PVAHA Meeting06/17/14
Rockville Ice Arena
7:30 PM
Attendance: John Coleman, Debbie Moon, Pam Weiss, Bob Otte, Linda Jondo, Bud Bounato
Board Election Results: all incumbents re-elected, Mike Mulligan elected to fill vacant Board position.
Discipline Issues:
-An adult match penalty in Ashburn- hearing to be held on 06/19/14.
-An adult coach in Prince William touched a player in a handshake line after a game. Prince William to handle the 601 (F3).
-A coach, who is also the CCHL President, received a Match penalty for failure to start a game after an exchange of words with officials. He received 2 G.M.’s earlier this season. Need to get this under control. Bowie is looking in to this.
CCHL (Capital Corridor Hockey League)-
-Bud Buonato informed Board Joe Loschiavo, coach who was given Match penalty, is also the President of the CCHL. Teams include Frederick, Howard, Wells, Bowie, NoVa, So. Md., Metro, Baltimore and Navy. The program is made up of house teams from the above Associations. Bud is working with Joe to tighten up their rules.
Spring/Summer teams-
-USAH rule proposal for 25 players on roster and can play 20 or a game. PVAHA will wait for final decision from USAH.
Safesport for Coaches-
-All coaches must take training prior to team rosters being submitted. USAH allows until 12/31/14.
-John and Bob will send an email to all coaches and club registrars to advise.
PVAHA Rules, Regs., and Policies-
-Changes and corrections made
-Paul will make changes and forward to Board for approval.
-Capitals are gicing $25,000 again this season.
-John gave handout for Budget, $105,000 in checking account
-Debbie will submit a budget/schedule for the end of season Mite Jamboree.
-There will be a Coaches Clinic/CBHL Town Hall meeting on Aug. 2 and 3 in Rockville, Md. Agenda to be determined.
Motion to adjourn by Paul, Debbie 2nd.
Meeting adjourned 9:43 PM,
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Jondo