Chapter 6 Reading Guide

The Duel for North America 1608-1763

Terms: vainglorious, Edict of Nantes, de Champlain, Jesuits, De la Salle, guerilla warfare, Treaty of Utrecht, War of Austrian Succession, Cajuns, French and Indian War (Seven Years War), Albany Congress, Albany Plan, Battle of Quebec, Treaty of Paris, Pontiac, Proclamation of 1763.

I. France Finds a Foothold

A.  France Finds a Foothold in Canada

1.  What held back French exploration?

2.  Then, what happened to further French expansion?

3.  What happened with the Iroquois and the French?

4.  Why did colonization by the French proceed at such a slow pace?

B.  New France Fans Out

1.  What was the most important resource in New France?

2.  What effect did contact with Europeans have on the Indians?

3.  What country was France’s rival in the Gulf of Mexico?

4.  What was the most important French port in this area?

C.  The Clash of Empires

1.  Who were the tree European rivals?

2.  What are characteristics of King William and Queen Anne’s wars?

II. The French and Indian War

A.  George Washington Inaugurates War with France

1.  What was the most crucial area in this conflict?

2.  What happened in the area around Pittsburgh?

3.  What was the role of George Washington?

B.  Global War and Colonial Disunity

1.  What were the different sides in the French and Indian War?

2.  What was the purpose at Albany?

C.  Braddock’s Blundering and Its Aftermath

1.  What happened to Braddock?

D. Pitt’s Palms of Victory

1.  What was Pitt’s role?

2.  What was his strategy?

3.  What happened with Florida and New Orleans?

III. Aftermath of the War

A. Restless Colonies

1.  Why did Americans gain confidence form this war?

2.  Why did this conflict cause resentment between colonists and the British?

3.  Why did some degree of unity appear among the colonists?

B. Americans: A People of Destiny

1.  How did the defeat of the French change the colonists’ perspective?

2.  How did the Indians react to the British on their land?

3.  What was the Proclamation of 1763?