Pride-Boatman’s Academic Swoop Plans Nov. 13-17

Students: - Aubree Tamari AmazinCaidgeTahjEmilly Trinity, Ethan, ______
Group Focus: ComprehensionRl 2.9 Compare and Contrast two versions of the same text and Key Ideas and Details:
Ask and answer such questions aswho, what, where, when, why, andhowto demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Lesson Learning Target:
Comparing and Contrasting / Lesson Learning Target:
Comparing and Contrasting / Lesson Learning Target:
Comparing and Contrasting / Lesson Learning Target:
Comparing and Contrasting / Lesson Learning Target:
Comparing and Contrasting
Readworks Articles
Veterans Day / Materials:
Readworks Articles
About Veterans Day with Questions / Materials:
Readworks Articles
Fable: The Boy who cried Wolf and The Shepherd Boy who and the Wolf / Materials:
Read works
Let’s revisit the two fables that we read yesterday .Today , you will write down what / Materials:
Buddies with Westfall 5th grade class
Summary of Lesson/Activity:
Students will read two articles that are similar about Veterans Day and use a graphic organizer to compare and contrast the text.
Boys and Girls you are back because we got a day off from school on Fri. becausei t was Veterans Day. Did you know that? Today you will read two similar articles about Veterans Day and you will compare and contrast the articles to see how
Article 1 is Fly our Flag for Veterans Day
Article 2 A Day for Veterans
Sharing and comparing responses ongoing
Wrap up
Exit / Summary of Lesson/Activity:
Students will learn how to respond to text dependent questions
What are the five main groups that make up the armed forces?
According to the passage, what is a veteran?
Why are veterans honored on Veterans Day?
What is the main idea of this passage?
Who honors veterans?
What do people do?
Would you say a veteran is a hero? If so, Why?
Would you call a clown a hero? Why or why not?
Wrap up
Exit / Summary of Lesson/Activity:
Students will read two versions of the same fable. Then, students will use a graphic organizer to compare and contrast the two.
Wrap up/Exit / Summary of Lesson/Activity:
. Today , you will choose 1 fable and then you will
respond to the following question: What was the main character’s problem and how did he or she solve it?
If time permits students will practice by choosing another fable and read it and respond to the question again
Wrap up /Exit / Summary of Lesson/Activity:
See CSC Buddy lesson
Wrap Up: / Wrap Up: / Wrap Up: / Wrap Up: / Wrap Up: