Bylaws Adopted August 2017
La Porte High School
Tennis Booster Club
Article I - Purpose and Objectives
The La Porte High School Tennis Booster Club is a support organization for the LPHS tennis team made up of the parents of team members along with the school tennis coach(es) and staff. It exists for promoting the high school tennis program for the benefit of the students, the school and the community. The following are the key objectives of this organization.
a) To enhance the education of all parents/players in the tennis program at LPHS
through volunteer service and financial support.
b) To promote good sportsmanship on the part of the participants and spectators.
c) To promote school spirit.
d) To support the school administration and the professional staff in promoting
constructive student attitudes toward tennis and related school activities.
e) To sponsor fund raising activities to provide additional funds for the
tennis program.
Article II - Membership and Dues/Donations
a) The annual dues shall be set by the Executive Committee on or before the first
regular meeting of the Club for individual, family and alumni memberships.
b) Athletic director, tennis coach(es) and tennis staff are exempt from payment of dues and shall have all the rights and privileges of membership.
c) Individual membership of this organization shall be open to any adult person with
a child, or associated with a child, in the LPHS tennis program.
d) Business membership of this organization shall be open to any legal business
entity desiring to express interest, sponsorship and support in the basic purpose
of the organization. The Executive Committee reserves the right to disapprove a
request for business membership if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the
organization and/or LPHS.
e) Individual members in good standing are entitled to vote and participate in
all activities including serving as committee chairpersons. Members in good
standing is defined as members that have paid dues, participated in a majority
of activities and attended 50% of meetings.
Article III – Executive Committee & Duties
a) President – The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and
perform all duties pertaining to the office. He/she shall, with the approval of
the Executive Committee, appoint all standing and special committees, and he/
she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The president may form
committees as required and will assist these committees to serve their purpose.
b) Secretary – The secretary shall record the minutes of all Club meetings,
present minutes of the previous meeting for approval, ensure notification of
non-school related members and will be responsible for maintaining all non-
financial documents for the Club. Furnish the President copies of all minutes to
be filed with the appropriate school board members. He/she shall conduct all
correspondence of the Booster Club as directed by the President, issue notices
of all meetings. The Secretary will maintain and update the Booster Club Roster.
c) Treasurer – The treasurer shall have custody of all monies in the Club’s general
operating fund. The treasurer shall present a financial report at each meeting,
supervise the collection of all monies due, and present a full written financial
statement upon the completing of the fiscal year for audit. Disbursements
of Booster Club funds will be controlled by check requests which require the
approval of a board member but a board member may not act in the capacity of
a requestor and approver on any given disbursement. Checks written from the
Booster Club bank account only require one authorized signature.
Article IV – Elections
a) The Booster Club shall conduct its election of officers at the annual membership
meeting to be held between April 1st and May 31st, at the end of the year with the
exact day established by the Executive Committee.
b) The Executive Committee may appoint a nominating committee, comprised of
three members or more. Nominations for elected officers to be voted on at the
annual meeting maybe made by the nominating committee or from nominations
from the floor.
c) The new officers of the organization shall take office the first day of June.
d) If an officer resigns from the booster club, the President will appoint a
replacement officer, until such time that an election can be held.
Article V - Meetings
Regular Meetings
a) Regular meetings of membership shall be held monthly beginning
in September and continuing through May. The first meeting in the Fall shall
be called by the President after consulting with the coach. The dates for the
remaining meetings shall be set at the first meeting in the Fall.
b) These meetings shall be held at a location and time to be determined by the
President and the coach.
Special Meetings
a) Special meetings may be called by the President or by the Executive Committee.
b) The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call or by email.
c) Three days’ notice shall be given.
Quorum Definition
a) Three Booster Club members shall constitute a quorum.
Executive Committee Meetings
a) Executive Committee meetings may be called at the President's convenience.
No financial activities shall occur in these meetings without a quorum and written
documentation of the approved expenditures.
Article VI – Support Committees
a) Committees and their respective chairperson shall be appointed by the President
to perform functions such as fund raising, Membership drives and other support
activities. These committees shall serve until completions of the designated support
activity or until dismissed by the President.
Article VII— Finances
Finances belonging to the Club will be deposited into a checking account established
through a local bank.
Signature Requirements:
Withdrawals from the account will require one signatures from any two elected
officers listed on the signature card at the bank, limited to the Treasurer,
President, Vice President and Secretary.
Expenditure Approval:
a. Only expenditures identified in the approved budget of the Club will be
permitted. The budget may be amended at any meeting.
b. The Executive Committee may authorize purchases / expenditures of up
to $1000. Amounts greater than $1000 must be voted on and approved at
the full Booster Club meeting or through email voting.
Accounting Year:
a. The Booster Club's fiscal year is July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
Financial Audits:
a. The financial records of the Club must be audited annually and the audit report
filed with the District in a timely manner.
b. The audit is to be performed at the end of the Club's fiscal year by a committee
appointed by the President and consisting of at least two people. Members with
signature authority on the financial account cannot serve on the audit committee.
a. If the Club is dissolved, any remaining funds will be donated to
the LPHS Tennis Activity Fund.
Article VIII - Parliamentary Authority
Rules of the Club:
a. The rules contained in the current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order Newly
Revised" shall govern the Club in those cases to which they are applicable and
in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of
order the Club may adopt.
Article IX - Amendments
The bylaws of the Booster Club may be amended at any time at any regular meeting by
a two-thirds vote of the membership present or a quorum.
These bylaws were submitted and approved at the August 2017 general membership