Charleston Harbor Homes Association
Chaz WoodPresident
Marlin RobertsVice President
Karla OylerSecretary
Jerusha WhiteAssistant Secretary
Karl BlossTreasurer
Larry JanacaroAssistant Treasurer
Joe McCuneMember
Erin PhamMember
Alice RoxburgMember
April 17, 2016 Homes Association Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
This meeting of the Board of Directors of the Charleston
Harbor Homes Association (CHHA) was held at the home of President Chaz Wood and called to order at 5:55 PM by President Chaz Wood. Other officers and Board members present were Marlin Roberts, Karl Bloss, Karla Oyler, Alice Roxburg, Joe McCune, Erin Pham, and Jerusha White. A quorum was present to conduct business.
Previous Minutes
President Wood asked for corrections to previous minutes, as published, and as no corrections were noted, the previous minutes were approved as presented.
Treasurer‘s Report
Treasurer Karl Bloss presented the Statement of Activity, Balance Sheet, and Budget Activity as of 4/16/2016. The Board expressed appreciation for the Treasurer’s efforts in making the financial reports readable and understandable. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented; the motion was seconded and approved by acclamation.
Reports of Committees
Architectural Control Committee –
There was no action to report, although the Committee has one request under consideration.
Landscape Committee –
Board members and homeowners have set posts for the entry gate at the pool area. The contractor was contacted so he can take exact measurements for fabrication of the gate.
Jerusha White met with Travis from Premier Grounds and Landscaping(the company selected to revamp the entry and common area plantings), to review again the contract specs and pricing. With minor alterations, the contract amount will be $14,637 which includes landscaping, maintenance, and watering for 60 days, with a 60-day guarantee on the plants. This amount is within budget limits.
Premier will begin by trimming the ornamental grasses at the 71stTerrace entrance as soon as the contract is signed. Planting will begin the week of May 8, once their plant order is received. Premier is payable upon completion of the project.
Asphalt paving of the pool parking lot will proceed after May 15, since the parking lot is needed by Premier until then as a place to dump mulch, etc., needed for the installation.
Pool Committee—
Nothing to report at this time.
Lake Committee –
Lighthouse Floodlights to be used as accent lighting for the lighthouse have been ordered. After they are received, homeowner Brian Bates will build the ballistics grade plastic housings to encase the lights.
Bridges & Guardrails Construction of the two walking bridges is in final stages. Two more handrails are being constructed at this time. Upon checking out the new bridges, Board Member Alice Roxburg saw that the concrete work serving as a ramp to one of the bridges seems to be crumbling at the edge. It was noted that this needs a second look by the Committee.
Algae Treatment Upon request by President Wood,Blue Valley Chemical checked out the lake this week and noted the recent buildup of algae. After they sent an email to confirm that CHHA does not use the lake water for irrigation, Blue Valley Chemical indicated they will treat the lake with a longer lasting herbicide to mitigate the algae problem.
Communications Committee – No report.
Welcome & Social Committees –
The Welcome group delivered one packet, to new residents at 5104 NE 68 Terrace.
In anticipation of the neighborhood garage sale, a motion was made, seconded, and approved to provide a budget of $100 for a “Neighborhood Garage Sale” banner announcing the event. Existing entryway signage will be checked to see if it can be reused this year.
It was agreed to allocate funds to repair the donated grill (purchase propane tank, replace heat shield) so it will be ready for use by the Committee on May 7th, at the Cleanup and Taste of Charleston Harbor event. An expenditure of approximately $80 was approved for this purpose, via motion, second, and approval.
Lighting Committee –
Two lighting changes have been made recently on North Charleston Drive.
Safety & Security –
No incidents to report during this period.
Governmental Relations Committee—
Nothing to report at this time.
Old Business
Newsletter material is ready for formatting and subsequent printing by NNI within the next few days. The Board hopes to have printed newsletters ready for distribution by volunteers by the week ending April 22.
Signage for the lake and pool areas is ready. Some posts will need to be replaced by volunteers.
New Business
During the last month the Board approved a bid from DeckPro to replace bridges at the lake. By way of each Board Member signing a Unanimous Letter of Consent, the Board agreed to increase by $2,000 the amount DeckPro is paid, to add to the contract the construction of a handrail above the waterfall area at the lake. A motion was made to approve the additional expenditure; it was seconded and approved.
The Board meeting adjourned at approximately 8 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Karla Oyler, Secretary