Blues Fund Application Form

Please complete the following form:

Student name:

Matriculation year:

Undergraduate ☐ or Graduate: ☐ (please tick)


Degree type: Choose an item.

Sport(s) in which you aim to achieve a Blue:

Give evidence of the level you have achieved in this sport (please limit your answer to 100 words or fewer):

Please provide an estimate of the total sum you expect to spend achieving your sporting goals this year:


Total amount requested from the Blues Fund:


If you receive this award from the Blues Fund, please specify exactly how you expect the money will be spent (estimated or actual costs)*:

* Funds can generally be put towards subs, kit, equipment upgrades, and travel to and from Blue/Half-Blue sports fixtures. Funds cannot go towards accommodation or nutritional products.

Other sources of funding (including amounts from each source):

Any other relevant information (please limit your answer to 100 words or fewer):

Important notes:

1.  Due to high demand, the Blues Fund is only able to support those pursuing a Blue or Half-Blue sport. Non-Blues sports are therefore not eligible for funding.

2.  There is a cap of £500 on any individual award.

3.  A condition of receiving funding from this fund is that, should you be successful, you must be willing for the amount of money you receive to be publicised by the Development Office. You may also be asked to write an article for the annual magazine, Imprint.

4.  If you are successful in your application for a grant, you will be expected to provide evidence of how the grant was spent, in the form of receipts and/or invoices, in Trinity Term.

5.  Please be aware that the Annual Fund Working Group meets to make its decisions twice a year in Michaelmas Term and Hilary Term. The second round is to consider applications from people who did not apply to the first round, or who have found themselves closer to selection since an unsuccessful first round application.