Equal Pay Review in Derby Schools
This form is made up of 3 sections:
- Job Information – this will already have been completed by the Pay & Reward Project Team
- The Job Information Questionnaire (JIQ) – for completion by Head teachers and job holder(s)
- The Job Holder Agreement Declaration – for completion by Head teachers
Name of School
Post Title / Learning Mentor 2
Template JIQ Reference Number / S-1013
For completion by Head teachers and job holder(s)
The purpose of this Job Information Questionnaire (JIQ) is to enable Head teachers and jobholders to capture all the relevant information about jobs so that they can be evaluated by an expert panel who have been trained in job evaluation.
Please read the accompanying guidance which can be found on the schools portal. You will not be able to fully describe the duties and responsibilities of the job unless you have read the guidance
1. / Job PurposeThis section sums in one clear sentence why the job exists. The sentence should capture the overall objective of the job and enable the Expert Panel to understand the overall purpose of the job immediately.
Provide a short, clear sentence that captures the overall objective of the job.
Generic Job Information
To supervise and coordinate a team of mentors to address the needs of pupils who require additional support to overcome barriers to learning.
2. / Accountabilities
This section focuses on the end results of the job.
The following statements describe the main accountabilities of the job.
Generic Job Information
- Set up structures for a team to assess pupil needs to overcome barriers to learning.
- Set up structures for the team to form individual action plans, and for them to deliver such.
- Work with pupils and keep records of achievement.
- Monitor the teams work and their record keeping.
- Involve colleagues, agencies, parents/carers and aim to reintegrate pupils successfully in mainstream education with improved achievements.
3. / Knowledge
This covers all technical, specialist, procedural and organisational knowledge required for the job, including numeracy and literacy: knowledge of equipment, tools and machinery: and knowledge of concepts, ideas, theories, techniques, policies and practices.
The following statements detail the qualifications, training and knowledge (both academic and practical) that are required to perform the job.
Generic Job Information
- Lead and guide a team of mentors in one school or a cluster of schools to liaise with teaching staff to assess and provide particular support to targeted pupils to raise achievement and enable them to overcome barriers to learning.
- Be accountable with teacher and SEND10 for identification of the needs and assess those pupils requiring extra support and develop individual action plans for targeted pupils and work with an allocation of pupils.
- Line manage other learning mentors, including staff training and development.
- Work with parent/carers to address poor performance/ attendance/ behaviour.
- Monitor the implementation of plans and report on progress achieved, support the reintegration of pupils excluded from school or following an alternative timetable.
- Provide extra support to pupils through knowledge of a range of activities and opportunities available to them.
- Develop and maintain partnerships with external agencies / organisations to set up resources / initiatives to help address barriers to learning.
- Maintain confidentiality in relation to pupils’ personal circumstances.
- Plan with SEND10 delivery of learning mentor service for the academic year (Provision Mapping).
- Working at national occupational standards (NAS) for learning development and support services and knowledge / skills equivalent to level 4
- Knowledge of how to manage adults.
4. / Mental skills
This covers any analytical, problem solving and judgmental skills required for the job. It takes into account the need to gather, collate and analyse the facts needed to solve problems as well as any creative, developmental skills and imaginative thinking needed. It also covers the skills required for any forward or strategic thinking.
The following statements describe the mental skills or processes required to perform the job
Generic Job Information
- Requires analysis and reporting of pupil needs and the effectiveness of individual plans and the team as a whole, including recommendations for developments and improvements.
- Forward planning and organising for a period of up to twelve months in advance.
- Contribute to assessment of needs and action plans for pupils within own case load, and monitor other team members’ assessments and planning.
- Keep records of assessments and reports and monitor those of the team.
- Analytical, problem solving and judgemental skills required to gather and collate information and formulate actions plans and monitor those of the team.
5. / Interpersonal and communication skills
This covers any need to exchange information with other people in the job; what the information is, how often it is exchanged and with who. The emphasis is on the purpose to which the communication skills are put, for example promoting, obtaining information, interviewing, gaining the co-operation of others, advising, guiding, motivating, negotiating.
The following statements describe each interpersonal skill that is required to perform the job
Generic Job Information
Need to lead and guide team toward:
- High level of interpersonal skills to engage, motivate, negotiate, persuade or convince pupils with challenging behaviour/ circumstances to do things that they might not otherwise choose to do.
- Need to exchange and discuss complicated, sensitive or personal information and maintain confidentiality with professional staff and agencies.
- Need to form productive and professional relationships with challenging pupils, their parents/ carers, school based colleagues and outside agencies.
6. / Physical skills
This covers the need for manual or finger dexterity, hand eye co-ordination, co-ordination of the limbs, sensory co-ordination. For example for keyboarding, driving, operating hand tools or equipment. It also covers the need to work very quickly and accurately.
The following statements provide a description of each physical skill that is required to perform the job.
Generic Job Information
- Word processing, finger dexterity to produce various reports quickly as required.
7. / Initiative and Independence
This factor takes into consideration the scope allowed to the job holder to exercise initiative and take independent actions. It takes into account the nature and level of supervision of the job holder; the level and degree of direction and guidance provided by policies, precedents, procedures and regulations; and any requirements to organise or check their own work.
The following statements explain the extent to which the job holder is free to organise their own workload and take decisions
Generic Job Information
- Makes decisions which affect the learning mentor team, choice of resources, nature of support, which have an impact on pupils and their parents/ carers/
- Decisions have a significant direct impact on service level provision in schools.
- Initiative and independent action within set boundaries of policies/ procedures/ guidelines/ regulations/
- Scope to organise own workload and monitor workload of team. Reporting to more senior staff.
- Can access advice and guidance from senior staff on unusual/ serious/ difficult problems.
8. / Physical demands
This covers the need for the job holder to operate in physically demanding ways. Physical demands include (but are not limited to) standing, walking, lifting, carrying, pulling, pushing. It also includes the need to work in awkward positions e.g. bending, crouching, stretching, kneeling or working in a constrained position
Note this factor is not about the environment in which the job operates, which is dealt with in Section 13: Working Conditions.
The following statements describe each physical demand placed on a jobholder when performing the job. It includes how long each physical demand lasts at one time and how often it is experienced during the working week.
Generic Job Information
- Normal physical demands as of most school staff, walking, standing, sitting, carrying minor loads.
9. / Mental demands
This covers the degree and frequency of mental concentration and alertness needed for the job. It takes into account features which make concentration more difficult, for example repetitive work, the need to switch between varied tasks or activities, conflicting work demands, pressure from deadlines or unavoidable interruptions and sensory attention in the form of watching, listening, smelling and feeling. It also takes into account the responsiveness required of the job holder.
The following statements describe each mental demand placed on the job holder when performing the job. It includes how long each metal demand typically last at one time and typically how often it is experienced during the working week
Generic Job Information
- Concentrated attention needed when working with challenging pupils who may on occasions be un-cooperated.
- Interruptions will occur.
- Tasks/ activities will vary.
- Deadlines will apply e.g. Termly and annual reviews.
10. / Emotional demands
This covers the nature and frequency of emotional demands experienced due to the circumstances or behaviour of the people (excluding immediate work colleagues) the job holder normally deals with. It takes into account the situation in which the contacts or work with other people occur, for example, whether they are angry, difficult, upset or unwell; or whether their circumstances are such as to cause emotional pressure for example terminally ill, very frail, at risk of abuse, homeless or disadvantaged in some other way.
Note - verbal abuse is not taken into consideration in this factor but is covered in Section 13: Working Conditions.
The following statements describe each emotional demand that may be placed on the job holder when performing the job. It includes how long each emotional demand lasts at one time and how often it is experienced during the working week.
Generic Job Information
- Involves working with pupils who may have challenging behaviour and circumstances, with complex and sensitive needs.
- Regular exposure to emotionally demanding situations.
- Knowledge of how to defuse situations and lower the temperature.
11. / Responsibility for People
This covers the responsibility of the job holder for individual or groups of people, members of the public, service users, and clients. The emphasis is on the nature and extent of the direct impact, including any confidentiality requirements, for the physical, mental, social, economic and environmental well being of people
Responsibility could be exercised through, for example, providing personal services, advice and guidance, implementing or enforcing regulations, or developing policies and supporting procedures
People for the purposes of this question include residents of care homes, clients of social workers and home carers, users of libraries and leisure facilities, recipient of benefits or other payments for which the Council is the paying agent, establishments who benefit from Council inspection and registration/enforcement activities
Any responsibility for the development of policies and supporting procedures/policies and/or for providing advice and guidance to others on the application of policy or regulations that would fall within this area should be included.
The following statements describe how the job has a direct impact on the well-being of individual people or groups of people.
Generic Job Information
- Work has an impact on well being and development and achievement of pupils who encounter barriers to learning.
- Accountable for individuals/ groups of pupils including assessments, interaction, supervision of own case load and oversight of case loads of other learning mentors.
- Develops appropriate one to one relationships with pupils on own caseload.
12. / Responsibility for Supervision, Direction, Co-ordination of Employees
This covers the direct responsibility for the supervision, co-ordination, or management of employees or others in an equivalent position (such as contractors, volunteers, students)... It includes responsibility for work planning, allocation of work, checking and evaluating work done by others and for their training, development and guidance.
Any responsibility for the development of policies and supporting procedures/policies and/or for providing advice and guidance to others on the application of policy or regulations that would fall within this area should be included.
The following statements describe how the job has an impact on the Supervision of employees. It includes the job groups and number of employees involved and the type of work they do.
Generic Job Information
- Line management responsibility for team of learning mentors.
- Includes induction, monitoring and evaluation regularly of their work, organising continuing professional development, and acting as appraisals in the schools’ performance management arrangements.
- Ensuring all learning mentors have sufficient information about regulations/ boundaries/ best practice for their work and ensuring compliance with such advice.
13. / Responsibility for Financial Resources
This covers the direct responsibilities of the job holder for financial resources, including cash, vouchers, cheques, debits and credits, invoices, budgets and income. It takes into account the nature of the responsibility, for example, correctness and accuracy; safe keeping, confidentiality and security; deployment and degree of direct control; budgetary and business planning responsibilities; planning organising and long term development of financial resources. It also takes into account the degree to which other employees contribute to the overall responsibility, the frequency with which the responsibility is exercised and the value of the financial resources
Any responsibility for the development of policies and supporting procedures/policies and/or for providing advice and guidance to others on the application of policy or regulations that would fall within this area should be included.
The following statements describe the type and level of responsibility the job holder has for any financial activity.It includes details of the nature of financial responsibility and the associated value
Generic Job Information
- Will have an allocated budget for the team to purchase equipment, consumables and commission activities with discretion on how to spend such, accountable to more senior staff.
- Monitor how team members spend their allocations.
14. / Responsibility for Physical Resources
This covers the direct responsibility of the job holder for physical resources including information or information systems; equipment or tools; buildings, premises or external locations; supplies and/or stocks; personal possessions of others. It takes into account the nature of the responsibility for example confidentiality and security, type of use, maintenance and repair, purchasing and ordering, safekeeping.
Any responsibility for the development of policies and supporting procedures/policies and/or for providing advice and guidance to others on the application of policy or regulations that would fall within this factor should also be included.
The following statements describe the type and level of responsibility the job holder has for physical resources. It includes details of the nature and frequency of the responsibility and any associated value.
Generic Job Information
- Responsible for ensuring team members keep secure and confidential information concerning pupils.
- Responsible for pupils’ safe use of school equipment and premises.
15. / Working Conditions
This exposure to disagreeable, unpleasant, uncomfortable or hazardous working conditions arising from the environment or from work with people. It cover the frequency, duration and nature of conditions, such as dirt, dust, temperature extremes and variations, humidity, noise, fumes and smells, human or animal waste, smoke, grease, oil, toxic substances, working with machinery, inclement weather, work location, lack of privacy or isolation. It also covers abuse, aggression and risk of injury from people
The emphasis and nature of this factor is on the degree of unpleasantness or discomfort caused the frequency, intensity, and duration of exposure that are integral to the job and assumes that all Health and Safety regulations and requirements are met.
The following statements describe the working conditions under which the job operates. It includes the typical duration of the exposure at on time and typically how often it is experienced during the working week
Generic Job Information
- Work normally in a classroom or office environment and may involve home visits.
- Will participate in educational day journeys and residential visits.
16. / Performance Measures
This section covers the standards or indicators against which a jobholder's performance will be measured and used to assess whether the jobholder has achieved the end results of the job.
The following statements describe the main performance measures of the job.
Generic Job Information
- Line manager of team involving school’s performance management/ appraisal system including advance planning, target setting, work sampling, periodic reports and formal appraisal of targets achieved.
- Required to cooperate with own performance management/ appraisal by more senior staff.
This is the end of the information capture part of the JIQ
This section should be completed by the Head teacher who has completed the JIQ with the jobholder(s).
1. Employee Information
Please provide the names of the job-holders who have participated in the completion of this Job Information Questionnaire
NAME / EMPLOYEE NUMBER2. Head teacher Declaration
In submitting this form to the Pay & Reward Project Team you are:
- Confirming that the job-holders named above agree that the information included within the JIQ is an accurate reflection of the duties and responsibilities of their jobs.
- Confirming that you agree that the information provided within the JIQ is a full and accurate description of the job.
Manager Name
Employee Number
Once fully complete this JIQ should be sent to the Pay & Reward Project Team by email to the following address
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