SFIA questions:-
What is SFIA?
The ‘Skills Framework for the Information Age’is a model for describing and managing competencies for ICT professionals for the 21st century, and is intended to help match the skills of the workforce to the needs of the business.
What does the SFIA Framework consist of?
Skills are categorised into six main areas: Strategy and Architecture; Change and Transformation; Development and Implementation; Delivery and Operation; Skills and Quality; and Relationships and Engagement. Each of these is then further divided into sub-categories, mapping out 97 separately identifiable skills. Each of these skills has a general description and a description at one or more of seven levels or responsibility.
The seven levels of responsibility, in ascending order, are: Follow; Assist; Apply; Enable; Ensure and Advise; Initiate and Influence; and Set Strategy, Inspire and Mobilise. Each of these responsibility levels has a generic description showing the level of autonomy, influence, complexity, and business skills required.
Who are the SFIA Foundation?
The SFIA Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation which oversees the production, development and use of the SFIA Framework.
How much does it cost to adopt SFIA for my organisation?
The Framework is free to any organisation who wishes to use itwithin their own remit. Any organisation using the framework for capital gain must have a license and in some cases pay a royalty.
What are the benefits of SFIA for an organisation?
- It enablesyour ICT department and the broader business to work towards similar goals
- It providesyour organisation with a framework and a clear understanding of a set of standardised, levelled ICT skills
- It enables targeted training, to address specific skill gaps in your ITC disciplines
- It shapes, directs and improves the recruitment of ICT employees
- It assists with the development of your existing ICT employees.
What are the benefits of SFIA for individuals?
You can use SFIA as a career planner, by knowing what is required in your role and what you can aim to achieve. It provides training to a recognised set of internationally renowned standards in IT.
How do I become an accredited SFIA Consultant?
The SFIA foundation manages consultancy applications. The first thing to do is to attend an approved SFIA training course which we offer. You will also be required to provide evidence that you have managed SFIA within an organisation when applying to the Foundation. If you are unable to offer some form of SFIA experience you will need to associate yourself with an existing SFIA consultant or SFIA partner. At Assess Management, we are approved SFIA training providers.
What does Job Role Mapping include?
Using our role builder tool, we take your existing job descriptions and cross refer (map) them to the SFIA skills codes. From this process, we can identify which of the 97 skills the job includes and which of the 7 levels by which the job should be categorised. Sometimes it is necessary to discuss details with the individual job holder to clarify any ambiguities in the written description. Alternatively we can train you and your organisation to do it yourself.
How much do your SFIA services cost?
This price depends onwhat you require from us. You may need a day or two of SFIA consulting to help you plan your SFIA strategy or you may need to use some of our unique SFIA products and services. One of our consultants would be glad to discuss your requirements with you before submitting a written and costed proposal, without any obligation on your part. Contact us to request a free initial consultation.
How much is your introductory SFIA training course?
We run a number of different courses which we will tailor to your needs. The price will depend on the duration, content and number of delegates. SFIA awareness training is ideal for managers looking to implement SFIA, whilst our full SFIA consultancy training is recognised by the SFIA Foundation and is ideal for anyone wishing to become an accredited SFIA consultant. We can also help your organisation to go ahead and manage the SFIA Framework yourselves without the need for ongoing consultancy. Please contact us for details of prices and course content.
Online Assessment questions:-
What is the minimum spec to run the ValidateSkills.com portal?
ValidateSkills.comwill run on the lowest level broadband specification. If you have broadband, you can use it! There is no software to install and no special ‘plug-in’ applications are required.
Do you need to install any software to use the ValidateSkills.com portal?
No, ValidateSkills.com is a cloud-based portal which can run on any PC, Tablet or Smartphone device.
Can I create my own assessments?
Yes, if you have question content you can create your own assessments or exams, or you can let us do it for you. Why not ask us to build you a demo assessment with your own content as a proof of concept?
Can you assess IT skills using the ValidateSkills.com portal?
Yes, we have a number of templates which include hotspots ideal for screen-shot questioning.
Can I enrol candidates in bulk?
Yes, we have an easy-to-use bulk upload facility.
Can I control what type of access different administrators have in the portal?
Yes, we are able to set various levels of administrator ‘permissions’.
How much does it cost to use the ValidateSkills.com portal?
The cost is dependent on what you wish to use it for. There are numerous possibilities such as a one-off recruitment exercise or a programme of recruitment campaigns;internal training needs analyses; assessments to check learning outcomes; or formal exams in the case of an Awarding Organisation. Contact us for a no obligation assessment of your needs and a free quotation.
We also offer a ‘pay-as-you-go’ scheme for Awarding Organisations wishing to avoid the payment of an upfront fee.With this, you would simply pay a commission based on usage at the end of each month.
Is the ValidateSkills.com portal suitable for delivering accredited exams?
Yes, we have the facilities to allow full exam administration, question referencing, facilitation rights for invigilation and security,and all with full reporting capabilities.
Can I set the pass mark for assessments?
Yes, within the assessment build ‘wizard’ you can set a percentage pass mark along with the assessment’s duration and the number of questions the candidate will face.
What is the maximum duration for assessments?
There is no maximum limit, but you should bear in mind the length of time the candidates are asked to sit the exam. There is, if you want to use it, the facility for candidates to return within a set number of days to complete a paused assessment.
How can I ensure that candidates don’t cheat?
The system has the option to use facilitation rights, whereby the proctor/facilitator will be required to sign in to allow the candidate access. Validateskills.com can run alongside a web cam system with screen sharingcapabilities if required.
How can I find out more?
You can make an enquiry via our web site using our enquiry form if you click here. Or you can email or phone us on 01249 444111.