Note for students: This lesson plan template matches the model that is recommended in Preparing to Use Technology: A Practical Guide for Technology Integration. For support, consult your book to develop an original lesson plan.

Lesson Title: Step up to cooking
Lesson Author: Kara Godfrey
Grade Level: Seventh Grade / Subject Area:Nutrition & cooking
Time Allotted for the Lesson: Express in number of class meetings and/or number of hours.
One class that is 60 minutes long.
Short Description of Lesson: Write a brief, yet concise, description of what occurs in this lesson (50 words).
In this lesson, the students will learn the basics of cooking any meal. The steps are outlined on a ladder visual that shows the progression of each step.
The teacher will recall the three previous lessons on fruit nutrients, the five food groups, and determining nutritional facts or myths.
The teacher will then demonstrate the ladder visual taking the students through each step and what is involved. Each student, in their group, will also view the visual.
The teacher will then asks the students to write down what each step correlates when making tacos. The students will share their findings in a class discussion. Lastly, the students will enter what they learned in their blog.
Classroom Layout and Grouping of Students: Where will learning take place? How will the room be organized? How will students be grouped? (whole group, individuals, pairs, small groups, etc).
Where: classroom
Organized: computer workstations/desks facing the front of the room. The teacher will be in the front of the class and then will roam after initial presentation of the interactive visual of food groups.
Students grouped: 20 students total who will be grouped in small groups of 4 students (5 total groups)
State Curriculum Standards met in this lesson: Go to the state curriculum standards at (use state standards where you are in preparation) and select the grade content/level appropriate standards that are being met in this lesson. Copy and paste below:
Grade Seven
Students are able to relate health choices (e.g., nutritional, physical activity) to alertness, feelings, and performance at school or during physical activity. Students exhibit a healthy lifestyle, interpret health information, and promote good health/good eating.

Knowledge and Skills

7.1 The student will use knowledge of health concepts to make decisions related to personal safety and wellness, including nutrition. Key concepts/skills include
a)  alternatives to gang-related behaviors and acts of violence;
b)  recognition of harmful and risky behaviors;
c)  the benefits of stress management and stress-reduction techniques;
d)  development of strategies for coping with disappointment;
e)  factors that affect school success;
f)  the impact of difficult family situations;
g)  development of healthy interpersonal relationships.
7.2 The student will describe and exhibit the behaviors associated with a physically active and healthy lifestyles. Key concepts/skills include
a)  the effects of nutrition on daily performance;
b)  the importance of participating in recreational and leisure activities;
c)  strategies for avoiding drugs, alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, and other harmful substances;
d)  the impact healthy eating.

Information Access and Use

7.3 The student will investigate and analyze the various factors that guide an individual’s decisions about health and wellness. Key concepts/skills include
a)  the types of advertising techniques used to influence adolescents’ decisions;
b)  the validity of information from different resources;
c)  family practices and customs.

Community Health and Wellness

7.4 The student will describe how family and community priorities influence an individual’s ability to reduce diseases and other health problems. Key concepts/skills include
a)  the relationship of social and environmental factors to individual and community health;
b)  the community’s financial resources dedicated to promoting health;
c)  the community’s support of health services and partnerships;
7.5 The student will work cooperatively with others to support and promote healthy schools, families, and communities. Key concepts/skills include
a)  implementation of safe and healthy practices and behaviors;
advocacy and use of appropriate methods of expressing opinions on health issues;
National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS•S) met in this lesson: Go to the and select NETS•S 2007 grade level profile (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) the appropriate indicator(s) and standard) that are being met in this lesson. Copy and paste below.
Grade 7
The following experiences with technology and digital resources are examples of learning activities in which students might engage during Grades 6-8 (Ages 11-14):
1. / Gather data, examine patterns, and apply information for decision making using digital tools and resources. (1,4)
2. / Participate in a cooperative learning project in an online learning community. (2)
3. / Evaluate digital resources to determine the credibility of the author and publisher and the timeliness and accuracy of the content. (3)
4. / Select and use the appropriate tools and digital resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and to solve problems. (3,4,6)
5. / Use collaborative electronic authoring tools to explore common curriculum content from multicultural perspectives with other learners. (2,3,4,5)
6. / Integrate a variety of file types to create and illustrate a document or presentation. (1,6)
7. / Independently develop and apply strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware and software problems. (4,6)
Instructional Objective(s): Each instructional objective [learning outcome] for this lesson should identify the A, B, C and D – Audience, Behavior, Condition, and Degree. (Activities are NOT learning outcomes).
1.  Once the learners are presented with the data, 85-90% of them will be successfully write down the cooking a taco recipe that correlates with the cooking basic step.
Materials, Resources and Technology:
List all materials (textbook, other books, maps, crayons, research guides) technology resources (computers, printer, scanner, internet connection, cameras, etc) and web addresses that are needed for this lesson. If you are using copyrighted materials, you must include title, author, date, city and publisher.
Materials and resources needed for this lesson.
1. Paper
2. Pen or pencil
Technology resources needed for this lesson
1. Shared PC and mouse
2. MS Word
3. Internet access
4. Search engine
5. Printer and paper
6. Projector
Web Addresses needed for this lesson:
Website name (e.g. Yahoo), followed by the site’s complete web address (e.g.
1. n/a
Student’s Present level of Performance and Knowledge: Do the students have the adequate knowledge to complete the lesson successfully? What pre-requisite skills must the students have to complete the lesson content? Include technology skills.
Students will need to have basic computer, using the Internet, typing, and processing information skills.
Instructional Procedures
Lesson Set:
How will you open the lesson to motivate the students? How will you relate this lesson to previous learning & to real life experiences, to explain the importance of the learning to the students? (requires student involvement)
The lesson will open with a shared presentation, given by the teacher, that will explain that they all learned about proper nutrition and now it is time to move onto cooking a meal. First, the students must understand the basic steps involved with cooking. The teacher will display the ladder graphic and explain the importance of each step (the students will have the graphic displayed on the shared PC).
Each student will be asked to write down, for each cooking step, what would you do when making tacos during that step (how it correlates). After the students share their findings with the other groups, the students will update their blog with what they learned.
Techniques and Activities:
List the step-by-step activities in sequential order as they occur in the lesson. They clearly identify what is to take place in the lesson. Within the procedures a variety of classroom teaching strategies (methods) are identified. Student centered activities are included as well as guided practice of the learning is included.
1. Watch and listen to the teacher's introductory presentation.
2. Students to view the graphic to get involved.
3. Students will write down what they are doing for each cooking step while making tacos.
Lesson Closure:
How will the lesson come to a close? The content should be summarized and related to future lessons, and actively involve the students.
Students will share their correlation between a cooking step and making tacos with classmates and are asked if they will start/continue to each properly based on the food groups and the related servings every day at home. The students will make an entry in their blog describing what they learned in this step up to cooking lesson The next lesson will take what they have learned about nutrition and move onto making tacos.
Adaptations for Special Learners: How will you adapt the learning/equipment for students with special needs?
To accommodate special learners, support will be given by teacher aides one-on-one.
Supplemental Activities - Extension and Remediation: Extensions are additional activities to expand learning on the lesson content. Remediation activities include methods to re-teach the learning for students who need more instruction/practice.
The next lesson in this series will teach the 7th graders more about nutrition will include learning about the steps involved in cooking. During this lesson the students will be evaluated by the teacher to see who may have struggled with this lesson.
Assessment/Evaluation: How will you measure the student’s success? Formally or informally? Formal evaluation of student work requires that a grade is taken while informal might be monitoring of work, or class discussion. This section should contain a description of the assessment process, the criteria for achievement, and performance levels. The criteria should directly align to objectives and instruction. Describe your plan for providing feedback to your students.
The student's success will be informally measured for this lesson. The student will be measured by the fact that they wrote down and shared what basic step correlates with cooking a taco. classmates. Teacher feedback will be verbally to the class and/or one-on-one for those who need more guidance (or who did not pay attention). The teacher will grade the blogs at the end of the week on a pass/fail basis.
Student Products: What artifact(s) or products will result from the lesson? (such as a report, newsletter, diagram, slideshow, drawing, etc.)
The students will blog using MS Word, entering what they learned in this lesson. This blog will be used in the subsequent lessons.
Adapted from PDF: Preparing to Use Technology: A Practical Guide to Curriculum Integration (2007)