Enlightening Education through Research
Eastern Researcher
Newsletter of the Eastern Educational Research Association
Winter 2004
Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association
Clearwater, Florida: February 11-14, 2004
Eastern Researcher 1
President’s Message
Well, here we go again–another President’s Message to my esteemed friends and colleagues of the Eastern Educational Research Association. Another chance to pontificate and to offer up some small (very small, if truth be told) words of wisdom and insights into the nature and meaning of education and life–or maybe just a good cookie recipe or restaurant recommendation.
I’m writing this as the fall semester here at dear old U. Albany rushes to a close and the holidays rapidly approach. I know it’s a busy time for all of us as we struggle with preparing finals, grading papers, and the last minute flurry of dissertation activity that always accompanies the end of the semester, not to mention all the obligations and activities that come with the holiday season. (All right, the parties are a lot of fun and the food is to die for, but the shopping malls on a weekend are not fit for man or beast.) Let me remind you, though–our annual conference is just a few weeks away!
Yes, boys and girls, come one, come all, to the greatest show on Earth! See the death defying high wire acts as our researchers carefully walk the fine line between supported findings and sheer speculation! See our brave presenters as they put their professional lives on the line as they enter a cage filled with the big cats of the education field and discuss their latest research! You will be amazed and astounded by our statistical magicians as they saw an error term into smaller and smaller pieces! There is something for everyone, for children of all ages, at the Annual Conference of the Eastern Educational Research Association!
Seriously, though, I do encourage you all to attend our annual conference to be held at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort in Clearwater, Florida, February 11-14, 2004. Thanks to all of you, our Division and SIG Chairs, and our Program Chair, Abbot Packard, have put together an absolutely fantastic set of paper presentations, symposiums, and round tables. In addition, we have set aside a block of time on Friday morning for a series of workshops covering such topics as how to get that first job, how to get an article published, collecting data via the Web, qualitative data analysis, and retirement. Dr. Judy Genshaft, President of the University of South Florida, will be our keynote speaker, sharing with us her views on the role of research at a public institution of higher education and highlighting some of the exciting work being done by undergraduate researchers at her university. I am sure it will be a most interesting and informative talk.
Also, there is a Business Meeting at the conference held late Friday afternoon. Please make it a point to attend. This forum is a good way for you to bring any concerns or questions you might have about EERA to the attention of your fellow EERA members and the Board of Directors. Feedback is always useful, so please don’t hesitate to share it with us.
[Continued on page 2]
Let me also encourage you to be on the lookout for our new members at the conference. They will be identified with a dot (last year it was red) on their registration badge. Please make it a point to go up to them and welcome them to our organization. One of the hallmarks of EERA has always been the support and nurturing provided to our newest members by our more “seasoned” conference attendees and I am sure all of you will continue to uphold this fine tradition of our organization. Remember, you, too, were once that wide eyed, slightly shy individual making his or her first presentation to your professional peers.
One other reminder–you should be receiving (if you haven’t already) your ballots for the election of our Regional Representatives. As you may or may not know, we moved to a direct election of our officers by the full membership about four years ago. Let me strongly encourage you to send in your ballot. It only takes a moment–let your voice be heard!
Well, I have rambled on long enough. Let me bring this to a close by saying how very much I look forward to seeing you all at the conference in February. A good time should be had by one and all and I hope you will be there to enjoy it!
Michael S. Green
December 2003
EERA 2004 in Clearwater
EERA 2004 will be held at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort in Clearwater, Florida. The hotel is located on Florida’s West Coast at Clearwater Beach on Sand Key Island. The resort is located on over ten acres of exclusive beach adjacent to Sand Key Park and Preserve. The Sand Key beaches, nestled on the warm Gulf of Mexico, are rated as one of the top beaches in the U.S.A.!
For hotel reservations telephone 727-595-1611. Details of the hotel and surrounding area can be found at:
Tampa-St. Petersburg Airport serves the hotel.
Conference Highlights
Wednesday (2-11)
Reception 6.00 - 7.00 pm
Thursday (2-12)
Membership meeting 8.00 - 9.30 am - Division Heads, SIG Chairs, Regional Representatives
Keynote 10.00 - 11.50 am - Dr. Judy Genshaft, President of the University of South Florida
President’s Reception 5.00 - 6.00 pm
Friday (2-13)
Professional Development Workshops
8.00 - 8:50 am
How to Get An Article Published
Facilitator Donald A. Biggs
How to Interview for a Job
Facilitator Michael Green
Thoughts About Retirement
Facilitator Scott Ballantyne
Requirements for Hiring a New Faculty Member
Facilitator Beth Bennet
Using FileMaker Pro to Collect Data Through a Web Site
Facilitator Bob Perkins
Having Fun with Qualitative Analysis: A Primer for Students
Facilitator Barbara Kawulich
Luncheon 12.00 - 2.00 pm
Business Meeting 4.30 - 6.00 pm
A Message From the
Director of Student Services
When thinking of a topic for this newsletter, it occurred to me that I should choose one that would address a very large audience. The student members of EERA come from very different backgrounds and have diverse interests and goals. I thought an article listing several websites with information relevant to issues that concern students in education might be beneficial. There are many great resources available online and these sites represent just a sampling of those that might be of interest to you. If you know of others that you find particularly useful, please email me and share them.
· AERA www.aera.net
The American Educational Research Association site contains information useful for educational researchers including announcements for conferences, jobs, articles on preparing manuscripts for publication, a section specifically for students and much more.
The Eastern Educational Research Association site contains an online copy of the association’s newsletter, contact information for the board members, information about Special Interest Groups within the organization and dates for the annual conference.
· U. S. Department of Education www.ed.gov
The Department of Education site includes current headlines on topics important in education as well as information on programs, grants, and policy issues.
· The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Chronicle allows access to some articles online free of charge but others require a password obtained with a subscription to the Chronicle.
· HigherEdJobs www.higheredjobs.com
Jobs posted here include tenure-track as well as executive and part-time/adjunct positions.
· The Community of Science www.cos.com
COS contains a large searchable database of funding sources.
· Phinished www.phinished.org
This site serves as an informal online support group for graduate students containing message boards where students can offer each other advice as well as links to sources that other students have found useful.
If you would like to write an article directed at your fellow EERA student members or think of a topic that you believe should be addressed here, feel free to contact me at any time. Have a great spring semester and I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the conference!
The conference program can be accessed on-line at the EERA website!
Registration Table
Wednesday (2-11) / 3 pm - 5 pmThursday (2-12) / 8 am - 5 pm
Friday (2-13) / 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday (2-14) / 7:30 am - 10 am
Eastern Researcher 1
The Board of Directors
President: Michael S. Green, ED 239, University at Albany
1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222
(518) 442.4992, (f) (518) 442.4953,
Immediate Past President: Bernard Brogan, Widener University,
Center for Education, One University Place, Chester, PA 19013, (610) 499.4622.
President Elect: Marshall Strax, Education Department, College of Saint Elizabeth, 2 Convent Road, Morristown, NJ 07960, (973) 290.4367,
Vice President for Conference Planning: Virginia Shipman,
Individual, Family & Community Education, College of Education. Simpson Hall, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277.4063
Conference Program Chairperson: Abbot L. Packard, 143
Education Annex, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30118, (770) 838.4646,
Secretary: Carol Strax, Dominican College
470 Western Highway, Orangeburg, NY 10962,
(845) 359-3577,
Treasurer: Scott Ballantyne, BH 34, Alvernia College, 400 St.
Bernardine St., Reading, PA 19607, (610) 796.8288,
Historian: Ralph Darr, The University of Akron—Emeritus, 715 Doramor Street, Kent Ohio 44240,
Director of Awards: Lucille Point Sutton, 5924 Chesnee Dr.,
Columbia, SC 29203, (843) 383.8399,
Director of Communications: Neal Shambaugh, 504J Allen Hall,
PO Box 6122, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506, (304) 293.3803 x1423,
Director of Development: Rayne A. Sperling, ESPSE, 201 CEDAR Building, Penn State, University Park, PA 16801, (814) 863-2261,
Director of Divisions and Special Interest Groups: Jack
Campbell, to February 11, 2004.
Director of Ethics: Launcelot I. Brown, Educational Foundations
& Leadership, Duquesne University, 600 Forbes Ave.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15282, (412) 396.1046,
Director of Membership: David Shannon, 4036 Haley Center--EFLT, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849,
(334) 844-3071,
Director of Publicity: Roger Briscoe, 246 Stouffer Hall, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705,
(724) 357-3789,
Director of Regional Representatives: Dennis R. King, University of Maine, College of Education and Human Development, 5766 Shibles Hall, Orono, ME 04469, (207) 581-2439,
Director of Student Services: Carlee Pollard, 614 East Howard
St., Bellefonte, PA 16823, (814) 357.6945,
Director of Special Programs & JRE Editor: Donald A. Biggs, SUNY-Albany, ED 210, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222, (518) 442-5044,
Newsletter Editor: Blythe Hinitz, Forcina Hall 389, PO Box 7718,
The College of New Jersey, 2000 Pennington Rd., Ewing, NJ 08628-0718, 609.771.3093,
Distinguished Paper Award
Please consider entering your paper for the award for the upcoming year. If you decide to submit your paper for the award please note that to be eligible, the paper must be presented by an EERA member in good standing at the conference. Four copies of each paper to be considered must be submitted at the Registration Desk prior to the conclusion of the Annual Meeting. There will be no opportunity to revise papers after the conclusion of the meeting. Each paper must have a cover page including the name of the author(s), the title of the paper, professional affiliation and complete contact information (address, phone number, and email if available), and the date the paper was presented. There can be no information identifying the author(s) beyond the cover sheet. Thus, individuals or institutions should not be identified within the text of the paper nor should headers or footers include identifying information.
The recipient of the EERA Distinguished Paper Award for the 2003 Annual Meeting will be presented at the Friday luncheon. This award carries with it an automatic paper presentation slot at AERA in San Diego in April as part of the State and Regional Educational Research Associations SIG Distinguished Paper sessions. The recipient also receives $500 from the organization to defray travel expenses.
Lucille Sutton is our Director of Awards.
If you have not yet done so, renew your membership and register for the conference with the forms included in this newsletter.
Send a copy of your paper to the Facilitator of your session by
January 31, 2004!
Eastern Researcher 4
Please indicate where you want your mail delivered by checking the line next to Business or Home Address
Institutional Affiliation______
____ Address (Business)______
City______State ______Zip ______
____ Address (Home) ______
City ______State ______Zip ______
Telephone (Business) ______
Telephone (Home) ______
Are you a first time member of EERA? Yes____ No ___
Member Since ______
Pre-Registration 2003-2004 Member Conference Fee (Before Jan 1, 2004) $ 80
Pre-Registration 2003-2004 Non-Member Conference Fee (Before Jan 1, 2004) $125
Late Registration 2003-2004 Member Conference Fee (After Jan 1, 2004) $ 90
Late Registration 2003-2004 Non-Member Conference Fee (After Jan 1, 2004) $135
Please make check payable to EERA and mail to:
Dr. Scott Ballantyne, Alvernia College
400 Saint Bernardine Street, BH34
Reading, PA 19607
(610) 796-8288
Eastern Researcher 7
Note: The membership period is from September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004.
Please indicate where you want your mail delivered by checking the line next to Business or Home Address
Institutional Affiliation______
____ Address (Business)______
City______State ______Zip ______
____ Address (Home) ______
City ______State ______Zip ______
Telephone (Business) ______
Telephone (Home) ______
Are you a first time member of EERA? Yes____ No ___
Member Since ______
Professional Membership $45
Student Membership* $25
Journal of Research in Education $15 (optional)
*Proof of student status or the endorsement of a faculty member at the student’s institution or endorsement by an EERA member.
Signature of Endorser______
(for student applications only)
Please make check payable to EERA and mail to:
Dr. Scott Ballantyne, Alvernia College
400 Saint Bernardine Street, BH34
Reading, PA 19607
Eastern Researcher 7
Eastern Researcher 7
Blythe Hinitz, EECE
Forcina Hall 389, P.O. Box 7718
The College of New Jersey
Ewing, NJ 08628-0718
Eastern Researcher 7