Instructions for Applying for Graduation and MBBS Degree in Nantong, China in June, 2016
To whom it may concern:
Graduation Examination and MBBS degree claim in Nantong University will last from June 5, 2016to June 25, 2016 (the fixed graduation day has not been published).
ⅠThe Dead Line for Application
Those who want to apply for graduation examination and to claim MBBS degree must submit the application before April 30th, 2016.
ⅡApplication Form(download in the next attachment)
Finished application form may be sent toSchool of International Education via
(Scanned copy) Email: , or
(Original copy) Post:中国江苏省南通市启秀路19号16号楼D202
In English:Room D202, Building 16, No. 19 qixiu road,Nantongcity,Jiangsuprovince,China
Any applications later than April 30th, 2016 will not be accepted. Those who need the invitation letter, please e-mail us the detailed mailing address including name, address, postcode etc, otherwise, the office will not send you the invitation positively.
ⅢThe Notarized Internship Certificate & Handbook of Internship
Those who want to apply for graduation examination and to claim MBBS degree must attach the notarized internship certificate in the application, and bring the original copy of the notarized internship certificate in the time of registration. The internship certificate must be authentic. Those who have no notarized internship certificates or whose certificates prove unauthentic are not allowed to take in the graduation examination. Meanwhile, the Handbook of Internship must be brought back with the doctor and hospital’s signature and stamp.
The students who have the ACQ (GPA) problems are as follows:
In order to graduate, any students’ ACQ should be more than 2.0.The students who have ACQ pronlems shall take part in the retaking exams. For each credit, the students should pay 200 RMB. The students whose names are not in this list mean having no ACQ (GPA) problems.
Student No. / Name / ACQ1017010023 / KHAN ASHFAQ / 1.86
1017010032 / SHAH TAIMUR / 1.23
1017010043 / Muhammad Hamed Bedar / 1.92
0917010017 / GANDI DEBORAH SHULAMITE / 1.92
The following subjects are the degree subjects, and you can select less than five subjects to apply for the retake.
课程名称(Name of the Course) / 学分 Credits人体解剖学(Anatomy) / 11
组织学与胚胎学(Histology and Embrology) / 6
医学免疫学(Meidcal Immunology) / 5
生物化学与分子生物学(Biochemistry) / 8
人体生理学( Physiology) / 8
病理学(pathology ) / 7
药理学(pharmacology) / 4.5
诊断学(Diagnosis) / 7
妇产科学(Obstetrics and Gynecology) / 5
内科学(Internal Medicine) / 11
外科学(Surgery) / 9
儿科学(Pediatrics) / 5
The deadline for applying the retaking exam isApril 30th, 2016. The exams will be held in the first week of June.The office will not accept the applications if you miss the deadline. You shall bear the consequences by yourselves.
Besides, those applicants whose applications have been accepted must come to and register with School of International Education,NantongUniversitybetweenJune6,2016 and June 10, 2016. The students whoneed to take part in the retaking exams shall come back to University earlier.
The University will provide the accommodation for the students from June 5, 2016 to June 25, 2016 inHanTing Express Hotel (in Chinese: 汉庭连锁酒店)。
The Address is:南通市青年中路9号(No.9 Qinnian Zhong lu, Nantongcity)
Contact No.: 05138-80208666.
Meanwhile, you shall register in the office within 24 hours once upon your arrival in China. If you do not do the registration, your graduation application will not be accepted.
Graduation related fee is 2000 RMB/person. And this fee shall be submitted upon their arrival.
All the fees regarding the travel will be borne by the applicants.
ⅧGraduation Related Certificates
The university is going to deliver the following certificates to all the students:
1)Degree certificate in Chinese
2)Graduation certificate in Chinese
3)Degree certificate in English
4)Bonafiled certificate
5)No objection certificate
6)Transcript (by medical school)
If you need any other certificates, you shall pay for them.
Contact: Michelle
Tel: 0513-85051869
Fax: 0513-85051869