Project-Based Rubric
Virtual Stock Exchange
Step 1: Academic Concept Understanding & Knowledge
Linked to Portfolio section(s): Understanding Question 1 & 2
Focus Area 1: Building Knowledge, Understanding, and Skills. Identify sources of information and critiquing that information. WHST 11-12.8 Gather relevant information & WHST 11-12.9 Draw evidence from information texts to support research.
- Student demonstrates less than proficient knowledge of academic terms/concepts
- Student answered less than half of the Essential Questions correct
- Completes less than 100% of all slides
- Does not use grade-level writing and mechanics
Reason: /
- Student demonstrates an above basic-to- advanced level of understanding of each of the academic terms/concepts
- Completes all assigned slides
- Student answered all of the Essential Questions correct and demonstrates an independence of thought while doing so
- Uses grade-level writing and mechanics
Step 2: Academic Concept Analysis and Evaluation
Linked to Portfolio sections(s) Analysis Questions 1, 2, 3, 4 & Reflection Questions 1 & 2
Focus Area 2: Developing and revising ideas and products. Generating and selecting ideas based off of analysis of the key concepts and creating a writing argument from that research. WHST 11-12.7 Sustained research to answer a question & WHST 11-12.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis.
- Does not offer new ideas during analysis
- Does not ask new questions or elaborate in sentence form on selected ideas
- Reproduces existing ideas or work; does not imagine new ones within the selected concept
- Does not use grade-level writing and mechanics
Reason: /
- Promotes divergent and creative perspectives during analysis and evaluation
- Asks new questions, takes a different perspective to elaborate and improve on the selected idea over time
- Uses idea-generating techniques to develop several original ideas for products/representations(s)
- Uses grade-level writing and mechanics
*Any section that is deemed incomplete will receive a (0) score
Total Score x2: ______/20 points
Mr. Middleton