Reference number: R12-0876

Site address:Mangrove Service Station,London Road, Thurlaston, Rugby CV23 9LG

Description: Display of internally illuminated and non illuminated fascia canopy signs, internally illuminated spreader box to each pump Island and new 6.0 metres in height twin leg gantry illuminated pole sign

Case officer: Brian Slater 3624

Technical Consultations

Highway Agency No objection

Natural England No objection

Third Party Consultation

Neighbours No comments received

Ward Members No comments received

Parish Council No comments received

Site description and the surroundings

The application site is a service station with pump island canopy and kiosk with a car wash area A travel lodge and Little Chef are located adjacent to the site Access to the application site is off the A 45 London Road. The wider area is predominantly open countryside/green belt.

The application

The applicant seeks permission for Display of internally illuminated and non illuminated fascia canopy signs, internally illuminated spreader box to each pump island and new 6.0 metres in height twin leg gantry illuminated pole.


Elevation from London Road

Part Internally illuminated Fascia Sign[size 0.86 m height x 8.0m Wide x 0.175 m depth and projection 0175 m].Maximum height of individual letters is 60 cm and colour of text and background is white star on red/black background. Remainder of fascia is non illuminated [0.86metres in height x 10.metres wide x 0.175 metres depth and 0.175 metres projection] no text but black background with red strip.

Elevation across forecourt towards forecourt building

Internally illuminated Fascia Sign [size 086 m height x 18.0m Wide x 0.175 m depth]. Maximum projection 0175 m. Sign materials - plastic on metal Maximum height of individual letters is 58 cm and colour of text and background is white letters on red/ black background.

Fascia elevation to rear of site

Non- illuminated Fascia Sign [size 0.86 m height x 8.0m Wide x 0.175 m depth].Sign materials - plastic on metal.No text black background with red strip. Remainder of fascia canopy is non illuminated strip [size 0.86 metres in height x 10.0 metres wide and 0.175 metres in depth]. No text with black background with red strip.

Elevation from travel lodge

Non- illuminated strip [size 0.86 metres wide x 3.0 metres wide x 0.175 metres in depth] No text with black background with red strip Middle section strip [size 0.86 metres in height x 8.0 metres wide x 0.175 metres in depth No text with black background with red strip Remainder of fascia is an internally illuminated fascia sign [size 0.86 metres in height x 1.67 m wide x 0.48 metres in depth Red and white letters on red/white background with maximum height of individual letters is 20cm.

All Sign materials - plastic on metal


3 No.spreader Internally illuminated boxes to pump island size for each [ 0.171 metres in height x 1, 67 metres wide and 0.48 metres in depth]. Red and white letters maximum height of 20cm on red /white background.


The existing totem sign is being removed and a new 6.0 metres in height double leg gantry illuminated pole sign is being erected The advertisement size is 3.7 metres in height x 1.74 metres in width x 0.4 metres depth

Planning Policy Guidance

Core Strategy 2011 Policy CS 16 Sustainable Design

NPPF [National Planning Policy Framework]

Determining Considerations

Policy CS 16 requires that all development will demonstrate high quality, inclusive and sustainable design and will only be permitted where proposals are of a scale density and design that would not cause any material harm to the qualities, character and amenity of the areas in which they are situated Furthermore development will ensure that the amenities of existing and future neighbouring occupiers are safeguarded.


Paragraph 67 of Section 7 [Good Quality Design] of the NPPF [National Planning Policy Framework] mentions that poorly placed advertisements can have a negative impact on the appearance of the built and natural environment. Control over outdoor advertisements should be efficient, effective and simple in concept and operation. Only those advertisements which will clearly have an appreciable impact on a building or on their surroundings should be subject to the Local Planning Authority’s detailed assessment. Advertisements should be subject to control only in the interests of amenity and public safety, taking account of cumulative impacts


In this particular case the impact of the new fascia signs and totem will not have a detrimental impact on the character of the surroundings. The petrol filling station currently has a low forecourt canopy which display advertisements that are deteriorating and are visually poor. A separate planning application has been recently submitted to raise the height of the canopy In addition the existing totem sign has damage to one of its support legs and again the impact is visually poor in this predominantly open countryside location. This is because the totem sign stands close the forecourt pump islands.

The design of the proposed sign in terms of their size and position on the new canopy including the size of the lettering and colours is not over assertive and will improve the appearance of this petrol filling station within this open countryside location

Therefore the proposal will comply with policy CS 16 of the Core Strategy 2011 and the requirements of paragraph 67 of section 7 [Good Quality Design] of the NPPF [National Planning Policy Framework]

Highway safety

Furthermore in assessing advertisements the Local Planning Authority should have regard to public safety In this case the application site is situated adjacent to the A45 London Road Trunk Road].The Highway Agency have been consulted on the proposed development and in this case raise no objection


That planning permission is granted

Prepared by


Report Sheet