
H Biology

Chapter 12 and 13 Test: DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis


1. The sequences of ______in DNA determines traits and stores ______,
2. DNA consists of two LONG strands of?
3. What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide?
4. What sugar is found in DNA
5. What two scientists made a working model of DNA aka “double helix”
6. Who determined DNA was spiral in formation by taking an x-ray picture?
7. Griffith – What did he do? What combination of bacteria killed the mice?
8. Avery and Colleagues
9. Hershey and Chase – What did they do? How did they label the DNA? Protein?
10. What is Chargaff’s Rule
11. Differentiate between a purine and a pyrimidine.
12. What is DNA replication
13. What is meant by semi-conservative replication?
14.  How are the two new DNA molecules similar to the original DNA?
15.  Enzyme that unwinds and unzips
16. Enzyme that makes the RNA primer (preps DNA strands to receive DNA nucleotides)
17. Enzyme that adds DNA nucleotides to exposed DNA template bases?
18. Where does DNA replication occur in eukaryotes/prokaryotes? How many replication forks are present in e? p?
19. Write the complementary sequence for the following bases: ATTCGAT
20. List the steps of DNA replication
21. List 3 differences between DNA and RNA
22. List the 3 types of RNA.
23. What is transcription? What happens to RNA BEFORE it leaves the nucleus?
24. List the steps of transcription.
25. Which type of RNA serves as a blueprint for the genetic code?
26. What is a codon?
27. What type of RNA’s are involved in protein synthesis?
28. Which type of RNA do you use when interpreting the genetic code?
29. What is the role of tRNA
30. What is an anticodon?
31. What is translation?
32. When are amino acids released during translation?
33. Where does translation occur?
34. What type of bond holds amino acids together?
35. What type of bonds holds the bases together in DNA?
36. What type of bonds connects the sugar/phosphate backbone?
37. What is the start codon?
38. What is a stop codon?
39.  List the steps of translation.
40. Genes directly control the synthesis of _____ and genes are found in _____.
41. What is the chronological order regarding the structure of DNA?
42. What is meant by the genetic code is redundant?
43. DNA Polymerase
44. Helicase
45. DNA ligase
46. Telomerase
47. RNA Primase
48. Primer
49. Leading Strand
50. Lagging Strand
51. Okazaki Fragment
52. Replication fork
53. RNA Polymerase

Be sure to be able to use the genetic code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Know the Central Dogma…. DNA à RNA à Protein

Possible Diagrams: DNA, DNA Replication, Transcription, Translation