St Raphael’s Catholic Primary Half Term Overview EYFS
Reception / Long Term Plan Autumn 1 2016Week 06/09 / Week 2 12/09 / Week 3 19/09 / Week 4 26/09 / Week 5 03/10 / Week 6 10/10 / Week 7 17/10
(God’s World) / Baseline Assessments / Who do you love? / What did God create for us? / How do we care for God’s world? / Why did God make us all different? / Other faiths week
‘Magical Me’ / Me and my family / How am I made? / How do we feel today? / What senses do I need?
Literacy / Name writing / ‘Funnybones’
Labelling the body / “Mixed up Chameleon”
Speech bubbles
Make a feelings book / Mark making in variety of textures
Senses Poem
Maths / Say and use number names in order
Count objects reliably 1:1
Number recognition / “The Dot”
2d shapes
Naming and describing shapes / Measures; length
Additional opps
Data handling / Patterns and sorting
Number sings and rhymes / Counting and addition
Number recognition
UW / What kinds of things do we do as a family? / Naming parts of the skeleton / Identifying sims and differences in each other.
Are our hand and foot prints the same? / Using senses to explore and investigate
PD/EAD / Self-portraits, Mixing skin tones Painting / Art straw skeleton / Foot prints
Finger prints
Hand prints / Collage and painting
Explore and investigate musical instruments
Making a telephone
P.E / Use space safely and having awareness of others / Basic travelling movements / Movement - Mood music to create happy, sad, calm, angry or scary movements and dances / Understand how different parts of our bodies move
PSED / Getting to know my new school and friends. Getting to know my buddy
What rules do we need in our class?
Learning new routines. / Are all families the same?
Who lives in my house? / What makes me happy? Sad?
How do I feel today? / Listening and taking turns.