List of documents to prepare:
-List of activities completed: CAS final summary(included here)
-Evidence of planning: Proposal forms for long-term activities, Team Leader Planning sheet, CAS programme checklist and other elements showing preparation for activities (included here)
-Visual and written evidence (5 selected log pages from CAS journal, photos, brochures, e-mail exchanges linked to activities, videos, product of work, etc…)
-Documented guidance: Supervisor reports for all activities, CAS reports, homeroom reports where CAS is mentioned)
-Reflections : getting started, End of year1 reflection, CAS activity evaluation rubrics filled in for three main activities (included here), End of year reflection (included here)
-Getting ready for the preliminary and final CAS interviews (see guidelines p 17)
(Include a clear description) / Date performed /Supervisor form signed in folder in correct order
/TOTAL Hours completed
Signature of student______
(Include a clear description) / Date performed /Supervisor form signed in folder in correct order
/TOTAL Hours completed
Signature of student______
(Include a clear description) / Date performed /Supervisor form signed in folder in correct order
/TOTAL Hours completed
Signature of student______
CAS PROPOSAL FORM(for long-term activities only)
Activity / C/A/S / Proposed Supervisor and personal details / Purpose of Activity / Approval and signature of homeroom teacherTeam leader planning sheet
Name of activity:
Supervising teacherStudent leaders
Chosen day and time
Preferred group size
Starting date
Learner Profile focus
Present briefly your project:
SMACK fair strategy
Outline the first steps of the activity
How do you plan to generate interest in your activity?
What happens if your team looses interest?
Is there a possible link with Geneva?
How do you plan to share the work between leaders?
Is there a way to ensure that the member of your team all gain from the activity?
CAS Programme checklist
(Underline or highlight the appropriate descriptors and explain briefly your plan of action)
To check / Curent situation / My plan of actionProposal forms / -No proposal forms in my folder for my long-term activities
- My proposal forms are there but not signed by CAS Coordinator
- My long-term activities are all backed up with proposal forms
CAS activities completed / -Irregularly this year
- Regularly this year
C, A and S balance / - More balance needed between C, A and S
- Balanced C, A and S components
CAS journal / -Not up to date
- Up to date
Visual evidence in CAS folder / -Not completed appropriately
- Completed appropriately
-Completed in detail
Supervisor reports / -Not completed
-Completed partially
- One report per activity
Individual reflections on activities / -Completed
- Not completed
Overall reflection on year one / -Completed
- Not completed
End of year I CAS reflection
I/ Learning outcomes completion
(At the end of year one, at least five of the learning outcomes must have been covered. No more than three areas may remain comment free)
I increased my awareness of my own strengths andareas for growth
I Undertook new challenges
I Planned and initiated activities
I Worked collaboratively with others
I Showed perseverance and commitment in my
I Engaged with issues of global importance
I Considered the ethical implications of my actions
I developed new skills
II/ Learner Profile Qualities
Through CAS, I have found opportunities to become more (of a(n))…
Critical thinker.
CAS Activity Evaluation Rubric[1]
Criterion / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4A / Challenge / Attendance only required / Gives opportunities for student to extend him/herself / Present a difficult and challenging target / Pushes student previous limits
B / Opportunities for Service, benefit to others / No benefit to other than student / Has some benefit to others / Outcome is directed towards benefiting others / Results in identifiable benefit to others
C / Acquisition of skills and interests rather than practicing those already acquired / No level of skill required / Requires skills any student of this age would be expected already to have / Develops existing skills / Develops new skills
D / Initiation and planning by students / Organized by school / Organized by outside agency / Organized by group of students with adult leader / Planned, organized and run by students
E / Establishing links with community and furthering international understanding / Does not involve working with others / Involves working within the school community only / Involves working with the community but may only be with students’ own nationality or international community / Involves working with and within the local community and/or the local language
F / Active rather than passive nature / No active participation / Students required to participate but not initiate / Requires active participation / Requires active participation and input from student
G / Project nature – combining 3 types of activity (CAS) / Activity one-off of short duration
only one type / Combines two components on more than one occasion or one for longer duration / Has elements of all three components on more than one occasion or two for longer duration / a good balance of three components combined into a long term project
CAS Activity Evaluation Rubric[2]
Activity 2:
Criterion / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4A / Challenge / Attendance only required / Gives opportunities for student to extend him/herself / Present a difficult and challenging target / Pushes student previous limits
B / Opportunities for Service, benefit to others / No benefit to other than student / Has some benefit to others / Outcome is directed towards benefiting others / Results in identifiable benefit to others
C / Acquisition of skills and interests rather than practicing those already acquired / No level of skill required / Requires skills any student of this age would be expected already to have / Develops existing skills / Develops new skills
D / Initiation and planning by students / Organized by school / Organized by outside agency / Organized by group of students with adult leader / Planned, organized and run by students
E / Establishing links with community and furthering international understanding / Does not involve working with others / Involves working within the school community only / Involves working with the community but may only be with students’ own nationality or international community / Involves working with and within the local community and/or the local language
F / Active rather than passive nature / No active participation / Students required to participate but not initiate / Requires active participation / Requires active participation and input from student
G / Project nature – combining 3 types of activity (CAS) / Activity one-off of short duration
only one type / Combines two components on more than one occasion or one for longer duration / Has elements of all three components on more than one occasion or two for longer duration / a good balance of three components combined into a long term project
CAS Activity Evaluation Rubric[3]
Activity 3:
Criterion / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4A / Challenge / Attendance only required / Gives opportunities for student to extend him/herself / Present a difficult and challenging target / Pushes student previous limits
B / Opportunities for Service, benefit to others / No benefit to other than student / Has some benefit to others / Outcome is directed towards benefiting others / Results in identifiable benefit to others
C / Acquisition of skills and interests rather than practicing those already acquired / No level of skill required / Requires skills any student of this age would be expected already to have / Develops existing skills / Develops new skills
D / Initiation and planning by students / Organized by school / Organized by outside agency / Organized by group of students with adult leader / Planned, organized and run by students
E / Establishing links with community and furthering international understanding / Does not involve working with others / Involves working within the school community only / Involves working with the community but may only be with students’ own nationality or international community / Involves working with and within the local community and/or the local language
F / Active rather than passive nature / No active participation / Students required to participate but not initiate / Requires active participation / Requires active participation and input from student
G / Project nature – combining 3 types of activity (CAS) / Activity one-off of short duration
only one type / Combines two components on more than one occasion or one for longer duration / Has elements of all three components on more than one occasion or two for longer duration / a good balance of three components combined into a long term project
FinalC A S Reflection(2010)
Guiding questions
- Summarise what you did and how you interacted with others.
- Explain what you hoped to accomplish (what you hoped to learn from getting involved).
- How successful were you in achieving your goals? What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?
- What did you learn about yourself? What abilities, attitudes and values have you developed?
- How difficult was it to cover all your learning outcomes?
- Did anyone help you to think about your learning? If so, who helped and how did they help.
- How did the activities benefit others?
- What might you do differently next time to improve?
- How can you apply what you have learned in other life situation?
- What do you think other people you have worked with might have said if they were asked to talk about your involvement in these CAS activities?
The aim of the preliminary CAS interview is to:
-Discuss the student’s attitude to CAS
-Evaluate personal growth through completion of CAS activities
-Highlight areas of improvement before the final interview
-Encourage thorough and meaningful reflection
The follow-up procedure after the preliminary interview might be:
-activities to be started, initiated or developed
-reflections to be revisited
-food for thought before the final interview
Both interviews (preliminary and final) will be recorded
[1]Devellopped by M. Allan
[2]Devellopped by M. Allan
[3]Devellopped by M. Allan