Fundacja Strefa Zieleni- with the support of the Green European Foundation, Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw and the European Parliament–carries out the second
Green Summer Academy: “ Hope and cope”
in Puszczykowo near Poznan, on 13-16 July 2017
After good experiences of 2015 and 2016 we continue to carry out a GreenSummer Academy in Poland. We will meet in an extremely important year for EU, with the Brexit negociations, the elections in France, Germany and Netherlands, the imprevisibility of US new president Donald Trump and the crisis of democracy in Poland and Hungary. That makes many features that will directly and indirectly impact the progressof the global climate policy and the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Next year’s municipal election in Poland makes us focus on the role of regions and cities in the transition into low carbon societies, and in other progressive transformations. We will check if the European Pact of Amsterdam can play a role in this transition. One of the cornerstones of the green vision of the world is sustainable development, for which the preservation for the uture generations of pure environment and of nature reach in biodiversity is as important as the short term economic efficiency and social justice.Therefore, our Green Summer Universities give to the participants an opportunity to enter into a direct relationship with living nature and thus provide them with additional knowledge, sensitivity and motivation for its protection and political representation of its interests.The mega projects of transeuropean waterways that threat the principal Polish rivers, together with badly implemented Water Frame Directive, make of water ecosystems the principal interest of ecological outdoor expeditions during this third Green Summer Academy, located in the heart of the Natural Park of Great Poland.
As Eastern European countries share many challenges specific to post-communism, we inviteGreen representativesfrom Czech Republic and Hungry, but also from our no-UE neighbour country, Ukraine. Wewill exchange views and experiences and learn from each other. The presence of city movements, NGOs,grass root activists will help to develop a direct cooperations in the future, in continuty to the European Ideas Lab launched in February 2017 by the European Greens.
Times came when we really need to learn and debate on what people consider as the most important, ie economics and economic activity. We invite you to the seminar „Green Economy at Green Summer Academy 2017” organized by Fundacja Strefa Zieleni in partnership withHeinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw, as an independent element of the GSA. A lecture of introduction and a general debate on Friday, followed by two more specific workshops on Saturday will let youmake your opinion on the different concepts that Greens propose or suport as responses to the growing challenges of the modern world.We will study not only general directions, but also specific local solutions.
In Puszczykowo we open ourselves to the problems of the local community, in the heart of the National Park of Great Poland, which celebrates its 60th anniversary.We bend over the lives of people and their coexistence with precious nature, in close proximity to the city of Poznan.
When:13-16 July 2017
Where: Puszczykowo- a small town very close to Poznan, in the heart of the Natural Parc of Great Poland (the venue will be confirmed later)
(part of the international GEF project: „Digital Commons”)
General information
Transfer from Warsaw:
Special bus from Warsaw to Puszczykowo on July 13th at 12:00(hour tbc.; meeting point in front of Palace of Science and Culture, side of al. Jerozolimskie half an hour before), and, respectively, from Puszczykowo to Warsaw on July 16th, arriving to Warsaw about 14:00.
For other dates and a direct arrival/departure: let us know, we will help you to organize your travel: there is a local train from Poznan to Puszczykowo (20min, the venue is very close to the rail station, but hidden in the forest); the price of a taxi from the airport is of about 25 EUR. The organizers will try to pick up at the airport and drive to Puszczykowo all guests travelling by plane.
Participation fee and donations:
We have sponsorized accommodation/catering for 80 persons: 30 speakers/ moderators/ organisers + 50 participants paying a participation fee[1].
Yet, you can participate in GSA as an extern participant:Puszczykowoand Poznan offer many opportunities of bad and breakfast, hotels, campings and other accommodation formulas. All persons interested in attending lectures, debates and workshops are welcome for free(10 PLN of participation in the costs of the coffe break can be asked at the registration desk).
General agenda
Thursday 13th – arrival, wild life expeditions (river, lakes, wet areas,birdwatching), 17:00 – 19:00
„Puszczykowo – a town in a neighborhood of Wielkopolski National Park” - a walk following by a meeting with active citizens of Puszczykowo and in paralel some other smaller thematic meetings; integration fire camp in the evening (at 19:30)
Friday 14th –plenary sessions: key speaches, lectures and debates + 1 public local debate in Poznan + dinner and evening party in Poznan
(early morning: wild life expeditions: river, lakes, wet areas birdwatching)
Saturday 15th – up to 12 workshops and trainings + Polish-Ukrainian working meeting + preparation for wild life expeditions and birdwatching
(early morning: wild life expeditions: river, lakes, wet areas, birdwatching
Sunday 16th – wild life expeditions: river, lakes, wet areas, birdwatching;departures; 10:00 public debate on global responsibility at the Museum of Arkady Fiedler, Polish great traveler and author
Everyday - possible private wild life expeditions in small groups
- Draft of2017-05-23
Thursday 13th of July
16:00 – 20:00 –River, lakes and wet areas wild life expeditions with guides (two small groups)
16:30 - 17:30 - Klaus Linsenmeier i Lili Fuhr - German Greens before the parliamentary election
17:00 – 19:30 – „Puszczykowo – a town in neighborhood of Wielkopolski National Park” - Puszczykowo visit and meeting with local active inhabitants on the fight for the model of development of the town
17:00 – 19:00 – How to effectively maintain relations with the media? – Ewa Podolska
17:00 – 19:00 – „Digital commons” (WG) preparation of streamings, webinars and videoconferences
19:30 - Integration fire camp or diner (in function of weather conditions)
Friday 14th – plenary key speaches, lecture and debates, public debate in Poznan and diner/party
9:30 – 10:00 / Opening speechesPART I THE FUTURE OF EUROPE AND OF POLAND IN EU
10:00 - 11:30 / “Europe after Brexit. Will the Green transition still be possible?”– debate This debate isas a part of international GEF project “The potential impact of Brexit on the prospects for a Green transition in Europe” (Streaming, webinar or videoconference)
Introduction: Philippe Lamberts video, GGEP
Debate:Dr Ray Cunningham (Green House think-tank, UK), Lucile Schmid (GEF/FEP, France), prof. John Barry (Green Foundation, Irlandia), Marek Kossakowski (Partia Zieloni), representative (female) from Czech Greens?, Kuba Gogolewski (Koalicja Rozwój TAK – odkrywki NIE)-tbc., representative of Green European Journal - tbc
Moderator: Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart (FSZ) and/or Bartłomiej Kozek (GEJ)
Brexit will have a huge impact on the UK and EU economies and on virtually every area of policy, which makes informed policy and public discussion of that impact and the choices that will have to be made to deal with it a necessity. Beyond that, it calls into question the coherence and effectiveness of the EU as a polity, and as a vehicle for the Green movement. Greens are committed to the belief that European countries can make the transition to sustainability more quickly as a coordinated polity (the EU) than as individual states or societies but this assumption may need to be re-examined.
11:45 - 13:15 / Mega transport projects in the EU - who needs them, how to oppose them, what are the alternatives?– debate– in partnership with the Coalition Let’s Save the Rivers(KRR)Special guest: Karima Delli, GGEP, chair of TRAN Committee in EP (tbc.), Evgienya Chirikova – Russian ecological activist, Radek Gawlik, (KRR, EKO-UNIA, Partia Zieloni), Jacek Engel (KRR, Fundacja Greenmind), Wojciech Makowski (Fundacja Fenomen w Łodzi, Partia Zieloni), participant from Ukrainian Greens – tbc.(Streeming, webinar or videoconference)
14:00-16:00 / Marta Jermaczek-Sitak: outdoor ecological workshop for kids
14:15 - 15:15 / Green economic answers to the challenges of today's world - lecture and debate
Miriam Kennet, Green Economics Institute / IGEJ, Oxford, UK
Led by: Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart (Streaming, webinar or videoconference)
15:15 - 16:45 / Can the free market "green economy" avoid the global catastrophe?- debate
Participants (to be confirmed):
Lili Fuhr (HBS Berlin), Przemysław Wielgosz (Le Monde Diplomatique Poland), prof.Boleslaw Rok (Center of Business Ethics Academy of Leon Kożminski), Ewa Rumińska-Zimny (SGH / Congress of Women), Dr. hab. Karolina Safarzyńska (Warsaw University); Krzysztof Lewandowski (alternative currency expert); Moderation: Klaus Linsenmeier, Heinrich Böll Stiftung EU (Brussels) (Streaming, webinar or videoconference)
Transfer to Poznan
(public debate in Poznan, venue and panelists - to be confirmed)
18:30 - 20:00 / “New urban democracy” – how urban movements and/or progressive mayors transform cities. Are coalitions of urban movements and parties desirable and effective?(title to be confirmed)Karima Delli, Robert Biedroń, Jacek Jaśkowiak, Małgorzata Tracz, Hanna Gill-Piątek, Adam Ostolski, Ewa Stokulska (Stocznia), [the face of the list of Greensin Poznan]moderation: Lech Mergler and Izabela Janicka (Streaming, webinar or videoconference)
20:30 - 21:30
21:30 – 23:30 / Transfer to Puszczykowo
„Demain” documentary and short debate
Saturday 15th – parallel workshops and trainings- program and speakers to be confirmed
Conference Hall(translation PL/EN) / Room 1 / Room 2
9:00 – 11:00Green networking Green Economics Institute (UK), Green House (UK), Ukrainian Green Party, Bankwatch network, Coalition Let’s Save Rivers (KRR), Congress of Urban Movements, European Ideas Lab (GGEP)
(Streaming, webinar or videoconference) / 9:00 – 11:00– Regional parliament – competences, functionning, elections
-Theory and practice
Wojciech Kłossowski, Małgorzata Chyła
(Streaming, webinar or videoconference) / 9:00 – 11:00 Poznan political action
Workshop coordinated by the Greens from Poznań and Wrocław (the content to be specified; proposed the choise between:
“Housing in urban policy”
“Open city for open country, in open Europe”, moderation: Piotr Kozak
(Streaming, webinar or videoconference)
break / break / break
11:30 – 13:00 Green city, green region – from programto practice
Maciej Wudarski (v-ce pres. of Poznan), Czech or Hungarian or Ukrainian member of local government, Sylwia Kowalska (local councilor, “Time of inhabitants” Torun), Wojciech Kłossowski (lessons from Gorzów Wlkp.), moderator: Jakub Gołębiewski (Green local councilor, Torun)
(Streaming, webinar or videoconference) / 11:30 – 13:00 Money, currency, taxes – looking for new, sustainable sollutions – Jan Chudzyński, Krzysztof Lewandowski,female experte? / 11:30 – 13:00„Poland breathes” campaign -Working Group meeting
Leads: Aleksandra Kluczka, Maciej Smykowski, Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart
Lunch / Lunch / Lunch
14:00 – 16:00
„Europe as a space of action for the ecology” – round table
Edouard Gaudot, Karima Delli or Lucile Schmid, Evgenya Chirikova (RU), Jitka Nesrstová(CZ), Dr Ray Cunningham (UK), Cecylia Malik and other Polish ecological activists and Green politicians from all the countries present, involved in ecological campaigns.
Lead by: Edouard Gaudot (+Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart) / 14:00 – 16:00 Seminar „Green Economy”: „Is circular economy the free market Green solution?”– workshop
Piotr Barczak, EEB, prof. Bolesław Rok (ALK), Leads: Piotr Barczak
(Streaming, webinar or videoconference) / 14:00 – 16:00
„What about the climate? – from Paris to Katowice*and later”
Lili Fuhr (HBS Berlin), Piotr Tryjanowski (Poznań University of Life Sciences), Urszula Stanisławska (Climate Coalition), moderation:Radosław Gawlik, EKO-UNIA/Partia Zieloni
(Streaming, webinar or videoconference)
*COP 24 in 2018 will probably take place in Katowice
Break / break / break
16:30 – 18:30 Seminar „Green Economy”: „The Economy of the Commons in practice” – (food and energy cooperatives)Jakub Rok?, Miriam Kennet, Czech or Hungarian or Ukrainian Greens?, lead by:Anna Krenz
(Streaming, webinar or videoconference) / 16:30 – 18:30 - Green city, green region – electoral strategies: housing councils.
Why, for what goals, how to prepare and conduct elections?
Paweł Pomian, Maciej Słobodzian, Dorota Bonk-Hammermeister and others. / 16:30 – 18:30Reproductive rights and violence against women in Poland and EU
partnership of Partia Zieloni with “Gals 4 Gals” collective from Lodz (Dziewuchy Dziewuchom)
(Streaming, webinar or videoconference)
-Polish-Ukrainian working meeting – to be planned,outside in the open air
-Polish-Czech-Hungarian working meeting - to be planned,outside in the open air
-Ostra Zieleń meeting - to be planned,outside in the open air or in an extra room
-Meeting of Let’s Save Rivers with Karima Delli - to be planned,outside in the open air or in an extra room
-Meeting with Karima Delli and Edouard Gaudot on the situation of the French Greens after the French election - to be planned,outside in the open air or in an extra room
Diner party 20:00 – 0:00
19:30 –20:30 - Wild life river, lake, wet areas expeditions: preparation for the participants of the next morning expedition
Sunday 16th
7:00 - 9:00 – (small groups) wild life expeditions: river. Lakes and wet areas, birdwatching
7:00 - 9:00 – (cars necessary) excursion to Rogalin (8km) – very aged oaks reserve
Breakfast 7:30 - 10:00
8:30 (for the interested persons) – breakfast with prof. Zbigniew Kundzewicz, climate resercher collaborating with IPCC
10:00 – public meetinginFiedler Museum– global responsibility
10:00 - departure – a special bus for Warsaw, arrival to Warsaw ab. 14:00 (near Central Rail Station)
Ewa Sufin-JacquemartPh: +48-664673700
/ Artur Wieczorek (international guests)
Ph.: +48-791431128
Juliusz Adel (accommodation)
Ph: +48-502685276
/ Wojciech Kubalewski (video)
Ph: +48-799030509
Official address:Fundacja Strefa Zieleni, ul. E. Schroegera 28, 01-822 Warszawa, Poland
Postal address: Fundacja Strefa Zieleni, ul. Marszałkowska 53 lok. 46, 00-676 Warszawa, Poland
Categorie of participant* / No bus transfer from Warsaw / With bus transfer from WarsawPanelist , moderator Greens / - / 60 PLN
Panelist, moderator Guest / - / -
Student, retired / 40 PLN / 100 PLN
Ostra Zieleń (Young Greens) / - / 60 PLN
Other participants (Greens) / 120 PLN / 180 PLN
Other participants / 240 PLN / 300 PLN
More than one participant from the same family
Tarif only for Greens and invited guests / Adult 80 PLN, child 40 PLN / Adult 140 PLN, child 40 PLN
External participants (no accommodation, no food except coffee break) / 20PLN / day
* Persons in great difficulty, please contact us, we will find a sollution
The fee must be paid before the beginning of the Green Summer Academy, by bank transfer to the account of Fundacja Strefa Zieleni:
66 1020 1097 0000 7602 0237 0450
title: ”Green Summer Academy participation fee”
(from abroad: IBAN: PL66 1020 1097 0000 7602 0237 0450, Swift/BIC: BPKOPLPW)
Puszczykowo theme
Green economy seminar
Green and progressive city, local governance theme
Skills and empowerment
Climate change and Paris Agreement theme
[1] for the amount of the participation fee see the table at the end of this document