Ms. Sallee

American Literature

7 October 2005

The Scarlet Letter

Quiz: CH 9-12

In the space provided answer each question in complete sentences, making sure you show some command over the specific detail in each chapter. (3 points each question; 10 points annotation on back side)

1. Explain the irony in the way the townspeople see Chillingworth, as opposed to the way the reader is beginning to see him. You may know that in early medical practice, leeches were used to drain diseased blood from a patient, with the hopes of cleansing that patient of illness. Given that earlier meaning, set out one or two reasons this chapter is entitled “The Leech.” Try to include the irony of that title.

2. Chillingworth early on suspects that Dimmesdale is hiding something and sets about to uncover it. Dimmesdale is an intelligent and articulate man. Why, according to information given to us by the narrator, does Dimmesdale not suspect Chillingworth?

3. Dimmesdale, usually quiet by nature, has an outburst with Chillingworth (CH 10). What prompts the outburst? What does Chillingworth glean from it?

4. The narrator develops some study of Dimmesdale’s interior in CH 11 (“The Interior of a Heart”). In it Dimmesdale reflects on the number of times he has climbed to the pulpit to “confess,” describing himself as the “most vile” of human beings. What effects do these confessions have? Would it make a difference in the townspeople’s understanding of him if he were more explicit or specific about his sins?

The passage below is from Chapter 12. Mark it up in as much detail as possible, giving

a)  context (who, what, when, where, etc.)

b)  symbols, imagery, tone and themes

c)  at least one connection to another passage or scene

Make sure that I can follow your markings and comments. (10 points)