Who are you sharing Christmas with?
The Diocese of Guildford have compiled this directory of support available over the Christmas period in Surrey and North East Hampshire. Thank you to all those groups who have shared information about how they are helping to support people at this time of year. Christmas is a busy time of year, celebrating and spending time with family and friends. However, we know that this time of year can be difficult for some people. They may be lonely – separated from family and friends, or vulnerable for other reasons.
Note for Organisers: We have been advised by one lunch organiser that your local Waitrose may be able to provide support generally for groups who are providing lunch for those who would otherwise be alone on Christmas Day.
Other sources of information is tel 0800 0639285 and which both have a good listing of community events across the UK.
Please share the information provided with those who may be on their own at Christmas and with those who may be looking for volunteering opportunities. If you know of another event, or are needing volunteers please do get in touch with the:
Communities Engagement Team,
Diocese of Guildford, Diocesan House,Quarry Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 3XG
tel: 01483 790 324 email:
The HaslemereChristmas Lunchis for those who would normally be alone on Christmas Day. Held at Haslewey Community Centre, Weyhill, Haslemere. Carols from 12:15 followed by a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings.This is a free event and all are welcome. Transport may be possible however pre-booking is essential for both meal and transport.
Churches Together in Farnham, Christmas DayLunch starts at 1.00pm at The Gostrey Centre, East Street, Farnham GU9 7SB. The lunch is for people who live locally and who would otherwise spend Christmas Day on their own.
Booking essential.To book a place please ring before 9th December;
Mariola Boyd 01252 716785 or Michael McDonnell 01252 712600
Transport provided if required.
There is no charge for lunch or transport.
Volunteer helpers welcome (especially drivers). To volunteer please ring:
Jo Rendall 01252 737162
Alfold and Loxwood Parish are performing a Live Nativity at Alfold Sports & Social Club, from 3:30 - 6:00pm on Saturday 17th December
Followed by Carol Singing, Mulled Wine and Mince Pies
For further details from Church Office
tel: 01403 753821
The Baptist Church in Ewhurstfollowing their morning service at 10:30am they will be hosting the Village Christmas Day Lunch, 12.15 for 12.30.
For more details please contactSimon Bodington, Minister, Ewhurst Baptist Church
email: tel:01483 495426
The Street, Ewhurst, Surrey,GU6 7QA
There will be a Prime Time Christmas Carol Service in Busbridge Church on Tuesday 13th Decemberat 2.30pm for anyone over the age of 55 and is primarily a social activities group.It will be a traditional seasonal celebration followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Everyone is very welcome to attend.
Penny is the Primetime Befriending Co-ordinator
Or via Revd Simon Taylor tel: 01483 421267
St John the Baptist, Brighton Rd, Godalming, GU7 1XA
Churches Together in Godalming for many years has organised a Christmas DayLunch at the Baptist Church for people who would otherwise spend the day on their own and it has proved very popular. Transport assistance may be possible for Godalming residents. After lunch there is entertainment and everyone is given a small gift. Volunteers are neededfor a variety of roles, preparing food and setting tables on Christmas Eve, providing transport on Christmas Day, helping in the kitchen with serving and washing up, hosting on the day, providing entertainment and to clear away afterwards.
Church Office tel : 01483 422105 email:
Godalming Baptist Church, Queen Street, Godalming, GU7 1BA
Mole Valley
St Nicolas Church, Great Bookham, run a friendship lunch to be held at 12 noon on Sunday 4th December in St Nicolas Church Pastoral Centre (KT23 3PW). This lunch is a chance for those who would normally eat lunch alone to gather together, and these are held at various points in the year. There is a £5 per head fee which is payable on the door.
Also they hold a coffee morning every Tuesday 10am-12noon (Tuesday coffee will run until December 20th and then pick up again in the new year) in the Pastoral Centre which is open to all.
All are welcome, more details can be found via the parish office.
tel: 01372 450709 email:
Fetcham Village Hall, The Street, Fetcham, KT22 9QS
There will be a lunch for lonely, single, disadvantaged families on
Christmas Dayin Fetcham Village Hall. The Hall will be open from
10.30 to 4.00 with the usual Christmas Dinner at 12.30. Over the past
few years there have been about 90 to 100 there.
Volunteers are always needed either: Christmas Eve in the Hall to
prepare vegetables and put out tables etc. Or on Christmas Day
socialising with those present, serving food, clearing up etc. In the past
this has been run by an organisation called Pitstop, but this year it is
being co-ordinated by Graham Peddie
Contact either: Pitstop email:
orGraham Peddie tel: 01372 373803
St. George’s Christian Centre, Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2DA
members of St George’s congregation are again opening a place at their Christmas table over the festivities. They have their café open on 19,20,21 December for light lunches tea & coffees.
Also are also running Evergreen our Social club for the over 75’s on the 14th December 2.30-4.15
To find out more please contact Jacqui Kershaw (Outreach for the elderly)
01372 813200
Christmas Lunch in All Saints, Weston Green Church Hall is being held on Wednesday 28th December at 12 noon. It is aimed at those who are on their own over the Christmas period and is a continuation of their monthly lunch held on the last Wednesday of each month aimed at those who live alone.
Ian Whitley, Parish Missioner
All Saints Church – Weston Green tel: 07961 382293
St Paul’s East Molesey, Church Road, KT8 9DR are welcoming people to their Christmas lunch for all in the Parish room (next to the church) on Tuesday 6th December at 12:30pm. The lunch will be preceded by a service of Holy Communion if you wish to attend. The meal of 2 courses followed by tea or coffee costs £5.
Please ring Judy Lanaway to book on 020 8979 0014.
St Andrew’ Cobham is running, in partnership with Waitrose and Cobham Food Bank, a Christmas Day Lunch from 12 noon on Christmas Day, please contact them to book a place.
All ages are invited to the event being held at: Church Gate House , Downside Bridge Road , Cobham KT11 3EJ
They also host a monthly lunch club aimed primarily for those members of the parish who live on their own. They are usually on the second Friday of the month, with some variation depending when that falls. Advance booking is desirable. Please contact the Parish Officeor further details. Why not also attend their 10:30am Said Communion then stay for coffee followed bylunch?
Cobham Messy Church will be on 3rd December 10:30am and is a great opportunity for families to enjoy and share a lunch.
For more information please contact: Parish Office, Church Gate House, Downside Bridge Road, Cobham KT11 3EJ, Tel: 01932 867883
St Christopher’s, Hinchley Wood, are holding a Christmas Lunch Together on Saturday 10th December, 12.30 – 3.00 pm at St Christopher’s church hall, Claygate Lane, Hinchley Wood, KT10 0AQ. Cost £15 payable on the day. Please ring the parish office on 020 8398 9095 to book a place.
We also have a hearing aid clinic for those with NHS hearing aids immediately after the lunch. This will be in the church.
St Mary's Church Long Ditton are holding a Christmas Buffet Lunch (cost £8.00), 12.30pm onMonday 12th December in the community hall adjacent to the church. Children from the local Infant School will be singing carolsand there will be a raffle for a Christmas Hamper.Booking is essentialthrough Diana Jemmett.
tel: 020 8398 1184 email:
St. Mary's Church Community Hall, Church Road, Long Ditton, KT6 5HH
Holy Trinity Church, Claygate are hosting several events over the Christmas period, including Connections which is their weekly event for Seniors, running from 10am -11am every Tuesday in the Church. There is a constantly changing range of activities with everything from mini hand massages to craft activities and games as well as special interest tables put together by local guests. All are welcome for home-made cakes and fresh coffee and there is nocharge!
Please contact the church office if you know of anyone who will be on their own this Christmas and wherever possible we would arrange for them to be invited to a church member’s home for Christmas lunch.
Enquiries to Janet Watkins
Holy Trinity Church, Church Road, Claygate KT10 0JPtel: 01372 463603
St John's West,Cobham, are holding a Community Christmas Lunch on Christmas Day. Members of the church will be cooking and serving lunch in the Cornerstone Centre on Christmas Day this year for those unable to spend the day with friends and family. They aim to have a relaxed and enjoyable day that includes a traditional lunch, a little carol singing, optional quizzes and lots of chatting. Guests are welcome from midday and they expect to conclude the event by 4.30pm. They are hoping to be able to help with transport where it is most needed.
Although the lunch is being organised and hosted by St John’s it is not exclusively or even especially for church members. It is to be a community lunch and so is offered to anyone living locally who might otherwise be alone on Christmas Day.
Please email or contact the Parish Officeon 01932 342263 for further information or to express an interest in attending.
Open every day of the year, the Woking Safe Haven is a cafe-style drop-in centre.
It is a comfortable safe space where you can talk through your problems, have a cuppa, a clinical assessment (if needed), and get support to find the solution that is in your best interests. It provides help for people of any age needing support with psychological problems, of ANY kind, and for their friends and family, who need advice with the situation. So whenever you feel things are getting too much, that you cannot cope or you are having a crisis, you can drop in to the Safe Haven, without making an appointment.
Monday-Friday: 18:00-23:00
Weekends & Bank Holidays: 12:30 - 23:00
The Moorcroft Day Centre in Woking GU22 9LY, are hosting a freetraditional Christmas lunch, for older people who are on their own at Christmas Guest booking required. Transport may be possible Volunteers are needed)
For bookings and further enquiries please contact : tel: 01932 403292
St Mary of Bethany,Mount Hermon Road, Woking, GU22 7HU – welcome everyone to their services over the Christmas period:
18th December – 6:30pm main carol service followed by mulled wine minced pies
24th December –3:30pm Crib service and 11pm Christmas Eve Communion
25th December –8am Communion, 11am Family Celebration, Informal Communion
For further information please call 01483 723424
FOOTSTEPS drop-in centre is open on Christmas Day in Guildford town centre at Beverley Hall in Haydon Place. Their aim is to help homeless and needy people in and around Guildford.They open for coffee and mince pies from 10.30 am and serve a meal at 12.30pm, closing at 3pm. There is no need to pre-book.
FOOTSTEPS is run solely with the help of volunteers who all give their time free of charge and do not claim any expenses. New volunteers and gifts of food and funding are always welcome. Beverley Hall Community Centre, 71 Haydon Place
Guildford, GU1 4ND
New Life Baptist Church in Guildford are holding a Christmas Meal at 12pm in their
Refresh Café, Railton Road, GU2 9LX
At 10am they also have a special church service of joyful celebration - for all ages, followed by light refreshments.
This personal invitation is especially for those who may find Christmas a little difficult, including those who are alone or feeling frail. At New Life Baptist Church, they want to celebrate this wonderful day by remembering Jesus who was born to parents who were very much alone and vulnerable.
Booking is essential, so please call tel: 07422 521467
St John's Church, Stoke Road, Guildford, GU1 1HB have a Christmas Outlook Lunch on Weds 7th Dec, for over 55s. There is a hot lunch & a short service in the church. It starts at 12.30pm & costs £3.50 per person.
Also Women's social & craft evening Friday 9th December, 7.30pm. Mulled wine, mince pies & craft activities. Please notify the office if you wish to attend or 01483 574562
Messy Christmas is on Weds 14th Dec 4.30-6.15pm. For pre & primary school children & their families. Tea included, and finally their Christingle service is on Christmas Eve at 4pm.
Please notify the office if you wish to attend the lunch, messy church or craft evening, or would like further information or 01483 574562
St Nicholas Church, Guildford on Friday 30th December are having Coffee & Cake from 10:30am which will be followed by aFestive Feast in their Community Centre, The Burys, GU2 4AWfrom 11:30 – 1:30pm. There is a small charge (£3.50 for lunch, plus £1.50 for dessert) however booking is essential. They also hold a lunch on this basis in aid of USPG on the last Friday of every month, booking is also essential so they have an idea of numbers.
Please contact them via email: or
tel: 01483 564526
Dray Court, Guildford: All Saints church, Guildford will be hosting a Christmas Carol Service on Wednesday 21st December, 2.30 pm, at Dray Court (Sheltered Housing for the Elderly), Guildford GU2 7UW. Anyone from the local community is welcome to join them.
Revd Beverly Watson, Vicar of All Saints Guildford
Compton Village Hall, Compton , GU3 1EG: are hosting a free Traditional Christmas Lunch, booking is required and it may be possible for transport to be arranged. For more information please contact: tel: 07786 856440
Emmanuel Church, Stoughtonhave two regular events which continue over the Christmas period. A club for retired people every Wednesday from 11am-12.30pm. £1 to cover refreshments etc. You can choose from a variety of activities, like table tennis, crafts, bowls, scrabble pool and triominoes (triangular dominoes) – and even have some armchair exercise! If you’d rather just sit and chat you are welcome to do that too.
Also a Pensioners’ Lunch-On the second Monday each month (except August) from 12.30-2.30pm they invite those who are retired to come along for a two course lunch for £4.50. You’ll find plenty of people to chat with, good food and a nice relaxing atmosphere to enjoy. Please ring the Parish Office for more details.
tel: 01483 561603
Emmanuel Church, Emmanuel Church,1 Shepherds Lane, Guildford, GU2 9SJ
St Lawrence Church, Effingham regularly conduct activities and these will continue over the festive period. These will include:
Tuesday Teas - a gathering at the Catholic Church Hall, Lower Road Effingham on alternate Tuesdays - a donation of £1 is all that is required - details from Gill or Keith Walker 01372 457987.
Parish Pint (for the chaps !) Fourth Tuesday monthly at the Plough at 12 noon - contact Robert Hall 01372 453183.
Sunday Breakfast - a full English breakfast in the Bowdler Room, All Saints' Little Bookham on the fourth Sunday in the month details from Catherine Hall 01372 453183 .
Christingle Service - Sunday 4th December 3.30pm St Lawrence Church details from Anne Bleming 01372 458321
Christmas 2016 at Canterbury Care Centre (mental health drop in centre)
No booking required - all welcome
Monday 12th Dec – Carol Service in Christ Church, Waterden Rd, GU1 2AZ at 1pm
Normal opening throughout December (Mondays: 9.30am-3pm, Thursdays & Fridays: 9.30am - 1pm)
Monday 26th Dec - closed
Thursday 29th Dec - social drop in 10am - 12noon
Friday 30th Dec - social drop in 10am - 12noon
Monday 2nd Jan - social drop in 10am - 12noon
Normal opening resumes Thursday 5th January
The Canterbury Care Centre is in Church House, 23 Waterden Road, Guildford GU1 2AZ.
tel: 01483 577020 email:
St Michael and All Angels Church, Pirbright have a number of events happening over the Christmas period:
7th Dec 10.15am Holy Communion service followed by Café Club.
10th Dec 4pm - Remembering Loved Ones at Christmas service, followed by tea.
11th Dec Christmas lunch- to book a place contact Barbara Douglas, (places are limited)
16th Dec 2.15pm - Carol service for elderly residents, followed by tea.
17th Dec - delivering Christmas goodies to local people in need.
If anyone would like transport to any Christmas services or events please, or would like more information please contact one of their churchwardens Catherine Cobley 01483 481234 or Pauline Cannon 01252 326534
Salvation ArmyWill have their normal drop in on Friday 23rd and 30th ofDecember but will be closed, apart from these Fridays, over the Christmas period.
Woodbridge Road, GuildfordGU1 4QQ
tel: 01483 506763 or 01483 575 128
Vaughan House in Guildford often have a Christmas meal on the where they could use some volunteers to help with serving lunch and doing games with residents.
Vaughan House, Supported Housing, 5-7 Chertsey Street, Guildford, GU1 4HD
tel: 01483 504704 email:
Epsom & Ewell
Churches together in Ewell are hosting a Christmas Day lunch at Ruxley Church, Ruxley Lane, Ewell.
'Together at Christmas Luncheon' will run from 12.30 – 4.15pm for those who might otherwise be on their own on Christmas Day. There is no charge for this lunch, (donations welcome) and transport will be provided if necessary.
If you are interested or know of anyone who may be, please contact them at or tel: 0208 393 3011 (evenings) 020 8397 7307 (day)
Epsom Methodist Church will be hosting Christmas Day Lunch which is via invitation only to those in the borough (and couples) who would otherwise be on their own on Christmas Day). They rely on local business support for donations of food etc but otherwise the Church fund this event.Transport may be possible, depending on needs but only within the borough of Epsom. We have a limited number of drivers so transport cannot always be guaranteed but they’ll do their level best.