
The Biome Project

General Guidelines:

For this project, you will create a Biome Portfolio about a location of your choice. You will determine the biome where your location is located. You will beresearching and gathering information about your location and biome. You will then organize the research and place it in your portfolio.

Materials: Binder, binder dividers


Colorful pictures and graphics should be included throughout the project. Creativity and neatness count. Your project should include the following information:

  1. Title page
  2. Name of location
  3. Latitude and longitude
  4. World map with location identified
  5. Explanation of your choice of location.
  6. Points of interest
  7. History
  8. Recreational activities
  9. Biome’s place on earth
  10. Map of location
  11. Climate zone
  12. Biome
  13. General Description of biome
  14. List dominate animals
  15. List dominate vegetation
  16. Climate
  17. Must include (what they are, when they are and how long they last)
  18. Average temperature
  19. Precipitation
  20. Seasons
  21. Abiotic factors
  22. Included items may consist of mountains, plains, lakes, rivers, sunlight or any other major factor that affects the biome.
  23. Explain the effect of each on the biome
  24. Vegetation
  25. Dominate vegetation (at least4 of each)
  26. Angiosperm species
  27. Gymnosperm species
  28. Dichotomous Key
  29. Animal life
  30. Dominate animals (at least 2 of each)
  31. Arthropods
  32. Fish
  33. Amphibians
  34. Reptiles
  35. Birds
  36. Mammals
  37. Dichotomous Key
  38. Endangered species
  39. Identify at least 4 (can be animal, plant, or fungus)
  40. Food web
  41. Draw at least one food web found within the biome. Label the organisms name as well as its place within the food chain.
  42. Symbiotic relationship
  43. Explain at least one symbiotic relationship that is observed in the biome. Include how both organisms are affected and what would happen if the symbiotic relationship ceased to exist.
  44. Competitive relationship
  45. Explain at least one competitive relationship that is found in the biome. Be sure to include the names of the organisms, what resource they are competing for and what would happen if the resource ran out. What would happen if one organism suddenly had twice the numbers as the organism its in competition with?
  46. Human impact
  47. Explain how humans have impacted your biome for the good and for the bad. What can we do to help the biome and what can we do to reverse the bad impacts we’ve placed upon the biome.

1. Title page

Name of location

Latitude & longitude

(World map here)

Your name



2. Explanation of your choice (at least 5-7 sentences):

Points of interest:


Recreational activities:

3. Biome’s place on earth

(Map of location here)

Climate Zone:

Type of biome:

General description of biome:

List of dominant animals:

List of dominant vegetation:

4. Climate

(Climate climograph here)


What they are:

When they are:

How long do they last:

5. Abiotic factors

List at least 6 abiotic factors and briefly (2-3 sentences) describe how they affect this location.

(Included items may consist of mountains, plains, lakes, rivers, sunlight or any other major factor that affects the biome.)







6. Vegetation


Common name
Scientific name (Genus species)
Physical description
Additional information

Place picture(s) here

7. Animal Life


Common name
Scientific name (Genus species)
Physical description
Additional information

Place picture(s) here

8. Endangered species (may be plant, animal, or fungus)

Common name
Scientific name (Genus species)
Physical description
Additional information

Place picture(s) here

9. Food web

Draw at least one food web found within the biome. Label the organisms name as well as its place within the food chain.

10. Symbiotic relationship

Define symbiotic relationship:

In the space below, explain at least one symbiotic relationship that is observed in the biome. Include how both organisms are affected and what would happen if the symbiotic relationship ceased to exist.

11. Competitive relationship

Define competitive relationship:

In the space below, explain at least one competitive relationship that is found in the biome. Be sure to include the names of the animals, what resource they are competing for and what would happen if the resource ran out. What would happen if one organism suddenly had twice the numbers as the organism its in competition with?

12. Human Impact

Explain how humans have impacted your biome for the good and for the bad.

What can we do to help the biome and what can we do to reverse the bad impacts we’ve placed upon the biome.