Appalachian State University
Heltzer Honors Program Annual Report 2009-10
I. Major accomplishments
1. Proposed transition of program to Heltzer Honors College successful
i. With support of Dr. David Haney, Dr. Stan Aeschleman, and the Chancellor, Dr. Peacock, the proposal was submitted and approved by GA April 14, 2010
2. Implemented second round of new admissions process
i. Final data for 2009 entering class
· Accepted 617/1550 (40%), yielded 237 (38% of accepted); Average M/V SAT was 1307 [1283 in 08]
· See Appendix for class statistics
ii. Continuing data for 2010 entering class
· Applications so far (May 3) ~1250 with accepted ~510 and yielded 163 [SAT is ~1334]
· Total applications down from previous year (1550), but number of >1500 SATs up (’08=12;’09=24 in;’10=34)
· Average SAT M/V also increasing (’08=1283;’09=1308; so far in ’10 ~1330; see chart at right)
3. Increased total numbers of HHP students from uncertain ~600 in 08-09, to a more certain ~750 in 09-10. Still dealing with uncertain Senior population for one more year.
4. Introduced aggressive internal transfer program to increase likelihood of qualified students already at ASU getting opportunity of Honors
i. Invite all freshmen with >3.5 GPA after first semester to apply to transfer
ii. 797 invitations sent, only 38 students exercised the option (but only 5 did last year, so big gain by changing tactics)
5. Continued updates on website (ZU) http:/
i. Employing GoogleAnalytics for site-access data
· 14,506 visitors 21Sep08-12May09 (11,220 NC; 277 non-US; all states EXCEPT NM & WY)
· 22,536 21 visitors Sep09-4May10 (18,084 NC; 464 non-US; all states not WY!)
· ~64% increase in website traffic [average 3.26 min/visit and 4 pages/visit]
6. HON course offerings for 2009-10
i. Fall 2009: ten 1515s, six 2515s, and two 3515s
ii. Spring 2010: one 1515, seven 2515s; seven 3515s
iii. Fall 2010: nine 1515s, four 2515s, six 3515s
iv. Note that several of these were offered as cross-listed classes, which seems to be working as a model to increase class size and diversity (see appendix)
7. Implemented required Honors academic mentoring for undeclared incoming students
i. Required advising in place for most of the 237 frosh (some are in WGC or other communities, so they come voluntarily)
ii. Continued voluntary advising for declared majors
iii. Advising assignment shown at right
iv. Advising caseloads for Freshmen:
· LSJ=40; MEL=35; ADM=73; ZU=44; DEW=32
· Note the remaining 500 students also visit in similar proportions, but it is not required advising (yet)
8. Introduced new instruments for Learning Outcomes Assessment (see Appendix)
i. Thesis committee assessment of student
ii. Student self-assessment after defense
iii. Faculty assessment of class group for HON courses
iv. Entered program and learning outcomes into TracDat
9. Added departmental honors programs in:
i. Biology, Interdisciplinary Studies, Appalachian Studies, Social Work, Criminal Justice
· Total number of tracks now up to 23
ii. Continued discussions with Music, HLES (Exercise Science), Education and new Health Science College (Nursing) to encourage honors program creation
10. Planned for introduction of a Learning Assistance Program workshop for all incoming HHP students
i. Students will get one hour overview of all LAP resources
11. Initiated change to transcript by Registrar
i. Transcripts will now show all courses taken for honors credit, whether in title, not in title, or by contract
12. Met with Student Conduct Office to plan for waiver signed by all incoming freshmen that allows for reporting of all infractions of Academic or Student Conduct policies
i. Posted HHP statement on expectations for both checked though legal office
13. Met with David Taylor in Advancement several times on a “Statement for Honors” to plan for Honors advancement (also with Don Frezza, Pat Setzer, and Greg Langdon for Alumni giving)
14. Created HON faculty starting with this academic year faculty who taught HON courses and were willing to provide information for our website (21 faculty members)
i. These will form the core for creation of an Honors College Curriculum Committee and Credentialing Committee
15. Had two University Honors graduation Honorum Laurus celebratory events
i. Dec 2009, May 2010
ii. Total of 42 graduates with University Honors
iii. Number of graduates still static and low (see chart right); should see increases in two years
16. Used new HHP course evaluation (by students) process
i. Introduced quantitative, computerized analysis
ii. Results indicate general satisfaction (two courses will not be repeated due to feedback)
17. Chancellor Scholars selection/interview process from last year followed again
i. ~1082 applicants (1550 in ’09)
ii. 100 selected (140 last year) for committee to review
iii. Committee selected 40 interviewees; Chancellor called top 15
iv. Yielded 5 of top 15 (6 in ’09) last alternate was #30 (31 in ’09)
v. Average M/V SAT has been rising until this last round; new competition may be eroding competitiveness (see chart right)
vi. Implemented a selection process for new CS HON 1515 course (to be taught by J. Waters/K. Cockerill)
18. Expanded and updated Prestigious Scholars Program substantially (Dir. Dr. Dale Wheeler)
i. See attached report below the Appendix and webpage (
19. Changed space use to accommodate Zack Underwood as advisor (was in shared space)
i. Subdivided B13 into his office and a conference room (not used when he is advising)
ii. Created a student printing station in B6 (shared with refrigerator and some storage)
iii. Turned ZU’s old space into GA/work study space for two in B7
iv. Still need to accommodate both the PSP Director and Assistant Director who share B12; when their time overlaps, Dr. Lane uses a laptop to advise in B4
II. Ongoing projects
1. Stewardship of major donor
i. Maintained contact via phone and cards with Mrs. Heltzer
· Mrs. Heltzer gave another $5000 scholarship gift in December
ii. Invited Mrs. Heltzer to all HHP events (she came to picnic & May Honorum Laurus)
iii. Also sent notes and started postcard project for Dr. Mitsch
iv. Dr. Mitsch donated ~$10,000 in August that he agreed to give as unrestricted s
· Without this gift the HHP would not have had event funds (vide infra)
v. Sent note to Hunter family to initiate contact (no result yet)
2. Continued work on new building project
i. Negotiated with SD on new office/classroom building (Phase I now over)
ii. Blueprints finally acceptable, despite multiple iterations of process due to strange additions from architect (balcony on third floor?)
iii. Level 02 office floor at right
3. Working on improving University Honors thesis completion
i. Providing weekly information sessions first five weeks
ii. Implementing required thesis examination (defense) for University Honors
4. Collaborating with Admissions to improve recruiting efforts
i. New plan for identifying juniors: letters and postcards
ii. Continuing to meet with and email prospective students/families
5. Continued recruiting of faculty to teach HON courses
i. Many new courses created (see Fall/Spring 2009-10 lists in Appendix)
6. Working on improved coordination of Departmental/University Honors
i. Monthly meetings with Honors Council (departmental honors track directors)
ii. Dr. Michael Lane, Assist. Dir of HHP, overseeing dept tracks
7. Promoting International Educational experiences to help students graduate with Honors
i. We are averaging 30 students a year going abroad for study, which would mean not enough to complete and graduate with University Honors (should average ¼ of population each year, or ~190)
III. Major Problems
1. Much as last year: Inadequate commitment to Honors curriculum across the campus
v. Faculty are willing to teach, but Chairs will not release them to do so – still a problem
ii. The money is said to be inadequate compensation for lost faculty to cover teaching by senior faculty in most departments, making recruiting difficult
iii. There is no recognition nor requirement for the departments to contribute to Honors (though reporting of thesis directing now in Digital Measures annual report)
iv. Without significant top level recognition of Honors as mission-critical to ASU, the colleges/departments can ignore it
v. Junior/adjunct/non-tenure-track faculty are generally not appropriate for Honors
vi. The new college status may help this some
2. Inadequate staff (unchanged from last year)
i. A program still needs more advising and support staff to promote retention
ii. As a minimum, three additional staff are needed, with a change to existing commitments
· A program of 1200 should have the following:
o Director (100%), two assistant directors (75%), Program Associate, Budget manager, four advisors (also working on publications/website, alum affairs, theses, advancement), students/GAs equivalent to one full time staff support
o Comparisons of Honors staff sizes/student numbers: UNC-Wilmington 4/500; Bowling Green 7/600; College of Charleston 7/700; APP 5/750; U Miss 10/860; Texas Tech 13/1000; Penn State 23/1600
· If PSP remains in HHP, for a school the size of ASU it should be:
o Director (100%), two support staff (100%) [or some permutation of this]
3. Inadequate budget resources (unchanged from last year)
i. The program should have scholarships at the Cost of Attendance level with $2-3K in summer support as well to be competitive for high-end students (we are not garnering Chancellor’s Scholars as we should, see above I.14, and are NOT competitive with UNC Morehead-Kane, NCSU Park, UNC-C Levine)
ii. The program does not have its own budget to provide for students pursuing research and presenting at meetings. Students access OSR monies for research/meetings, but this is often inadequate, and as a benefit to being in Honors, it would be useful in recruiting to have additional monies for this population
iii. While SD has generously provided $10K the last two years for study abroad support in Honors, it is not adequate, and scholarship money is being used to complete requests
iv. An Honors budget for study abroad travel support would be invaluable for recruiting and helping students complete the International Education requirement in Honors
v. To enhance program recognition locally and nationally need more support for travel to conferences with staff and students
vi. Unsustainable budget for events planning
· At present the HHP hosts the following events throughout the year:
Freshmen Welcome Supper, Freshmen Family Picnic, Alumni Weekend, Honorum Laurus (Dec. and May), June Orientation refreshments (not in ’09), Director Teas for students throughout semester (not in ’09), end-of-semester course events, annual faculty reception (not in ’09), Fall/Spring Course Info Suppers (not in ’09), Scholars Day Reception
vii. In addition, The HHP supports the Appalachian Honors Students! organization and budgets them $2000/year from the unrestricted funds to support their events (e.g., Great Raft Debate, Dorm of Doom, Faculty Lecture Series, Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, Reading Day Ice Cream Socials, etc.)
V. Staff and EPA Nonfaculty Activity
1. Jennifer Courtney-Bartel has been Program Associate for 22 months
i. As she moves to English, a replacement will be hired in May 2010
ii. Had two a 10 hr/week student assistants in the fall, but lost one and they were not replaced by Work Study program (hope to have two again in fall 2010)
iii. Hired temp for 12 weeks to support office during J C-B illness
· Office function was impaired during that six months
2. Dr. Michael Lane switched to 50% in Fall ’09 as Assistant Director:
i. Coordinates Honors Tracks and Honors Council
ii. Advises (humanities and Social sciences)
iii. Works on building new tracks
iv. Helps recruit courses
v. Works on thesis process changes
vi. Attended the Southern Regional Honors Council meeting in March
3. Angela Mead is Advising Coordinator internally
i. Oversees the advising of all undeclared Honors students by the rest of advising staff
ii. Advises (education, business, undeclared, etc.)
iii. Tracks all registered student data
iv. Liaison to Advising and Registrar’s offices
v. Assists in admissions and Chancellor Scholar selection and oversight
vi. Co-taught an HON 2515 class Spring 2010
vii. Serves on Transfer policy committee
viii. Presented at the Southern Regional Honors Council meeting (March) and attended regional NACADA (April)
4. Zack Underwood is Technology Specialist and Advisor
i. Updates website continually (essential for recruiting)
ii. Maintains unit technology
iii. Advises students (music, technology, photo/videography, edu tech, comp sci, etc.)
iv. Tracks all application and housing data
v. Liaison to Admissions and Housing
vi. Served on Housing Coordinator Search Committee
vii. Co-taught an HON 2515 class both Fall and Spring
viii. Presented at the North Carolina Honors Association meeting (Sept.) and the Southern Regional Honors Council meeting (March)
ix. Attended Charlotte admissions recruiting trip
5. Dr. Dale Wheeler is Director of the Prestigious Scholarships Program and his report is attached below the Appendix.
i. Advises (all sciences not pre-professional)
6. Dr. Leslie Sargent Jones is Director of the HHP and oversees the long-term planning and daily operations of the program
i. Attended the following meetings: North Carolina Honors Association (annual conference Sept.), the National Collegiate Honors Council (annual conference Oct.), the Society for Neuroscience (annual conference Nov: Using impulse in an undergraduate course: a case study, LS Jones et alus presented with two ASU students), SYNAPSE (undergraduate neuroscience annual conference, Mar) presented with 11 ASU students;
ii. Taught HON 3530 special topics course on Scientific Publishing (1 credit x 2 semesters), related to IMPULSE (undergraduate neuroscience journal hosted at ASU); directed honors thesis (A. Roberts, Ex Sci; second reader for A. Martin, Psyc)
iii. Met with prospective students and their families throughout year
iv. Advises (all pre-professional, Biology, Psychology)
v. University-wide committee service
· Institutional Review board
· Academic Policies & Procedures
· University Research Council