Lakeshore Middle School PTA
General Meeting
June 4, 2009
President’s Report:
Nina Priore welcomed everyone to our meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Jennifer Hitchner reported amount available for use is $9,533.01.
Recording Secretary’s Report:
Minutes for the LMS PTA General Meeting held on February 3, 2009 were approved.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report:
Items for the newsletter are due June 7.
Teacher’s Report:None
Principal’s Report:
Mr. Gaghan reported that testing/retesting was almost complete. Preliminary results are positive. Science and Math scores are high. Reading is still lagging a bit. We are still adjusting to the exam changes instituted last year. The Study Island program will be available for students for “summer school.” This program provides help in reading, math, science and computers.
There will be a slight change to next year’s schedule. All classes will be 60 minutes long. Mr. Gaghan hopes to offer remediation to those who need it three times a week during wheel. Budget cuts will be tough, but doable. We will be losing five teachers next year primarily due to decreased enrollment. If pending legislation is passed, the class sizes will rise by three. There will also be six early release days for teacher training next year.
Membership: No report.
Cookie dough sale has ended. Special thanks to Martha Clark and her team for running the fundraiser. We made a profit of $2915.
Special Committee Reports:
Pretzel Sale
We gave every student a pretzel the last day of EOGs. The students were pleased.
Mother’s Day Plant Sale
Stephanie Berg felt the Mother’s Day Plant Sale was a success. We made $291 profit. This sale was planned as a “service” to the students and not a big fundraiser. Around 90 plants were sold.
Special thanks to Stephanie and family and Michelle Santrizos for pulling this together.
Stephanie Berg, Nancy Ellison, Jennifer Hitchner, Terry Lohrmann, Nina Priore, Michelle Santrizos, and Erin Schrader were recognized for their dedication and service to the LMS PTA Executive Board this past year.
The following people were installed as officers in the 2009-2010 LMS PTA Executive Board.
Nancy Ellison – President
Cas Karbo – 1st Vice President
Patricia McCaffrey – 2nd Vice President
Martha Clark – Treasurer
Cindy Taft – Secretary
Holly Bosman, Nina Priore and Shasta Woodard were also recognized as committee chairs for next year. Robin Downs will continue as the Teacher Representative.
6th Grade Open House is August 20.
No open house for 7th and 8th graders. They may pick up their schedules in the front office at anytime on August 21 and 22.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Nancy Ellison. 6/5/09