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Welcome to Mr. Stapert’s 8th Grade Social Studies class!


This year you will be learning about world history from the period after the collapse of the Roman Empire through to the start of the 19th century. The course will focus on major civilizations and regions that played a part in making this time period unique.

We will also cover the influence of the major world religions on historical events.


A good question! Developing an understanding of our global history is an essential prerequisite to being an informed and responsible citizen.

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

• demonstrate a knowledge of the vocabulary, events, people and chronology which shape this period of history

·  Analyze primary and secondary source material

·  explain, analyze, and evaluate major trends in world history up to 1800

• clearly and concisely communicate your ideas verbally and in writing

• state informed opinions about world history

• recognize the value of historical perspectives


Here are several strategies for getting the most out of this class.

1. Come to class prepared. Unless you are told otherwise, each day you will need to bring your textbook, assignment book, binder with a Social Studies section, paper for note taking, a pen or pencil, and any homework or assignments that may be due. I would also like to have you come to class each day with a willingness to use your imaginations. Try imagining yourself in the various situations and historical periods we will be discussing.

2. Keep up with your assigned work. Do your best to keep your notes neat and up to date. If you are absent, get the work you missed from a friend or from Mr. Stapert. The same goes for homework and projects.

3. Participate! You can help make this course more rewarding for everyone (including Mr. Stapert), by contributing. Please ask questions, request clarification, and share your opinions during our classes.


With the exception of long-term projects, homework will not be assigned over the weekends. During the week, you can expect to have some homework assigned each night.

Grading will be broken down as follows:

Classwork, Participation & Homework 25%

Quizzes 25%

Tests & Projects 50%


Aside from the school and safety rules outlined in the student handbook and the general rules agreed upon by the 8th grade team, my most important class rule is to demonstrate and expect respect. As the teacher, I will strive to respect you as students and individuals. In turn, I would expect that you extend this same respect to yourself, your classmates and the adults in school (if you want to apply this outside the school as well, that would be great!).


In some ways, history can be viewed as a collection of great stories that appeal to a whole range of emotions. In our classes, I will attempt to convey these stories in a way that is captivating and interesting, as well as informative. Each class will involve some degree of lecture, complimented by a variety of multimedia presentations, which will help to bring the content to life. We will use the text, World History: The Human Experience, to guide our instruction, but we will not necessarily read it chapter by chapter. Emphasis will be placed on reading primary and secondary source materials for the time periods covered. A wide variety of additional instructional strategies, including role-playing, debates, class discussions, and oral presentations, will be applied.

Parents and students: Please sign below to acknowledge that you have read the goals and expectations explained in this course outline.


Student Date


Parent Date

Also, feel free to contact me at school with any questions or concerns: 413-467-7105

Please visit the CLASS WEBSITE for up to date information & homework postings:

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