Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 10 March 2014 at the Village Hall Station Road Hopton-on-Sea Great Yarmouth NR31 9BE commencing at 7pm.
Present: Parish Cllrs: Stephen Ford (Vice-Chairman), Steve Ames, Jean Canham, Brian Hardisty, Maureen McGovern, Mike Pearce, Shirley Pearce, Dave Ramsden, Jim Walker, Lilian Walker.
Also present: County Councillor Colin Aldred, Julie McNair, Clerk to the Council and thirty one members of the public.
1. To receive apologies for absence.
Parish Councillor Lennie Gent and Borough Councillors Hilary Wainwright, Sue Hacon and Martin Plane.
2. To receive declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda.
Cllrs. Hardisty and Ames declared a personal interest in item 6(a).
3. To confirm the Minute of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10 February 2014.
Cllr. Hardisty proposed some additional wording to item 6(a) line 12. It was unanimously agreed to include the following additional wording. “Cllr. Hardisty asked whether Cllr Ames had submitted his objections by 31st January and Cllr. Ames said yes”. It was further unanimously agreed to accept the Minute as amended, and it was signed by the Vice-Chairman.
4. Resolution to suspend the meeting for County Councillor and Borough Councillors’ Reports, and the Police monthly crime report.
Duly resolved.
County Councillor Colin Aldred advised the painting of yellow lines to the south of the entrance of Sea View Rise would not be possible. The Police have been informed, and have advised that vehicles are legally parked in that area.
The lamp post which was removed from the entrance to the village, near the telephone box was taken away as it was beyond repair. An Engineer will be visiting this week to carry out illumination testing. A report will be sent to the Parish Council.
A meeting was held at County Hall last week regarding flood defences and it is proposed that a letter is sent to every Parish Council seeking Wardens to be trained in to deal with floods/emergencies.
Apologies were received from PCSO Caron Young. The Clerk read the crime report. Norfolk Constabulary received 30 CAD calls from Hopton during the month of February, which resulted in 7 being classed as crimes. These were: Making off without payment from the petrol station. A catalytic converter removed from a vehicle. Super glue poured into a padlock. Theft of two satellite navigational systems from a vehicle. Taking of a vehicle without the owners’ consent (arrest made). Child injured by play fighting at home. £10 taken from a care home.
The next SNAP meeting is 19 May 2014, 7pm at the JGI Belton.
The meeting was reconvened.
5. To receive and consider the Clerk’s reports:-
(a) Correspondence. The Clerk reported on correspondence received since the last meeting as listed.
(b) Planning Applications considered by the Planning Committee.
06/14/0048/A Replacement of five entrance signs. Hopton Holiday Village Warren Road. No objection by the Planning Committee.
06/14/0071/F Demolition of existing buildings and construction of six two storey dwellings with associated stet works. Lowestoft Road (Sawyers Garage).
Application received 5.3.14 and e-mailed to all Cllrs. Comments by 18 March 2014.
Some discussion took place regarding the application concerning over development of the site, movement of construction vehicles, parking, whether Hopton’s Parish Plan would be taken into consideration by GYBC and how the Borough Council’s policy procedures work.
It was agreed by majority vote (9 in favour, 1 abstention) that the Parish Council’s Planning Committee would meet before the 18th March and were given delegated power to make a decision on behalf of the Council. All Councillors would be invited to attend.
Planning Permission Granted by GYBC
06/13/0750/F Extension and loft conversion, increasing ridge height, balcony and decking at West View Bungalow Lowestoft Road Hopton.
06/13/0723/A Consent to display advertisements. Freestanding advertisement hoarding – amended design at Sidegate Road (East Coast Hospice Ltd).
06/13/0685/F Proposed coastal protection scheme at Hopton. Development Control Committee hearing at the Town Hall on Tuesday 18 March, 6.30pm. A copy of the Committee Report can be downloaded from GYBC website from Tuesday 11 March.
(c) Finance – to agree invoices for payment and bank reconciliation. The Clerk presented 9 cheques and two direct debits from the business current account and one cheque from St. Margaret’s Ruins Account totalling £4524.83. Reimbursement in the sum of £2,210.49 has been received from the Village Hall Management Trust in repayment of the instalment paid to the Public Works Loan Board. It was unanimously agreed to pass the payments as listed. The cheques were signed at the end of the meeting.
6. To receive a brief update on matters arising from the Minutes:-
(a) Coastal erosion.
Cllr. Hardisty questioned Cllr. Ames regarding his objection to the proposed coastal defences and potential breach of the Code of Conduct. Cllr. Ames responded that the objection, on behalf of Broadland Sands was submitted before the Development Control Committee meeting. Cllr. Hardisty suggested that Cllr. Ames had put the interests of his business before that of the village and its residents. Cllr. Ames responded there is nothing the Parish Council can do other than to report him to the Standards Committee.
Cllr. Hardisty continued that emergency works by Bourne Leisure had almost finished.
The Development Control Committee hearing, to determine the outcome of Planning Application 06/13/0685/F will be held at the Town Hall on Tuesday 18 March at 6.30pm. Lennie Gent, Chairman of the Parish Council would be speaking in support of the application. Borough Councillor Hilary Wainwright would also be speaking in support and Borough Councillor Sue Hacon has already given her support direct to Planning.
Cllr. Ames said that Bourne Leisure would also need a licence from the MMO in addition to any planning permission. Cllr. Hardisty advised that application has already been made.
(b) Highways matters.
(i) Skanska will be looking at the poor road condition A12 north and south of Hopton roundabout with a view to carrying out any necessary maintenance.
(ii) The persistent flooding on Hall Road (west of A12) has been attended to. A further request has been made for the hedges to be cut back. Highways Reference 459482.
(iii) The pot hole as you come into the village from the A12 has now been filled.
(iv) The large pot hole in Warren Road, just past the junction of Coast/Station Road, to the right of the speed hump has been investigated. NCC advise that this depression has been left by Essex and Suffolk Water and does not meet their intervention levels so no work will be programmed. However NCC will monitor through regular inspections.
(v) Muddy area and damage to kerb near the entrance to the Village, probably caused by buses or lorries turning right. As previously advised, no rocks can be placed in this area but NCC will repair the damage.
(vi) Muddy area near the bus stop on the left hand side of Station Road, just past the entrance to the Doctors Surgery. Remedial works will be carried out once the ground has dried out.
(vii) Longfullans Lane. Works have been programmed to fill potholes and rutting along Longfullans Lane.
(vii) Following last month’s Parish Council meeting the issue of parking on the Lowestoft Road, opposite Ritson Lodge was raised with NCC, in terms of whether parking restrictions could be put in place, or any alternative approach they could suggest. No response has as yet been received. PCSO Steve Dent has however approached the owners of vehicles parked in this area and they have moved further up the Lowestoft Road so as not to cause a problem with vehicles coming out of Seafields Drive. Highways Reference 456040.
(viii) The question was again raised of NCC Highways seeking clarification as to why they don’t take into consideration that Longfullans Lane is a single lane when looking at the speed limit issue. No response has as yet been received. Highways Reference 456041.
(ix) Highways Improvement Partnerships. NCC has announced that 68 bids were accepted for the 50% funding scheme. These included 18 mobile speed warning signs (SAM2), static vehicle activated signs (VAS) and other schemes.
This year, in addition to the £156,500 allocated from NCC’s 2014/15 highways capital budget, £50,000 is being made available by the Safety Camera Partnership for SAM2.
Concerns were raised about the bus stop layby as you enter the village from the A12. It is currently half bus stop and half unrestricted parking. Complaints have been received from members of the public regarding buses that have to park at an angle blocking the road. There are now both First and East Anglian buses coming into the village. It was unanimously agreed to enquire whether the whole layby could be for bus use only.
(c) Annual Summer Fete and Carnival, Sunday 20 July 2014.
Cllr. Ford advised that organisational matters are progressing well.
(d) Housing Working Party – public consultation, GYBC draft Interim Housing Lane Supply Policy.
The Housing Working Party will be meeting shortly to review progress. A request will be made to GYBC Planning to meet with members of the Housing Working Party.
7. To carry out annual review of Asset Register.
Unanimously agreed to approve the Asset Register as circulated.
8. To carry out annual review of Risk Assessment.
Unanimously agreed to approve the Risk Assessment as circulated.
9. To receive and consider information regarding the repeal of S.150(5) Local Government Act 1972.
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and other bodies have lobbied for the repeal of S.150(5) LGA 1972 that requires all cheques or other payable orders to carry two signatures. A draft Legislative Reform Order (LRO) has been approved by Parliament. Once the LRO is in force, if the Council wants to abandon the two signature rule it must first formally put in place effective systems and arrangements compliant with the proper practices. This effectively means adopting new Financial Regulations and internal procedures that are compliant with the guidance. It was agreed to wait for NALC’s new model Financial Regulations and detailed implementation briefing.
10. To receive and consider information regarding the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.
The main points relate to : A Statutory Transparency Code applying to local councils will be published. A Statutory Code on Local Authority Publicity which will relate to newsletters. The filming and use of social media at council meetings. NALC strongly advise Parish Councils to take the initiative to enable more control over recordings. There is already CCTV in operation in the Village Hall for which dispensation has been granted. Audio will also be possible once enacted. It was agreed to wait for NALC’s further guidance once the relevant section of the Act comes into force.
11. To consider external hire of the notice board on Station Road outside the Turnstone.
The current hire agreement expires on 20 April 2014. The rental income is £300 per annum, with the hirer having responsibility for insurance and repairs. The notice board has been vandalised and the hirer has confirmed it will be repaired shortly.
Following discussion it was unanimously agreed to advertise the Notice Board for Hire in the next edition of Village News magazine.
12. To receive and consider further information regarding the commemoration of 100 years anniversary since the beginning of WW1.
The school will likely run an event in June to raise awareness of what life was like in Hopton during WW1. The Royal British Legion is asking communities to join in the Centenary Poppy Campaign. This is a national campaign in association with B & Q, asking the public, schools, organisations and local authorities to purchase Flanders poppy seeds to plant on their own land. Seeds are available from B & Q with a donation of £1 going towards the work of the Legion.
Hopton in Bloom are keen to become involved and will likely plant up a box or two at the entrance to the Village, and in the beds around the Village Hall with poppies. The Vicar of St. Margaret’s has also expressed an interest in planting seeds in certain areas of the churchyard. It was unanimously agreed to sponsor the school by purchasing ten packets of poppy seeds for use in the flower beds on the school’s playing field. The Friends of Old St. Margaret’s Ruins will also be contacted.
13. To receive and consider a quotation for works following an assessment of trees on the Recreation Ground, Lowestoft Road.
Quotation distributed to all Councillors. Following discussion it was unanimously agreed to obtain a second quotation for the works.
14. To receive and consider further information regarding Ward Budgets.
Contributions have been received from Borough Councillors Hilary Wainwright and Martin Plane for repairs to the main bus shelter on the Lowestoft Road. A cheque from BC Sue Hacon is on its way. BC Sue Hacon will also be sending the balance of her ward budget which amounts to £565.16 and has asked that the Parish Council decide where this money should be distributed to. It was generally agreed (no voting took place) to wait for funds to arrive, and carry this forward to the next meeting.
15. To receive information and consider organising the annual village litter pick.
Following discussion it was unanimously agreed to hold the annual village litter pick on Sunday 13th April 2014 [meeting at 9.30am outside The Turnstone]. The Big Tidy Up has supplied some rubbish bags and GYB Services will be asked to assist with litter pickers and sacks.
16. To receive and consider a price increase of £22.50 per month for the production and printing of Village News magazine via Spark Creative.
There has been no increase in price for almost two years. The increase would take each monthly publication to £472.50. Income from adverts is covering the cost of 10 monthly publications. An alternative quotation has been received from a printer in Yarmouth at £720 per month. Following discussion, it was agreed by majority vote (9 in favour, 1 opposed) to accept the price increase of £22.50 per month.
17. To receive information and consider matters relating to St. Margaret’s Ruins
Project, including the following:-