OgeecheeTechnicalCollegeGraduate Exit Survey

Congratulations upon completion of your program at OTC! To gather information concerning your OTC experience, this brief questionnaire is provided for your completion. Your answers will remain confidential and will be used to improve OTC’s educational programs and services.

Pleaseindicate only one response for each item with a CHECKMARK in the appropriate box.

1. Program Level
Certificate / 3. Ethnicity/Race
American Indian
Non-Resident Alien
Prefer not to respond / 4. Age
16 to 20
21 to 25
26 to 30
31 to 35
36 to 40
Over 40 / 5. Enrollment Status while attending OTC (choose one)
2. Gender
Female / 6. Class Load while attending OTC (choose one)
7. GPA
1.99 or below
2.0 – 2.49
2.5 – 2.99
3.0 – 3.49
3.5 or above / 8. Employment while attending OTC
Full-time off campus
Part-time off campus
Full-time on campus
Part-time on campus
Not employed / 9. Program ______
10. When will you complete
your program?(i.e. Spring 2004) ______
11.What high school did you attend?
12. What are your immediate employment plans? (choose one)
I plan to continue working in the same job I had prior to completing this education program.
I plan to work in a job I recently obtained.
I am currently looking for a job.
I do not plan to seek employment.
I plan to continue my education before working.
I have not yet formulated my employment plans. / 13. Do you currently have plans for additional education?
No, not at this time.
Yes, I plan to reenroll at this institution.
Yes, I plan to enroll at another institution.
I am currently undecided about additional education.
Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements by CIRCLING your response.
  1. The quality of instruction in my program at OTC was excellent.
/ SA / A / N / D / SD
  1. Most of my instructors were available outside the classroom.
/ SA / A / N / D / SD
  1. The instructional supplies, equipment, and technology available in my program were sufficient to meet my training needs.
/ SA / A / N / D / SD
  1. There was enough flexibility in scheduling classes to be able to complete my program in a reasonable amount of time.
/ SA / A / N / D / SD
  1. My faculty advisor was helpful in planning my program of study.
/ SA / A / N / D / SD
  1. The work ethics training I received will enhance my value as an employee in my profession.
/ SA / A / N / D / SD
  1. I acquired sufficient skills and knowledge to prepare me for employment in my field.
/ SA / A / N / D / SD
  1. I would recommend OTC to my friends and family.
/ SA / A / N / D / SD
  1. Overall, OTC provides quality educational programs and services.
/ SA / A / N / D / SD
Please indicate your level of satisfaction with each of the following College environmental conditions and services which you have used or directly experienced by CIRCLING your response.
Environment & Services / NOT APPLICABLE OR DID
  1. New Student Orientation
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Admissions Processes
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Registration Procedures
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Guidance (Career, Academic, Life Skills)
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Financial Aid Services
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Career Services/Job Placement
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Special Needs Services
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Testing Services
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. StudentCenter
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Tutoring Services (AcademicAssistanceCenter)
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Library
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Fee Payment Processes
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Campus Security
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Campus Parking
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Overall Classroom Conditions
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Condition & Maintenance of Campus Grounds
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. Course Connection Bookstore
/ NA / VS / S / N / U / VU
  1. I am aware that my program carries a warranty that guarantees my training.
  1. How did you first hear about OTC? (choose one)
High school counselor
Agency (DFACS, DOL, etc.)
Other ______/
  1. Did OTC advertisements influence your decision to attend this college?
Very much
A little
Not at all
  1. Please share any suggestions for improving the services and educational programs offered by OTC.

Thank you for your time and assistance!

Ogeechee Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law).