
William J. Stull


Home: 4140 Presidential Drive

Lafayette Hill, PA19444

(215) 836-2493

Office: Department of Economics TempleUniversity

Philadelphia, PA19122

(215) 204-5022

Birth Date: November 22, 1944 (USA)

Family: Married, one child


B.A.: Northwestern University, 1966 (mathematics)

Ph.D.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972 (economics)

Dissertation: Essays on Externalities, Property Values, and Urban Zoning

(Chair: Jerome Rothenberg)

Awards: Phi Beta Kappa, 1965

NSF Fellowship, 1967-1971

Academic: Professor of Economics

TempleUniversity, 1989 to date

Chair of Economics Department Temple University, 1989 –1995 and 1998 to date


Senior Associate Dean

School of Business and Management

TempleUniversity, 1996-1997

Associate Professor of Economics

TempleUniversity, 1976-1989

Lecturer in Economics

AEA Summer Minority Program

TempleUniversity, 1986–1990

Visiting Associate Professor of Economics

SwarthmoreCollege, 1985

Visiting Lecturer in Economics

University of Pennsylvania, 1981

Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics

University of California, Berkeley, 1975

Assistant Professor of Economics

SwarthmoreCollege, 1971-1976

Other: Course coordinator, General Education Program

TempleUniversity, 2005-2006

Director, TempleUniversityCenter for Economic Education

TempleUniversity, 1993 to date

Senior Research Associate

Center for Research on Education in the Inner City

Mid-Atlantic Regional Education Laboratory

TempleUniversity, 1990 to 2005

Visiting Scholar

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 1995

Co-Principal Investigator

Temple-Penn Philadelphia Economic Monitoring Project

Temple University/University of Pennsylvania, 1988–1991


Wharton Philadelphia Economic Monitoring Project

University of Pennsylvania, 1986-1987


Philadelphia: Past, Present, and Future Project

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 1982-1983

Senior Task Leader

CDBG Evaluation Project

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1978-1981


Philadelphia Electric Company, 1977-1978


Mathematica, Inc., 1974-1975


Urban Coalition Metropolitan Housing Study

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970-1971

Community Member

Service Mayor's Council of Economic Advisors

Philadelphia, PA, 2001-2003


Philadelphia Tax Reform Commission, 2003-2004


Advisory Committee, Philadelphia Economic Monitoring Project

WhartonSchool, University of Pennsylvania, 1986-1987

Outside Examiner

SwarthmoreCollege, 1971, 1981, 1985


Economic Development Task Force

"Philadelphia: Past, Present, and Future" Project

Center for Philadelphia Studies, School of Public and Urban Policy University of Pennsylvania, 1981-1982


Awards: Alumni Award for Outstanding Teaching

School of Business and Management

TempleUniversity, 1981

Undergraduate Microeconomic Principles, Macroeconomic Principles, Economic

Courses: Principles (Honors), Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics (Honors), Econometrics, Urban Economics,

Field Experience in Economics and Business, Senior Research Seminar,

Statistics for Economists, Environmental Economics,

Mathematical Economics, College Composition

MBA Microeconomics, Macroeconomics


Doctoral Urban Economics, Microeconomic Theory, Doctoral

Courses: Dissertation Seminar

Doctoral Raghaw Prasad, 1983

Dissertation Jane Barden, 1983

Students: Wayne Marra, 1986

Patricia Conboy Kuczyk, 1990 (Chair)

Alfredo Esposto, 1990

Gary Bowen, 1999, (Education)

Svitlana Maksymenko, (2006)

Ashraf Kariem, in progress

Carmen Moore, in progress


Awards: Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series

TempleUniversity, 1991

Books: The School-to-Work Movement: Origins and Destinations (ed.), Praeger,

2003 (with Nicholas Sanders)

Work, Wages, and Poverty in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area,University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991 (with Janice Madden)

Post-Industrial Philadelphia,University of Pennsylvania Press,

1990 (with Janice Madden)

Scholarly "Was the Nation at Risk in 1983? Evidence from School-to Work

Articles Data," in progress

"A Game-Theoretic Model of Curriculum Integration and School

Leadership," Economics of Education Review, Vol. 25, Spring 2006

“School-to-Work in Schools: An Overview” in William Stull and Nicholas

Sanders (eds.), The School-to-Work Movement: Origins and Destinations,

Praeger, 2003

“The Effect of School Size and Leadership on Participation in the School-to-Work Movement,” Journal of Vocational Education Research, No.4, 2000 (with Nicholas Sanders and Judith Stull)

"Do Changes in Classroom Technique Matter? Teaching Strategies

and Their Effects on Teaching Evaluations," Journal of Education for Business, November/December 1998 (with Michael Leeds and Jilleen Westbrook)

"InterdistrictSchool Choice in a Metropolitan Setting: Characteristics

and Consequences" in Arnold Raphaelson (ed.), RestructuringState andLocal Services, Praeger, 1998 (with Judith Stull)

"Is High School Economically Relevant for Noncollege Youth ?"

Working Paper #95-18, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 1995

"Post-Secondary Employment and Education Status of Inner-City Youth," Atlantic Economic Society Best Paper Proceedings, January 1994 (with Michael Goetz)

"A Neoclassical Model of the Firm with Efficiency Wages,"

Atlantic Economic Society Best Paper Proceedings, January 1991 (with Patricia Kuzyk)

"Capitalization of Local Income Taxes," Journal of Urban Economics, January 1991 (with Judith Stull)

"Productive and Unproductive Labor: Smith, Marx, and the Soviets,"

in Donald Walker (ed. ), Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, Edward Algar, Inc., 1989 (with Fyodor Kushnirsky)

"The Effect of Local Taxes on Residential Property Values," in Thomas Luce and Anita Summers, Local Fiscal Issues in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987

"The Urban Economics of Adam Smith," Journal of Urban Economics,November 1986

"From Urban Renewal to CDBG: Community Development in Nine American Cities," Research in Real Estate, Vol. 2, 1982

"Selling Land to the Highest Bidder: An Application of the Beauty Contest

Problem," Journal of Regional Science, December 1978

"The Landlord's Dilemma: Asking Rent Strategies in a Heterogeneous Housing Market," Journal of Urban Economics, January 1978

"Urban Homesteading and the Abandonment Problem," Challenge, March/ April 1977

"Community Environment, Zoning, and the Market Value of Single- Family Homes," Journal of Law and Economics, October 1975

"Evaluating Local Housing Programs Using Cost-Benefit Analysis,"

in Harry Wexler and Richard Peck, Housing and Local Government, D.C. Heath, 1975

"Land Use and Zoning in an Urban Economy, "American Economic Review, June 1974

"A Note on Residential Bid Price Curves," Journal of Regional Science,April 1973

Selected "Imagine Mickey Mouse as a Steamfitter," Philadelphia Daily News,

Other August 1, 2002


Various "Ask the Expert" columns in the Philadelphia Daily News, fall


"School-to-Work," entry in the Encyclopedia of the American High

School, Greenwood, forthcoming 2006

National "Vocational Education and School-to-Work: The Emerging Synthesis,"

Invitational National Invitational Conference, Mid-Atlantic Laboratory for Student

Conferences Success, TempleUniversity, Philadelphia, PA, 2003


“What Do We Know About School-to-Work? Research and Practice,”

National Invitational Conference, Mid-Atlantic Laboratory for Student

Success, TempleUniversity, Philadelphia, PA, 2000

Conference "New Directions in CTE Research," "School and Work: Tech Prep,

Sessions Career Development, and Postsecondary Education," and "Vocational

Organized Education Roundtables," three sessions at the American Education

Research Association annual conference, Montreal, Que., 2005

Three sessions at the American Education Research Association annual

conference, San Diego, CA 2004.

"Work-Based Education: High School and Beyond" and "Uses of

Technology in Work-Based Education," two sessions at the American

: Education Research Association annual conference, Chicago, IL, 2003

“Research on School-to-Work Programs” and “Vocational Education:

Student and Teacher Perspectives,” two sessions at the American

Education Research Association annual conference, New Orleans, LA,


“Recent Research on the School-to-Work Movement” and “Professional

Development Issues for Vocational Education Professionals,” two

sessions at the American Education Research Association Annual

Conference, Seattle, WA, 2001

Selected "A Game-Theoretic Model of Curriculum Integration and School

Seminars/ Leadership," U.S. Meetings of the International Atlantic Economic

Presentations Society, Chicago, IL, 2004.

"School-to-Work: What Works and What Doesn't in Schools." Annual

meetings of the Atlantic Economic Society, PhiladelphiaPA, 1998;

annual meetings of the Association for Supervisor and Curriculum Development, San Francisco, CA, 1999

"The Determinates of School-to-Work Programming in Schools." Annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, CA,1999; annual meetings of the Association for Supervisor and Curriculum Development, San Francisco, CA, 1999

"Is High School Economically Relevant for Noncollege Youth." Annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association, San

Francisco, CA, 1995; Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, 1995; and U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC, 1995

"The Transition from School to Work in the Inner City. " Annual meetings of the Atlantic Economic Society, Philadelphia, PA, 1993

"The Philadelphia Economy in Transition." Urban Public Policy Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1991

"The Short Term Outlook for the Philadelphia Metropolitan Economy." Philadelphia Finance Society, Philadelphia, PA, 1991

"Productive and Unproductive Labor: Smith, Marx, and the Soviets." Annual Meetings of the History of Economics Society, HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA, 1987

"The Intellectual Origins of the Soviet System of National Income Accounting." Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 1987

"The Urban Economics of Adam Smith." Urban Economics Research Seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, 1984

External Funding: Mid-Atlantic Laboratory for Student Success

U.S. Department of Education

December 1996 to December 2005


SafeguardScientificsCenter for Economic Education

Safeguard Scientifics, Inc.

January 1997 to December 2001


(with William Dunkelberg)

Center on Education in the Inner Cities Project

U.S. Department of Education

December 1990 to December 1996


TempleUniversity Economic Impact Study


January 1992 to December 1992


Temple-Penn Philadelphia Economic Monitoring Project

William Penn Foundation, Advanced Technology Center of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and other sponsors

July 1988 to June 1991


(with Janice F. Madden)

Community Development Block Grant Evaluation Project

U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development

September 1979 to August 1980




Awards:Musser Award for Excellence in Leadership

FoxSchool of Business and Management

TempleUniversity, 2000

Department: Chair, 1989 to 1995,1998 to date

Director of Undergraduate Studies, 1986-89

CAS Advising Coordinator, 1986-89

Director of Honors Program, 1984-85

Advisor for Economics Honor Society, 1977 -84

Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1979-85 and

1988-89 (Chair in 1980, 1981, 1983)

Merit Committee, 1980, 1986-88, 1997

Merit Procedures Review Committee, 1977 (Secretary)

Election Committee, 1982-89

Scheduling Committee, 1977-80

AEA Summer Minority Program Advisory Committee, 1986-90

Undergraduate Affairs Committee, 1976-89

External Review Committee, 1980 (Chair)

Research Committee, 1977- 78

Liberal Arts Liaison Committee, 1984-85, (Chair in 1984)

Hiring Committee, 1980-82

School: AACSB Reaccreditation Committee, 1996 and 2000-2005 (Faculty


Faculty Development Committee, 2003-2006

Faculty Teaching Load Committee, 1999-2001

Senior Associate Dean, 1996-97

Undergraduate Affairs Committee, 1995-96

Dean's Strategic Planning Committee, 1991-94

Faculty Misconduct Committee, 1992

Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1985-87

Academic Grievance Committee, 1984-85, (Chair in 1985)

Research and Study Leaves Committee, 1983-84, (Chair in 1984)

University: University Disciplinary Committee, 2002-2003

Faculty Misconduct Hearing Committee, 1994, 1999 (Chair)

Center for Public Policy Advisory Committee, 1992 -1994

Phi Beta Kappa Lecturer, 1991

Undergraduate Admissions Committee, 1988-89

University Honors Program Development Committee, 1985-1989 (Chair in 1988-1989)

Phi Beta Kappa Advisory Committee, 1977-1980