ProNet National Conference Agenda

Day 1 -Thursday 20th August
Time / Item / Discussion / Focus
8.30-8.45 / Registration
8.45-9.00 / Welcome - Lachlan Polkinghorne / Welcome & outline of key themes
9.00-10.30 / Jason Trompf / Jason is a widely recognised expert in livestock nutrition, and is well known for his work with the Lifetime Ewe program. / · Nutrition is a key to livestock productivity. How to achieve higher livestock profitability through better knowledge of nutrition and key sheep production KPIs.
· What has been the impact of this extension program nationwide?
10.30-11.00 / Morning Tea
11.00-12.00 / Greg Bradfield
-  Innovative Beef Management / Greg Bradfield is based in Northern Tasmania and has taken an innovative approach to beef management. / · Identifying Opportunities
· Making money out of beef
· Progress of business since 2010 Pronet presentation
12.00-1.00 / Lunch
1.00 / Bus Departs Novotel for Tour
1.40-5.00 / Tour – Warrambeen via Rokewood
Wayne & Robyn Johnstone
-  De risking a grazing operation
-  Lucerne Pastures & feed budgeting / Warrambeen is a 10,000 acre property 40 minutes from Geelong owned by the Taylor family. Wayne & Robyn Johnstone have managed the property for 10 years, and have during that time developed pastures and increased livestock production in a diversified business. / · Understanding of grazing systems
· Methods of increasing production
· Understanding how to apply the theories of livestock nutrition
· Understanding alternate business models with the piggery
Ian, Trish & Jamie Taylor (Directors and owners)
– Native vegetation offsets / When many farmers were ploughing in native pastures, Warrambeen chose to limit rock clearing and pasture development. The sale of native vegetation offsets has proven to be a significant economic benefit to the business / · What is the environmental value of native grasses?
· How do you market native vegetation offsets?
· Currency of trading offsets
Western Plains Pork
-  Open range piggery / Western Plains Pork operates an open range piggery, some of which is located on Warrambeen. This has provides multiple benefits for Warrambeen, and some challenges. / · Diversity in revenue
· Alternate business models – vital to success
5.45-9.30 / Dinner – Inverleigh Hotel
-  Informal presentation from Andrew & Deb Cameron / Andrew & Deb Cameron, clients of PA, have developed the local hotel and have further plans for expansion. / · Happy hour courtesy of Andrew Cameron – owner Inverleigh hotel!
· Good networking with all participants
9.30-10.30 / Bus Departs Inverleigh Hotel for Novotel
Day 2 -Friday 21st August
Time / Item / Discussion / Focus
8.30-8.45 / Registration
8.45 – 9.00 / Andrew Beattie, CEO ProAdvice
-  Strategy and direction, ProAdvice / · Where the ProAdvice business is going?
· How the ProAdvice business plans to lead professional services into the future
9.00–10.30 / Cameron Ling
-  Leadership and leading teams
-  Successes and challenges
-  Parallels between sport and business / Cameron is an icon in Geelong – his track record as a football player, captain and leader is well recognised. / · Understanding principles of leadership
· Identifying parallels between sport and business
· What are the key challenges in leadership?
10.30-11.00 / Morning Tea
11.00-11.45 / John Holmes, CEO Auspits Pty Ltd
-  The Auspits Story
-  Building and maintaining a successful team
-  Working successfully with young people / This is a case study of leadership in a local business. John will document the history of Auspits and how he has been able to lead a team in a growing company / · Leading young people
· Growing a team at the same time as growing a business?
11.45 – 12.30 / David Kininmonth, Manager Mt Hesse
-  Successful labour management on farm
-  Helping young people build a career / David manages the 9,000 acre property with his wife Melinda. Separately he operates two of his own properties nearby. David has a reputation of helping young people to grow their careers and themselves while following an interest in agriculture / · Leadership & Agriculture - leading young people in agriculture –What are the key principles in building a team in a rural business?
12.30-1.30 / Lunch
1.30 – 2.00 / Kate Kitson/Clinton Peake
-  Software Update / ProAdvice is actively researching new software. This field is changing rapidly as is the demand for genuine management accounting. At the same time, clients are asking for better and more suitable products. This presentation will focus on the key issues around this changing scene. / · 21C management accounting - new management accounting tools to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your business. How ProAdvice are responding?
· Are these possibilities and a future direction for your business?
2.00 – 2.30 / Lachlan Polkinghorne
-  Generational Succession – some recent experiences / Generational succession impacts on most family businesses. We have some very recent experiences which underline some of the most important ‘how to’ factors. / · What are the key criteria for successful generational transfer?
· The Bold and the Beautiful - Recent court cases in succession serve as a lesson for all of us!
· Reasonable expectations
2.30 – 3.00 / Lachlan Hood
-  Dairy Benchmarking Project 15 – key messages / Lachie and Chris Scheid manage a dairy benchmarking project in SA. With very recent data collection, key themes will be identified and discussed. / · Is dairy profitable?
· Financial performance vs broadacre enterprises
· What can we learn from the dairy industry for our businesses future?
3.00-3.30 / Chris Scheid
Future Direction for ProNet & Other PA Snippets / We are intending to make some changes to the frequency and planning for ProNet. These will be outlined and discussed for audience feedback. / · Ensuring ProNet matches clients’ needs
· Increasing the number of people attending ProNet – what’s the plan?
3.30-4.00 / Afternoon Tea