Introduction to College

The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain familiarity with the language of the college admissions process, as well as to give you an opportunity to explore the colleges to which you plan to apply. We will be working in the computer lab on this assignment from Monday, September 8 through Wednesday, September 10. Complete assignments in Times New Roman 12-pt. font .

Part I: Terms: Define the following terms and identify their significance to your college application process and your college experience. Due 9/9.

  1. Academic Major
  1. Academic Minor
  1. Academic Probation

4. Add/drop

  1. Adjunct professor
  1. Academic Advisor
  1. Associate’s degree
  1. Bachelor of Arts
  1. Bachelor of Science
  1. Course catalog
  1. Course number
  1. Credit hour(s)
  1. Distance Learning
  1. Early Admission vs. Early Decision
  1. FAFSA
  1. Full-time student
  1. Pell Grant
  1. Office hours
  1. Part-time student
  1. Prerequisite
  1. Questbridge
  1. Resident Advisor (RA)
  1. Rolling admissions
  1. Room and board
  1. Student Loan Repayment
  1. Teaching Assistant (TA)
  1. Transfer/articulation Agreements
  1. Withdrawal
  1. Work Study

Part II:To what colleges do you plan to apply? Why did you choose those colleges? Due 9/9.

College and City/State / Why?

Part III:Research two of the colleges you have chosen. If you believe you know which college you will attend, just choose another one you might also find interesting. One of the colleges you research must be a four year college, regardless of whether or not you plan to attend a two year college. In your research, find out if your chosen colleges meet the criteria of your plans. For example, do they offer the programs you will need? What are the requirements of those programs? Due 9/10

My College Requirements:
College 1: / College 2:
  • Tuition per year:

  • Room and Board:

  • Requirements for freshman admission:
  • Minimum GPA:
  • Average SAT score for admission:
  • Admission deadlines:

  • Number of years required to complete your program

  • School size
  • Location and surrounding community

  • Financial Aid offered

  • If you are a student athlete, find out any additional requirements

  • College life (find something that interests you)

  • What kind of writing does this college require for admission? If there is a specific prompt, please include it.

  • Will this school allow you to meet your college requirements? What should you be doing now to prepare for this?

Part IV: Professional Resume. You will need this as you go forth in life for your Senior Portfolio, college application and work. Use the following High School Senior Sample to Draft your Resume. Your resume should not exceed 1 side of one page! Due 9/11.



1515 Stanley Drive #62

Hometown, KS 66202

(913) 555-1938


Outstanding student with experience in print and online journalism seeks opportunity to learn by doing while working with a communications, public relations, or publishing firm through a part-time job or summer internship.


Completed three years at Hometown High School.

Graduation date: May 2013.

G.P.A. 3.85. Top 5% of class.


Newspaper Staff Member, Hometown High School

  • Aug 2012 - present. Features editor of campus newspaper, responsible for award-winning design.
  • Aug 2009 - Aug 2012. Researched information for news articles using library and Web sources. Composed and edited informational articles, columns, editorials, and advertising copy.

Yearbook Committee Member, Hometown High School

  • Aug 2012 - present. Editor-in-chief of yearbook staff. Leader of design and publication teams from initial layout through finished product.
  • Aug 2009 - Aug 2012. Yearbook staff member. Experience taking photographs, designing layout, and writing captions and sidebars.


Technical writing; advanced composition; debate; video production; computer classes providing knowledge of word processing, desktop publishing, and Web software.


  • U.S. Media Association Scholarship recipient

Scholarship based on academic achievement, community service, and campus participation and leadership in high school communications projects and studies.

  • 2011 Best High School Newspaper Design winner

Central State Regional Communications Contest, sponsored by the Communications Department, State University.

  • President of high school chapter of Future Communicators of America (FCA), 2011 - present

Member, 2010 - present.

  • Treasurer of National Honor Society, 2011– present.