SATURDAY SCHEDULE…Festival Hours 9:00am ~ 6:00pm

Celtic Tavern / Blarney Pub / Celtic Workshops
10:00 – Knockabouts / Celtic Spirit: Irish Poetry of Resistance: Yeats, Kavanagh, Greig, and Boland
Presenter: James Jay / Celtic Cuisine: Salt – Its History, Mysteries, and Fancies
Presenter: Todd Barnell
11:00 – Wicked Tinkers / 11:00 – Scatter the Dust / Celtic Crafts: Learning How to Do Wheat Weaving
Presenters: Kathy Magness, Patricia Mahan, Beth Toraason, and Sarah Darr / Celtic Connections: Robert the Bruce and the War of Scottish Independence Presenter: Doug Lintner
12:00 – Parade of Clans & Massed Bands, followed by the McTeggart Irish Dancers / 12:30 – Gypsy Chicks
Belly Dancers
1:00 – Knockabouts / 1:00 –The Recollective / Celtic Rhythms: Learning to Play the Bodhran Presenter: Michael Satterwhite / Celtic Connections: A History of the Scottish Clan System
Presenter: Meredith Young
2:00 – Robert Watt
Bagpiping performance / 2:00 – Scatter the Dust / Celtic Rhythms: Strip the Willow – Learn a Simple Scottish Folk Dance
Presenter: Pamela Grantham / Celtic Crafts: Irish Crochet - Famine, Fashion, and Factories Presenter: Susan Wilcox
3:00 – Wicked Tinkers / 3:00 – The Recollective / Celtic Rhythms: Waulking Music – the Musical Craft of Making Wool an Effective Protector
Presenter: Michael Satterwhite / Celtic Spirit: On the Trail of Merlin - Locating the Greatest Celtic Shaman in Space and Time Presenter: Ken McIntosh
4:00 – Knockabouts / 4:00 – Scatter the Dust / Celtic Rhythms: Celtic Fiddle Presenter: Colin MacLeod / Celtic Cuisine: The Potato – Humble Tuber or King of the Celtic Table? Presenter: Todd Barnell
5:00 – Wicked Tinkers / 5:00 – The Recollective
Special Events
10:00 – History of Whisky – Whisky Tent
11:00 – Scotch Whisky Tasting – Whisky Tent
11:00 - Black Powder Demonstration – Living History Area
11:00 – Irish Hurling – South Field
1:00 –Scotch Whisky Tasting – Whisky Tent
2:00 –Irish Whiskey Tasting – Whisky Tent
2:00 - Black Powder Demonstration – Living History Area
3:00 –Scotch Whisky Tasting – Whisky Tent
4:00 – Scotch Whisky Tasting – Whisky Tent
Continuous Events on Saturday
Please check at specific locations for details & times
• Bagpipe Competition: South Field / • NACHS Educational Display of Celtic Regions, including opportunity to translate your name into Gaelic, Irish,or Welsh Near Main Gate
• Historical Activities by the C.R.O.F.T. and the Highland Rogues: Living History Area / • Scottish Athletic Competition
(Caber Toss about 1:00 pm): Athletic Area
• Spirits of the Celtic Regions: Celtic Tavern and Blarney Pub / • Celtic Plant Display with plants from Viola’s Flower Garden: Heritage Area
• Highland Dance Competition: South Field / • Geology of the Celtic Regions: Heritage Area

Don’t miss The Welsh in America Exhibit in the Clan Area!