CEFPI Southeast Region

Board Conference Call: Friday, July 8, 2011 @ 10:00 am

Participants: Michael Hall

Jim Copeland

Roger Leeson

Ken Swan

Carla Terian

Michael opened the meeting at 10:07


Michael reports on meeting minutes from the June 3, 2011 board meeting. Due to not having a quorum meeting minutes can not be approved.

By-laws :

Jim Copeland questioned the status of the region/chapter by-laws.

Michael Hall requested that the revised Regional By-laws be sent to the Governance Committee for review and to see about approval. The region has used the template sent for comments and implemented it at the region level.

CEFPI 2011 Nashville:

Michael Hall indicates that a request form Don Gillmore came in. He indicated that a request has been made that each chapter and region commits $1000 towards a keynote speaker.

Michael reviewed the speaker information Mr. Kahn.

The request for a sponsorship is $1000 minimum.

Jim Copeland indicates that he is not in favor of the sponsorship.

Carla Terian will poll board members electronically.

Strategic Planning:

Michael Hall reports that Sue Robertson has agreed to facilitate the SE region strategic planning session. The only costs associated will be two nights hotel stay and a meal.

Michael would like Carla Terian to send out the request to the members on the event list on to the Strategic Planning Session.

September 13th – All day

September 14th–morning

Architectural Jury:

Michael Hall indicates that Alex James is not available. Due to the time frame an invitation will be extended to Danny Jardine to represent the Southeast Region on the Exhibition of School Planning of Architectural jury. Carla Terian will contact Danny as requested by Michael Hall.

Chapter Reports:

North Carolina

Conference in early May, partly why we are struggling with by-laws. Just completed conference wrap up. Membership has stayed pretty steady. Introducing the new board next week and will be starting on the by-laws revisions. The Chapter is just getting their new year going and he indicates that the chapter


Ken reports that the chapter is supporting the national meeting. Rosenwald school (chapter is helping) since starting the school the chapter is gaining momentum and getting some active participation in the school renovation. Companies have stepped up and donated wood floors, paint, monies and are waiting on response on a roof donation.

Chanel 5 did a segment on the school construction. Channel 5 news segment is on the website and can be shared.

Gerogia – talk to Mike Satterfield

Next Meeting date

August 5th – 10:00 am

September meeting will be deferred to onsite in Nashville…