University Curriculum Committee
Minutes of the February 1, 2012 meeting
Present: Melanie Agnew, Mike Allsen, Marshall Anderson, Quinton Baker, Robert Boostrom, Greg Cook (Chair) Carol Elsen (ex-officio), Jolly Emrey, Stuart Glosser, Liz Hachten (ex-officio), Angela Harlan, Jodi Hare-Paynter(ex-officio), Jared Janovec, Todd Loushine, Elizabeth Olson, Pamela Tanner (ex-officio), Rimi Zakaria
Absent: Scott Bradley, Cassie Wilson
Guest: Wallace Sherlock
The meeting was called to order at 2:17 p.m. by Committee Chair Greg Cook.
I. The December 7, 2012 meeting minutes were approved unanimously on a
Marshall Anderson/Robert Boostrom motion.
Chair Cook introduced Jared Janovec to the Committee. Jared is replacingChris Henige for the spring semester.
II. Chair Cook had two announcements:
There is a new Graduate Program that is being proposed by the College of Business and Economics (DBA – Doctorate in Business Administration). This is monumental for the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater as this is the first doctoral degree that will be offered. Chair Cook explained to the committee about the curricular process with the Intent to Plan which is distributed to the other UW-System campuses for their approval. Per UW System policies, the 4-year comprehensive campuses have the opportunity to propose professional doctoral programs, but they cannot offer research-focused PhD programs.
Chair Cook talked about the process when departments want to change items in the milestones area of the AR. Consensus among committee members was that any changes that involve course or curriculum should be proposed using Form 2, with approvals needed from curricular bodies (see Curriculum Handbook). Changes that do not involve course or curriculum (e.g., changes in test scores needed, portfolio or exit interview requirements) can be approved by the AVC and then the Registrar’s Office. The AVC can use discretion in determining which items need curricular approvals (Form 2).
III. Information Only Items (to be Received and Recorded)
A motion was made to approve Curricular Action Items III.A-F by Stuart Glosser and
seconded by Beth Olson. Stuart Glosser presented the changes from the Department of
Economics. The motion was carried unanimously.
A. Curricular Actions from the College of Arts and Communication
No curricular proposals submitted.
B. Curricular Actions from the College of Business and Economics
1. Actions from the Department of Economics
1.1 Grammatical Description Change and Title Change – ECON 345
From: “Business Statistics II”
To: “Econometrics”
1.2Title Change – ECON 245
From: “Business Statistics I”
To: “Business Statistics”
C. Curricular Actions from the College of Education and Professional Studies
1. Action from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction
It was noted in 1.1 that there is also a Title Change.
1.1 Pre-Requisite and Title Change – SECNDED 427/627
“Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages an ESL”
1.2 Course Description Change – SECNDED 427/627
“Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages an ESL”
Note: This is for information only.
D. Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
No curricular proposals submitted.
E. Special Courses
Special Courses approved from 11/29/12 to 01/23/13
CIGENRL Workshop 790 / Stars @ Yerkes: 2012-13 / 2131 (Spring 2013) / 01/17/13
PEPROF Workshop 490 / Outdoor Ed and Challenge / 2131 (Spring 2013) / 01/09/13
ARTSTDIO Special Study 496 / Advanced Printmaking / 2137 (Fall 2013) / 12/17/12
ARTHIST Seminar 494 / The Medieval Book / 2137 (Fall 2013) / 12/17/12
COMM Special Study 496 / Mobile App Design Studio / 2137 (Fall 2013) / 12/17/12
COMM Special Study 796 / Qualitative Methods Comm / 2131 (Spring 2013) / 12/13/12
F. Administrative Actions
No Curricular proposals submitted.
IV. New Business
A. Curricular Actions from the College of Arts and Communication
No Curricular proposals submitted.
B. Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences (Note: The agenda
was incorrect; this action should have been under the College of Letters and Sciences
not from the College of Business and Economics). Marshall Anderson made the motion
to approve Curricular Action Item B1. Jolly Emrey seconded the motion. After some
discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
1. Actions from the Department of Economics
1.1 Change in Major – Economics BA/BS
Curricular Actions from the College of Business and Economics
2. Actions from the Department of ITSCM
A motion was made to approve Curricular Actions from the Department of ITSCM by Stuart Glosser with a second by Robert Boostrom. After discussion and a vote taken, approval was unanimously denied for this course. There appear to be errors in listing the pre-requisite courses (e.g., check the Political Science course that’s listed—a member from Political Science suggested that this is not the course that should be listed as a pre-req.). Also, the list of pre-reqs is long and might severely limit enrollment in this course—please re-consider the list of pre-requisites.
2.1 New Course – ITSCM 315(approval denied)
“Accessibility in High Tech Products and Systems”
Proposal indicates that a Form 2 has already been completed to add ITSCM 315 to the
Disabilities Certificate. ITBE 315 was stricken from the Disabilities Certificate in the
November 16, 2012 UCC meeting. Please discuss Item III.D.6.4.
C. Curricular Actions from the College of Education and Professional Studies
No curricular proposals submitted.
D. Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
1. Actions from the Department of Languages and Literatures
Marshall Anderson made the motion to approve Curricular Action D1.1-D1.4
Angela Harlan seconded the motion. Angela Harlan indicated that the changes
are mainly housekeeping and more changes will be made in the future. There was no further discussion and the motion passed unanimously.
1.1 Change in Major – English BA/BS
1.2 Change in Major – English BSE
1.3 Change in Minor – English Minor
1.4 Change in Minor – English Education Minor
2. Actions from the Department of Political Science
Mike Allsen made the motion to approve Curricular Actions 2.1 – 2.4. Jolly Emrey
seconded the motion. After discussing items 2.2 – 2.4, the motion passed
2.1 New Course – Political Science 410
“Ancient and Medieval Political Thought: Greek, Roman, Christian”
2.2 Change in Major – Political Science BA/BS
2.3 Change in Major – Political Science Honors Emphasis
2.4 Change in Minor - Political Science
3. Action from the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
Marshall Anderson moved to approve Item 3.1 and was seconded by Robert
Boostrom. The motion passed unanimously.
3.1 Change in Minor – Sociology Minor
4. Action from the Department of Women’s Studies/Race and Ethnic Cultures
Beth Olson moved to approve Item 4.1 and was seconded by Robert Boostrom.
The motion passed unanimously.
4.1 Change in Minor – Gender and Ethnic Studies
E. Interdisciplinary
1.Departments of Curriculum and Instruction and Languages and Literatures
Angela Harlan made the motion to approve Curricular Items 1.1 – 1.3. Melanie Agnew seconded. Wallace Sherlock presented the changes. The motion passed
1.1 Change in Minor – French Education Minor BSE
1.2 Change in Minor – German Education Minor BSE
1.3 Change in Minor – Spanish Education Minor BSE
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Stuart Glosser and was seconded by Angela Harlan. All approved and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 3:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schrank
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