Travel and subsistence – eligible expenses and calculations

Leave No Trace Ireland Ltd is in a position to reimburse your travel and subsistence expenses within reasonable levels as explained below. Further details are also available through the Programme Manager,

Claims are processed and payment is made within fourteen days. Payments will be posted by electronic transfer. If requested by cheque, payments will be made monthly.

Leave No Trace members should make every effort to ensure that the value of their expense claims are kept to a minimum and represent value for money. All itemised expenses claimed on the expense form should be supported by a receipt or proof of payment through the travelling expenses claim form attainable from Leave No Trace Ireland. In practical terms you are required to use the cheapest means of travel at all times

1.  Transport:

Where possible, network members should travel be by public transport rather than private car. Travel costs should include all costs for travel (Car, train, bus, and flight) from the point of origin to the point of destination.

If using private car to travel, please note:

Km/Mileage claims:

·  KM/Mileage fee covers cost of Fuel only for All Leave No Trace company business.

*km/mileage claims should also be supported by evidence confirming the reason for the trip undertaken. The Mileage rate will be converted based on AA rates from AA route Planner

2.  Accommodation:

Leave No Trace members should authorise overnight stay with programme manager. Also, members are asked to stay in Bed and Breakfast accommodation where possible, before hotel stay.

3.  Subsistence rates

Details of local subsistence rates are as follows for all network members on Leave No Trace company business:

1.  Maximum Lunch rate of €10

2.  Maximum Dinner rate of €20

·  These rates represent the maximum rates which can be claimed.

·  Subsistence claimed should be based on actual expenditure incurred and in the event of expenditure being lower than the rate allowed; the lower balance should be claimed.

If you have any queries in respect of any of the issues raised in this letter, please contact Maura Lyons on 01 9059009, or email

Expenses reclaims should be made using the Leave No Trace Ireland official Expense form.

Please use these 2 pages to make your claim for travel and subsistence expenses. Email/Post back to our office – details are below

Project expenses reclaim form

Your expenses claim should be made in Euros.

Please see our guidance notes above. Generally, you are asked to take the lowest cost form of travel and to use public transport wherever possible. Please be aware that expenses reclaims will only be paid when we have received all the necessary information and you have attached original receipts.

Your name
Your organisation
Meeting location
Arrival date & Time (dd/mm/yyyy)
Departure date & Time (dd/mm/yyyy)

You must attach original receipts of tickets, hotel, booking, subsistence costs, etc. with this claim for payment. Keep a copy of them for your records.

Travel expenses: from point of origin to point of destination

Private car travel is paid at the by the cost of Fuel – so please use the AA Route Planner to work out fuel costs.

Car travel – Total Km & Cost of Fuel as per AA Route Planner

Subsistence expenses:

Subsistence – Lunch/Dinner

Summary of your expense claim:

Total travel expenses
Total subsistence expenses
Total expenses claim / Euros

Please complete the bank details where you want these expenses to be paid:

Bank account name
Account number
IBAN number

I hereby declare that the costs listed above are wholly in connection with my services to Leave No Trace Ireland.


Signature Date

Please send this “declaration of expenses” form duly completed and signed with originals of all invoices, receipts, etc. that correspond to each expense you have included above. We will then make the reimbursement to the bank details you have provided.

Use these details to post your expenses claim:


Finance Section,

Leave No Trace Ireland Ltd.,

C/o Westport Civic offices,

Altamount St.


Co. Mayo.

1.  Approved for payment: ______date: ______

2.  Approved for payment: ______date: ______