Cherish House Baby Bottle Campaign – Once again we plan on participating in the Cherish House’s Baby Bottle Campaign. The bottles will be distributed, D.V., on Mothers’ Day, May 13 and will be collected on Father’s Day, June 16.

The Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra will present its annual Spring Concert, A Mighty Fortress, on Tuesday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the BJ Haan Auditorium on the campus of Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. Guest artist for the evening is Dr. Richard Steinbach, Professor of Piano at Briar Cliff College and the M.A. Martin Everist Foundation Artist-In-Residence. As in the past, this Spring Concert will also feature the announcement of the 2018-2019 Season of the Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra. Season tickets for next year will be offered that evening for a special discounted price. Advance tickets are available at Evie’s Hallmark in Sioux Center and Jubon Juweelen in Orange City. Tickets are also available at the door the night of the concert. For more information, contact the NISO office at 712-722-6230 or .

The Northwest Iowa Symphony Youth Orchestra, led by conductor Dr. Christopher Stanichar, will present its Spring Concert on Saturday, April 14, at 3:00 p.m. in the BJ Haan Auditorium on the campus of Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. NISYO will perform Warlock’s Capriol Suite, Newbold’s Arabian Dreams, and a charming arrangement of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. You will also hear the world premiere of Love by NISYO’s conductor Christopher Stanichar. The concert is free and open to the public.

Do you want to maximize the impact of the resources God has entrusted to you? James Prichard, a Christian attorney from Barnabas Foundation, will show you how. As a member of our congregation a confidential will planning consultation is offered to you at no charge and with no obligation.James Prichardwill be meeting with Christian families in our area onApril 18-19.Simply call Barnabas Foundation toll-free at 888.448.3040 to schedule your complimentary conversation with Jim. To help you get started, you may also request a free special resource titled “7 Reasons to Review Your Will” by simply sending an e-mail request with “7 Reasons Request” in the subject line to .

Sowing seeds of the Gospel through health and medicine is a team effort at the Luke Society. A major part of that is the generosity and financial gifts from our supporting churches. We are grateful to the people ofOcheyedan Christian Reformed Churchfor your support, and we ask that you keep our ministry in your prayers as together we support the Spirit’s work around the globe.

The Sibley Christian Reformed Church invites you to the concert of The Kempers Quartet from Sioux Center, IA which will be given on Sunday afternoon, April 15, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. in the Christian Reformed Church. Invite your friends to join you and come to hear the message they will be giving.


Serving, Sunday, April 8, 2018

Children’s Worship Leader:Jesus is Risen: The Road to Emmaus-Emily H

Banner Carriers: Coen ---- Kensi

Greeters: Natalie, Barb, Jonathan

Coffee Servers: Brad & Michelle VM---- Pete & Bertie R

Greeters: Joel & Barb B ---- Neal & Laura V

Ushers: Mark V / Doug VM

Nursery:Pam S & Paige H

Evening Nursery: Laura V & Michele VM

Offering: Food Resource Bank

Librarian: Mary R

Sunday,April 8, 2018

9:30 AM Morning Worship --- Children’s Worship

10:45 AM Sunday School

6:00 PM Evening Worship

Monday,April 9, 2018

Tuesday,April 10,2018

Wednesday, April 11,2018

6:00 AM Men's Breakfast Bible Study

7:00 PM Sonshine Circle Hostess Becky E

Thursday, April 12, 2018

7:00PM Prayer & Sharetime at Elmer H‘s home

Friday, April 13, 2018

Advanced Notice

April 18-6:00 PM- GEMS Year End Banquet

Serving,Sunday, April 15, 2018

Children’s Worship Leader:The Great Banquet – Pam S

Banner Carriers:Daniel ---- Lanae

Greeters: Tamra, Sue, Justice

Coffee Servers: Pete & Bertie R---- Willie & Ellen B

Greeters: Mike & Karen B ---- Paul & Phyllis V

Ushers: Mark V / Doug VM

Nursery:Karen B & Jordan P

Evening Nursery:

Offering: Worthington Christian School

Librarian: Mary R

Congregational Announcements

There will be a come and go bridal shower on April 21st, from 2-4 pm at the St. John’s Lutheran Church in May City for Katlynn Luinstra, bride to be of Zachary Espey. The couple is registered at Walmart, Menards, & Target.

Guest Pastors Next Sunday – Next Sunday, April 15, 2018, we will be welcoming to Ocheyedan Mr. Greg Steggerda and Pastor Ron Lammers. Mr. Steggerda will be leading us in our time of Morning Worship and Rev. Lammers will be leading us in our time of Evening Worship. Mr. Steggerda is a lay preacher with licensure to exhort within Classis Heartland of which we are a part. He has led our times of worship many times in the past. Rev. Ron Lammers is our associate pastor and serve the Asian-American Church of Bigelow, Minnesota as Pastor Emeritus in the Christian Reformed Church.

ADVANCE NOTICE: Congregational Meeting - Our annual spring congregational meeting to select Officers will be held, D.V. over Sunday, May 6, 2018. We anticipate that a time of voting on the nominees will be held following the morning service of worship after which we will be in recess until our evening service. During the evening service a season of selection will be observed in which the names of two (2) elders and two (2) deacons will be selected for service for three years 2017-2020.

GEMS Sunday – We look forward to sharing with the GEMS a special Service of Worship on Sunday Morning, April 22, 2018! The GEMS theme this season has been “In His Steps” based on 1 John 2:6 – Whoever claims t live in him must live as Jesus did.

The 8th Annual Minnikota Youth/Dordt College Junior High (6th-8th graders) Retreat is April 20-22 at Inspiration Hills. The theme this year is from Romans 12:1-2 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is---his good, pleasing and perfect will." The theme is "TRANSFORMED". If you have not received a registration form from your church text Lee De Groot at 712-470-4244 or email her at . The registration deadline is April 12. Hope to see all you Junior-Highers there!

Free Food Available: The Food Bank of Iowa mobile pantry will be distributing food on Tuesday, April 10th from 4-6 p.m. at the Sibley Christian Reformed Church. If you or anyone you know could use some help with food, please come. Please bring your own bags, baskets, or boxes to carry your food.

NEEDED!!! -VBS-Vacation Bible School decorating supplies:

NO More Small Boxes

Need Lots of Plastic Bags

Lots like Appliance boxes

Cardboard Tubes of varying sizes:

1. Lots of paper towel sizes

2. Lots like wrapping paper tubes

3. Some of a size in between wrapping paper tubes & carpet tubes

4. Lots of carpet tubes

LOTS of green card stock / cardboard /construction paper.

Brown packing paper used to fill boxes.

Who is ready for summer?!!! We can’t wait & are extra excited as plans for Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus VBS are moving along! We will be ready to share the life saving message of the Bible with kids from June 4-8. Please spread the word & be on the lookout for more information coming up.

ATTENTIONtheBible League international Spring Salad Luncheonis scheduled for Monday May 7, 2018 at 11:30 at the 1st Christian Reformed Church of Orange City Iowa 408 Arizona Ave. S.W. Come learn about the work of Bible League in Latin America and enjoy the music of the Siouxland Women’s Chorus.You are asked to bring a salad for every two people to share.Drinks will be provided. Please gives thisprayerfulconsideration. it would be so GREAT to have a large group come together to support the work of Bible League International

All women and girls are invited to Night to Shine & Sparkle at Trinity CRC on Thursday, April 12. Doors open at 5pm with multiple vendors to shop from and a light meal will be served. The event speaker, Image Truth, will share a message of hope, truth and beautiful freedom to girls & women and their closets. Order your $15/ticket by Tuesday by emailing or calling/texting 712-449-8150.

On Sunday April 29 we will be taking an offering for inspiration Hills. –This past summer the food and consumer safety inspector informed us that our walk-in cooler was no longer functioning at an acceptable level. They had been purchased used in 1975. Our ministry has grown and it is time to update the kitchen. While we are replacing the cooler and freezer, we need to remodel the kitchen at the same time. Volunteers and staff along with donated funds have provided a start to this project. A small addition has been added to the kitchen that will house the new walk-in cooler/freezer and additional storage space. Now, we need to buy the cooler/freezer and install lit before the camping season begins. The total cost for this project is $177,000. There is more information on the back bulletin board.

CHANGE OF PLANS - Lucille has great plans for the church’s youth camp, but everything is put on hold with a hospital visit. Can Lucille’s replacement Liz pull it off perfectly? Subscribe for free at Free Giveaway: Kids Corner’s “Know Your Bible Activity Book, Part 1!” Can you figure out all eleven Kids Corner Bible puzzles? Have fun as you learn about God’s big story!

JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS - It seems that on earth, justice cannot keep up with evil and corruption. Join Groundwork as we study Micah 6:8 and Romans 3:21-22 to see why righteousness is intricately connected to justice in God’s eyes and learn what this means for how we live faithfully as followers of Jesus Christ. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork’s weekly emails for future episodes.

All Volunteers – Volunteer Salad Luncheon - Sibley Specialty Care presents “Growing Together” on Thursday April 26 at 2:00 p.m.-Join us for a celebration in honor of your hard work and time you have devoted to being a volunteer at our facility. We greatly appreciate all that you do; we could not do it without you! Please stop by and be recognized. It will be an afternoon of fun, food, and learning about “The Evolution of a Northwest Iowa Garden” with Esther D’Agrosa. Thank you again volunteers for all you do.

Needed Monthly
Ocheyedan CRC annual Budget 2018 / $174,355.56 / $14,529.63
January Income / $ 10,691.00 / $3,838.63 / $ 7,062.51
February Income / $ 13,735.00 / $ (6,142.30) / $ 6,612.38
March Income / $ 10,775.56 / $ 8,387.33 / $ 6,883.83
April Income / $ 22,916.96
May Income / $ 37,446.59
June Income / $ 51,976.22
July Income / $ 66,505.85
August income / $ 81,035.48
September Income / $ 95,565.11
October Income / $ 110,094.74
November Income / $ 124,624.37
December Income / $ 139,154.00
Total Income / $ 35,201.56
Classical Shares Paid / $ 12,574.98 / $ 2,377.52 / $ 14,952.50
Denominational Shares Paid / $ - / $ 28,289.06 / $ 28,289.06
Missionary Support Received / $ 1,197.00 / $ 3,803.00 / $ 5,000.00
Building Fund Balance / $ 10,007.22
Benevolent Fund Balance / $ 5,871.19
Offerings in March
World Renew / $ 501.75
Calvin Seminary / $ 538.51
Sheldon Christian School / $ 942.25
Siouxland Unity CRC / $ 468.50
Luke Society / $ 155.25