012, we have established the following parameters for outpatient assessment referrals.

For youth 14-18 years old residing within Sunnybrook’s catchment area (framed by Bathurst St, the Don Valley Parkway, Sheppard Ave, and St. Clair Ave), we will continue to accept referrals from physicians for assessments for youth with complex mood and anxiety disorders.

For youth with the above disorders residing outside our catchment area but within Metro Toronto (416 area code), we will provide assessments provided that they are treatment-refractory (i.e. continue to experience impairing symptoms despite an adequate course of pharmacological or psychosocial treatment).

With the exception of bipolar disorder, we are no longer accepting referrals of youth residing outside of Metro Toronto.

These parameters are necessary for us to maintain our ability to serve our mandates as both a provider of primary care for youth residing in our catchment area and as a regional resource for treatment-resistant and tertiary referrals.

I have forwarded all prior assessment/treatment/summary

notes along with this referral to Sunnybrook Youth


No previous mental health treatment. (Must reside in

SHSC catchment area.)

Has not responded to pharmacological treatment Has not responded to psychosocial treatment

(please indicate medications, dosage, and duration) (please indicate type and duration of therapy)




Other (explain): ______


______**Please fax to Denise Hayes @ 416-480-6818**

Physician Referred To: ______Referral Date: _____/_____/______

DD / MM / YY

Youth Demographic Information

Surname: ______Given Name: ______

D.O.B: _____/_____/_____ Age: ______Gender: Male Female

DD / MM / YY

Youth Phone: (_____) ______- ______

Address: ______

Same Address as Parents: Yes No


Parental Custody: Yes No

Health Card #: ______VC: _____

Involved in Children’s Aid Society: Yes No

Reason for Referral

Primary reason: Secondary reason(s):

(select ONE) (if relevant)


Delusions (fixed false beliefs), hallucination

Grossly disorganized/bizarre speech or behaviour


Persisting low/sad or irritable mood and

lack of interest, guilt, suicidality, sleep/appetite changes

Hypo/Mania: Elevated/euphoric or irritable mood with increased

activity/energy/speech/ideas,disinhibited reckless or risky

behavior, grandiosity, and/or decreased need for sleep.


(please specify):

Obsessive thoughts; rituals or compulsions

Post-traumatic stress (anxiety following traumatic event including flashbacks, re-experiencing, numbness/detachment)

Specific or social phobia, panic attacks, or generalized

Please check additional areas of concern, if relevant - the following disorders/issues should not be a primary reason for referral to our clinic, but might be comorbid/related concerns:

Alcohol/Drug Abuse

Antisocial Behavior – theft, assault, truancy, fire-setting, lying

Developmental Issues – developmental delay/ mental retardation, autism spectrum symptoms (deficits in [or idiosyncratic/odd] speech, communication, reciprocity, mannerisms, social skills deficits, particularly with regard to reading non-verbal cues)

Dysfunctional Eating – excessive dieting, starvation, compulsive exercising, bingeing and purging

Self-Destructive Behaviors – self-injury (e.g. cutting), impulsivity, intense and unstable interpersonal relationships, prominent anger

ADHD – inattention/hyperactivity or lifelong disorganization attributable to lack of focus

School Issues – learning disabilities, poor grades, poor attendance, behavioral issues, social issues (e.g. bullying)

Other – (e.g. anger management issues) please elaborate in ‘comments’ section

**Please fax to Denise Hayes @ 416-480-6818**