Introductory Item

  1. Call to order/Roll Call

Board president Glenn Davis called the meeting to order at 8:07 am and roll was taken.

Glenn Davis

Mary Ellen Denomy

Charles Cunniffe

Pat Chlouber

Kathy Goudy

Ken Brenner

Patty Theobald

All trustees other than Trustee Brenner were present.

Action Item

Annual Review of President’s Employment Contract

The Executive Committee co-chairs, Trustees Theobald and Cunniffe stated that the President’s evaluation is exemplary and that the raise and bonus bring the President’s compensation to one that is more within the standard for presidents of comparable colleges and similar multi-campus systems.

ACTION: Trustee Cunniffe Moved to Approve a 7.5% increase in the President’s base salary for FY2016-17 plus a one-time $15,000 performance bonus. Trustee Theobald Seconded the Motion and a roll call vote was taken:

Trustee Chlouber – Aye

Trustee Theobald – Aye

Trustee Cunniffe – Aye

Trustee Goudy – Nay

Trustee Denomy – Nay

Trustee Davis – Aye

The Motion carried 4-2.

ACTION: Trustee Theobald Moved to Extend the term of the President’s Contract by one year, with the result that the contract term will continue through 2020; Trustee Cunniffe Seconded the Motion and a roll call vote was taken:

Trustee Chlouber – Aye

Trustee Theobald – Aye

Trustee Cunniffe – Aye

Trustee Goudy – Nay – with full confidence in the president, needed to vote no due to the length of the contract.

Trustee Denomy – Nay

Trustee Davis – Aye

The Motion carried 4-2.

Trustee Chlouber commented that she appreciates what Dr. Hauser has accomplished this past year and the attention to issues at the Leadville Campus.

Trustee Theobald stated that the extension of the contract shows a vote of confidence in the President and, given the exemplary evaluation, will lend stability to the College and its programs.

Board President Davis stated that the contract term extension reflects a positive assessment of the President and the overall health of the College, but is also a commitment by the board to leadership stability for the College. Multi-year contacts are common for college presidents nationally for this reason.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pat ChlouberDebbie Novak

Board of Trustees SecretaryRecording Secretary