Art Teacher Union
in co-operation with
Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre
Faculty of Art of Shiauliai University (Lithuania)
invites you to participate in the 9th International Conference
Daugavpils, Art, Martinsons
July– 17-19, 2016
Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils, Latvia
The collections of scientific articles of the 6th, 7th and 8th International Conference "Person. Color. Nature. Music"
are included in theInternational Thomson Reuters register in branch of the arts and humanities.
Editors of Conference
Aleksandra Šļahova,Editor-in-Chief(Latvia)
Māris Čačka,Managing Editor(Latvia)
Aleksejs Burunovs, Coordinating Editor(Latvia)
Vaidotas Janulis, Coordinating Editor (Lithuania)
Ilze Volonte(Latvia)
Jolanta Savvina(Latvia)
Galina Zavadska(Latvia)
Irēna Alika(Latvia)
Viktorija Kozlovska (Latvia)
Baiba Priedīte (Latvia)
Editorial Board
Buket Akkoyunlu (Turkey)
Rima Bakutite (Lithuania)
Māris Čačka(Latvia)
Yesudas Choondassery (USA)
Jeļena Davidova(Latvia)
Ričardas Garbačauskas(Lithuania)
Sidsel Hadler-Olsen (Norway)
Verkest Hugo (Belgium)
Dzintra Iliško (Latvia)
Vaidotas Janulis (Lithuania)
Elita Jermolajeva(Latvia)
Tatjana Mihailova(Germany)
Jānis A. Osis(Latvia)
Valentīns Petjko (Latvia)
Robert Rabiej (Poland)
Rajarshi Roy (India)
Tiina Selke(Estonia)
Gregory F. Shauro (Belarus)
Aleksandra Šļahova(Latvia)
Aina Strode (Latvia)
Malgorzata Suswillo(Poland)
Michail Tsybulsky(Belarus)
Rytis Urniežius (Lithuania)
Lidija Ušeckiene (Lithuania)
Irēna Žogla (Latvia)
Broņislava Kalniņa(Latvia)
Dzintra Iliško (Latvia)
- This year the conference is dedicated to well-knows Latvian ceramist’s Pēteris Martinsons 85th anniversary. The organizing Committee of the 9th International Conference “Person. Color. Nature. Music” Daugavpils. Art. Martinsons.welcome to participate and to publish original papers on all aspects of Art, both, theoretical and practical research, particularlyfocusing on the questions related to:
- design, painting, drawing, ceramics, graphic, textile art, photo art, computer art, film, theatre, drama, dance, music etc.;
- art educationwhich will help to reveal the basic tendencies in the development of various art forms;
- creative development of a human from the point of psychology, philosophy and management in Art.
You can present your projects in two modalities: inperson (plenary session, paper session, poster presentation) or virtually(virtual presentation gives you an excellent opportunity to participate in the scientific conference without being personally present and will consist of a power point presentation (with audio) that will be uploaded on the conference web site).
The instructions for publication of scientific articles
All submitted articles should to be written in English in a version of MS Word, adapted for the Windows operating system (DOC/DOCX file).
Structure of the article:
- the full Title of the article (font size – 14; bold; Caps Lock).
- Author’s full name(s) (font size – 13; bold; italic).
- Institution (font size – 11).
- E-mail (font size – 11).
Abstract.The abstract should contain no more than 500 words (in English). The text should be structured clearly, indicating: the theoretical framework, the research/study design, the methods or instruments, the description of the experience, etc.(font size – 11; line spacing – 1). At the end of abstract a minimum of five key words for referencing of papers should be supplied (font size – 12; italic).
Text of the article.The recommended length of submissions is 12 000 – 15 000 characters (font size – 12; line spacing – 1). It is recommended to divide the body of the text into the following chapters: Introduction (the Aim of the Article, Material and Methods), Main part(s), Conclusions, References. Sub-titles in the paper should be separated by two intervals from the previous text, and by one interval from the following text. They should not be numbered or marked in any other way. Abbreviations, which are not commonly known, must be explained. The scientific names of species are written in italics both in the text and in the paper title.
Tables, pictures, charts and diagramsshould be typed in jpg, gif or tif format in the text. Illustrative materials should be presented by indicating the source of the material and, if necessary, the methods applied to draw up tables, graphs, diagrams, charts (calculation, data summarizing and so on). All these materials should have a number and a heading.
References (font – 11, line spacing – 1). References should be indicated in the text, for example:Lubart (1999), (Кузин, 1999: 225). The references in alphabetical order should be listed in full at the end of the paper in the following form:
- Action Research Network (2005). University of Kansas. Retrieved September 21, 2008 from
- Kūle M., Kūlis R. (1996). Filosofija [Philosophy]. Rīga: Burtnieks[In Latvian].
- Lubart, T. I. (1999). Creativity Across Cultures. Handbook of Creativity. Ed. by Robert J. Sternberg, Cambridge University Press, pp. 339-350.
- Sloan, D. (1983). Insight-Imagination.Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
- Кузин, В.С. (1999). Психология[Psychology].Москва: Агар [In Russian].
All conference articles will be reviewed. Referee commentary will be passed intact to authors. Accepted articles will be published in the Conference’s PCNM’ 2016 Book.
The language of the presentation (paper sessions): English or Latvian with simultaneous interpretation in English.
An electronic version of the article must be provided to the editor by e-mail () until October 31, 2015.
All the applicants will be informed by e-mail about the results of Organization Committee till January 1, 2016. The selection of articles for inclusion in the proceedings will be based on two reviews till March 1, 2016.
First nameLast name
Postal index
Title of report
Photo of author (s)
Type of presentation
- The organizing Committee of the 9th International Conference“Person. Color. Nature. Music” Daugavpils. Art. Martinsons. welcome to participate and publishes art works in the Book of Conference.
Your application should consist of:
- Entry form (which you may find below).
- The concept of Collection.
- Photos of artworks. You can offer up to 6 works executed in 2013, 2014 and 2015.The photos must be digital, optimal quality no less than 300 dpi, CMYK, the size of file not bigger than 5MB. The selected photos will be used in Conference’s PCNM’ 2016 Book.
Deadline for registration:We are waiting for your applications till October31, 2015. You may send your applications by e-mail:
All the applicants will be informed by e-mail about the results of jury work till March 1, 2016.
About Artist:- First name
- Last name
- Date of birth
- Street
- Postal index
- City
- Country
About Artworks:
Titles, technique, material, size, year of creation
Photo of author
The concept of Collection
- October 31, 2015 - Final date for submission of article and photos of artworks. After this date, no article will be accepted. Articles and photos of artworks should be sent by e-mail:.
- January 1, 2016- Notification of acceptance/rejection decision by email.
- March 1, 2016 - The selection of articles and art works for inclusion in the Book of Conference.
- March 31, 2016 -Final date to pay the registration fee.
- April 1, 2016 - Final date for cancellation with refund minus 50%.
- May 13 – 15, 2016 - Days of the Conference.
Book of the Conference will be published prior to the conference.
Only reviewed and selected articlesand artworks will be published in Book of Conference.
Conference fee for participating in conference -50.00 EUR (Conference fees cover conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches, welcoming reception).
Conference fee for virtual presentation:30.00 EUR.
The publishing fee for an accepted scientific papers in the Book of the Conference PCNM’2016:
- The Publishing Fee - 50.00 EUR (to first author).The Publishing Fee to second or third authors – 35 EUR.
- Fee for PhD., MA Students and Teachers - 35.00 EUR (to first author). The Publishing Fee to second or third authors – 20 EUR.
The publishing fee for selected artworksin the Book of the Conference PCNM’2016:
- The Publishing Fee - 35.00 EUR.
- Fee for PhD., MA Students and Teachers - 25.00 EUR.
The Conference will take place at the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, Mihaila 3, Daugavpils,Latvia.
The participants are requested to transfer the money to the Account:
IBAN Nr.LV50PARX0015396340001
Code: PARXLV22
Mākslu pedagogu apvienība (Please include PCNM’ 16 and name(s) of the participant(s)).
Reģ. Nr. 40008038914
Viestura 1-14, Daugavpils, LV-5401
A/S “Citadele Banka”
Conference Secretariat
LV-5400, Mihaila 3, Daugavpils, Latvia
Tel./Fax (+371) 65430246