Pony Club Association
Of Victoria
Ideas On How To Be a SunSmart Club!
Provide shade for members & spectators
- Assess the amount of shade you naturally have available at your Club increase it if required and you are able ie planting trees, constructing shelters
- Place seating areas in the shade where possible
- Where possible conduct lessons (such as theory lessons) in the shade
- Watch out for organisations that are giving grants for mobile shade
Schedule activities/events where possible outside of the harmful UV sun hours (11.00am – 3.00pm)
- Schedule breaks such as lunch during this period of time
- Consider scheduling activites such as guest speakers or theory lessons during these times if possible
- Some Pony Club’s conduct twilight rallies which has two benefits SunSmart and avoiding extremes in heat
Provide sunscreen (either free or for sale)
- Factor in provision of sunscreen into your Club running costs
- Add it to your canteen sales list
- Investigate sale of SunSmart products as a Club fundraiser
Promote the wearing of clothing that will protect members from the sun
- Instructors/Volunteers may be provided with a Club uniform which could include a good hat and a long sleeved shirt
- Encourage wearing of hats when riding members are not mounted.
Ensure the senior members at your Club understand that they are role models for those younger members of the Club and therefore should lead by example.
- Studies have found that with in Club environments a role modelling effect does exist therefore educate your senior members that they may be an unknowing role model for a junior member
Promote your Club as a SunSmart Club
- Promote SunSmart in Newsletters, Flyers, Competition Entry Forms
- Display SunSmart information around your Club Rooms
Just remember these are only ideas on things your Club can do to be a SunSmart Club, many Clubs will find they actively practise SunSmart behaviours already. The main goal is to think SunSmart and try to implement practises that are SunSmart where possible!
Happy Pony Clubbing!